And what might that prediction be?
Muffin Button
And what might that prediction be?
I am in the minority, but I think Wii U Zelda comes out next Holiday. I think it's been in development since mid 2011.
Art takes time - homeconsole Zelda is not Call Of Duty. Forget homeconsole Zelda for now.
I'm still shocked about the fact Wii U will (rumoured) receive LoS 2.
you don't have to be like that about it though, you know how Zelda crazy Nintendo can be
I am in the minority, but I think Wii U Zelda comes out next Holiday. I think it's been in development since mid 2011.
I'm still shocked about the fact Wii U will (rumoured) receive LoS 2.
I'm still shocked about the fact Wii U will (rumoured) receive LoS 2.
A rumour source other than Paul Gale said the WiiU version of LoS2 was bogus.
The new 3DS Zelda will most likely be there at least... Ocarina 3D was outsourced so it could have been in development for quite a while.
I hadn't heard this, link?
A rumour source other than Paul Gale said the WiiU version of LoS2 was bogus.
4chan thread that's gone by now.
4chan thread that's gone by now.
And what might that prediction be?
It's time for a prognostication, or at least an expansion on a previous musing of mine...
WiiU will cause a major industry schism, but not one that you might think.
I see the Japanese development community banking on WiiU in full force, with the exception being those who are only able to sell primarily to the West (see: Hideo Kojima), as a hope to returning to a one-console paradigm in the Japanese market and bringing life back to consoles there (it can not be argued that the decline in Japanese development coinciding with the necessitation of multi-platform game design is the reason for their decline).
Meanwhile, Western devs will either multi-plat as usual or skip the WiiU in favor of selling on the Xbox successor and, therefore, PS4, putting Sony in an awkward position of being a Japanese console with marginalized Japanese sales.
This will cause a huge divide in the gaming population that many predicted would happen with the appearance of the original Xbox, as Japanese gaming will see a surge of activity that puts them back in line with their former glory days and closely rivals Western output. This is what happens when Japan's development community finally bets on a winning horse again in the console arena.
My prognosticating prowess is quite solid, since I've been perfecting my abilities for the past 10 years in the console gaming market, and some of it I still keep to myself just because some of it is a bit.... out there. I'm right more often than I would like to be, as being right usually comes with unexpected consequences.
I predicted the death of Sega as far back as the Saturn launch, but then the Dreamcast hit and I BEGGED to be wrong.
I then predicted that Sega would fracture their fan base by putting the wrong franchises on the wrong consoles. Now most of their franchises are dead or dying because of low sales due to such a miscalculation, with only a few new ones coming from them internally.
I predicted that Sony's lack of repeating full domination this gen would mean that Japanese developers would either have to suck it up and bring titles to Wii or drive themselves into the background.
Unexpected consequence: Japanese games continued to be made for HD consoles, but it wasn't HD that killed them this gen, it was MULTI-PLATFORM HD development that made Japan look completely ineffectual and irrelevant beyond even what I could predict, as up until now, Japanese developers have been able to rely on developing a game for a single platform to drive sales, only resorting to an after-release port if they were desperate. Portable gaming EXPLODES as Japanese developers used it as a life-raft to make it through the generation.
That last one is the basis for my talk about the return of the exclusive... Japan was banking on one console outperforming others, but they bet on the wrong one (PS3) and suffered the consequences of being forced to multi-plat like the west to meet sales targets.
If Japan's 3rd-parties see an opportunity to have another PS2 in Japan that is close enough power-wise to other systems that there's less risk involved, the dog pile will commence and Japanese HD development will explode IN CONJUNCTION with the return of the exclusive. It will likely take time while they continue to hedge bets, and many will still continue to multi-plat, but the 3rd-party exclusive is not going to die outright if Japan has anything to say about it.
And people get on me...
I'm still shocked about the fact Wii U will (rumoured) receive LoS 2.
My only 100% sure prediction is Zelda 3DS.
It HAS to be there.
if Nintendo wanted a Zelda at WiiU launch they could have found the resources for it and planned ahead 5 years if they had to. So we don't have to call the guy crazy if he wants a WiiU Zelda for fall 2013
I am not saying he is right, I am just saying its not impossible for Nintendo do have the resources and secrecy needed to pull it off without us having had known about it.
I would rather see Zelda skip this whole generation if I had my way
Wind Waker HD be damned
4chan thread that's gone by now.
Oh we-A rumour source other than Paul Gale said the WiiU version of LoS2 was bogus.
*pfew*4chan thread that's gone by now.
Oh poop.For what it's worth, same person allegedly talked about Mirror of Fate before anyone else.
For what it's worth, same person allegedly talked about Mirror of Fate before anyone else.
What are the chances of third parties developing their own engines again? I'm not very knowledgeable in the whole engine area, but would it save developers time and money to manufacture their own inhouse engine? I don't know if the licensing costs are that high, but I'm just wondering.
Capcpom for instance has their MT Framework engine; they released Lost Planet and Dead Rising on 360 and those two generated enough sales to break even.
What's new since the move to community?
So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying (for Wii U)?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
I would rather see Zelda skip this whole generation if I had my way
I would guess this is probably the same person who alleged that whole fake game lineup last year that people bought into. Getting "2D Castlevania" correct, is a no brainier. Particularly considering that its been rumored since the console was announced, and was basically confirmed in development a year ago by ShockingAlberto.
I'm happy you won't have your way. >![]()
Well, some say nintende are the friggin aliens of this industry, so I guess you'll get your wish granted after all ; )Ah well, hope dashed. I don't care too much for bang for the buck, I just want as awesome looking games as possible, so alien tech is what i would have wanted. However if this keeps the unit small and price down it's at least something.
So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
If the next HD Zelda has the boobies of the Avatar I am looking at then have it your way
Zelda WiiU is am MMO
:RUNS out of thread for his life!:
So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
I have no fucking clue how this would even work. Would Hyrule Field just be a lobby? :lol
This 4chan person talked about a 3DS Castlevania announcement being imminent, a day before that Dutch site popped up with the news article.
Later, a person claiming to be the same one, said that the Paul Gale stuff was nonsense, at least the WiiU and Vita versions of LoS2.
I know how fishy 4chan is, but I'd say it'd be best not to get our hopes up for LoS2 on WiiU.
So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
I have no fucking clue how this would even work. Would Hyrule Field just be a lobby? :lol