Didn't Microsoft spend 50 million dollars just on goddamn DLC exclusivity for GTA4. Imagine the actual game.
It would be in the 200m range based on the rumors of what they wanted for GTA4.
heh, at least its not in Tomb Raider land of no dice
Are we still not getting Tomb Raider despite its recent delay?
I would love the game for the Wii U. They specifically said that it needs to be on a next generation console, so I think it fits.Beyond Good & Evil 2?
Nintendo would be better off Buying TAKE TWO
Grand Theft Auto IV, the latest iteration of the hit video game franchise, racked up first-week sales of $500 million, Take-Two Interactive, the games publisher, plans to announce on Wednesday. The report exceeded the sales expectations of analysts.
The company is expected to report it sold six million copies of the graphically violent game, 3.6 million of them on the first day.
I said exclusive though...
but non-exclusive megatons
Nintendo still needs an exclusive in this department
Probably. Plus the hardware and its shader capabilities will be more modern/more standard than the GCN and Wii were. Still, there's the chance that 3rd parties will struggle with releasing (downscaled) UE4 games on the WiiU, or at the very least that they'll look worse so that the average consumer would prefer to buy a different console (or PC, if he's got any wits) to play those games.
Do I need to end each and everyone of my posts with "IN MY OPINION" now? Of course it's just speculation instead of fact.
My god.
Do I really have to put "I think" or "Probably" in front of every post now?
Geeze, guys, mellow out.
Can you at least wait til E3 and not jump to conclusion? Be patient -_-
Metro: Last Light is focusing on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A Wii U version is in the works, but is unlikely to launch alongside the others. See here.
See guys, if it wasn't for Thraktor's (quite elaborate and eloquent) response I'd have never seen bg's original paging. Who said something about WUSTs slowing down on the community side? Anyhow, let me try and answer the darn question.I'm not nearly knowledgable enough about low-level GPU hardware to contribute much here, but I would say you should be looking for the sort of functionality that DirectX and OpenGL don't support, because if AMD came up with any improved hardware units that are supported by DirectX and OpenGL they'd be in their PC GPUs by now. If you have the time it may be worth going through the OpenGL and DirectX APIs and asking yourself "What useful functionality isn't in here?". There's also the possibility of TEV-style units in terms of combining multiple operations together, but while I understand things like tesselation and texture sampling from a theoretical perspective, I don't know how they're actually implemented in GPU hardware, so I'm not much help there.
On the subject of combined ray-traced/rasterised rendering, although it would be interesting, there are two reasons I consider the inclusion of a hardware ray-tracer for it extremely unlikely. The first is simply that hardware ray-tracers have yet to be commercialised, and there's a big difference between an academic design and actual commercial hardware that could go in a GPU and be properly utilised by programmers. The second issue is that, as blu said, the actual ray-tracing (or traversal) is only half the problem; the scene that's being rendered has to be formatted in a particular way for the ray-tracer to operate efficiently. Usually the scene is stored in memory in what's called a KD-tree, which makes finding intersections between rays and polygons nice and efficient. Unfortunately KD-trees don't play well with movement of objects in a scene, so for a videogame you basically have to recompute the KD-tree for every frame, which is hugely computationally expensive. This kind of thing is best performed by a many-core processor with a big coherent cache (something like Larrabee, basically).
In fact, while I'm going well off topic here, Intel are a company worth looking at as far as real-time ray-tracing is concerned. They've shown off real-time ray-tracing running on servers using their Knight's Ferry/Knight's Corner architecture, and they've also got a joint research institute called the Intel Visual Computing Institute in partnership with Saarland University, which is home to quite a few researchers who focus on ray-tracing, including the creators of the hardware ray-tracer which I referred to previously. So while it's a bit early now, I wouldn't be surprised to see a console come out around 2020 doing full ray-traced rendering on Intel hardware.
Hopefully this means they're going to put a bit of effort into the Wii U version. Metro 2033 can look amazing on PC, so it'd be a shame if the Wii U edition of Last Light were to look exactly the same as the Ps360 versions with zero improvements.
Posted "Forgot About K. Rool" in its own thread but was ignored. Feel this shit, yo.
(Mashup of DKC2 and Dr. Dre -- destroys the Snoop Dogg mashups, I must say!)
Posted "Forgot About K. Rool" in its own thread but was ignored. Feel this shit, yo.
(Mashup of DKC2 and Dr. Dre -- destroys the Snoop Dogg mashups, I must say!)
Posted "Forgot About K. Rool" in its own thread but was ignored. Feel this shit, yo.
(Mashup of DKC2 and Dr. Dre -- destroys the Snoop Dogg mashups, I must say!)
Oh, and btw, did I ever mention GFLOPs do not a gpu constitute?
then why would we need this thread? -_-
and what conclusions exactly is being jumped here?
Hello, Cookie_Aroma from GameFAQS here. I'm surprised nobody else has debunked this Twitter post yet. The person who made up this tweet made one little mistake (actually two as Yani pointed out). Take a look at the screen capture that the person who saw the tweet took:
Let's compare that to Sakurai's Twitter page now:
Do you see it yet? See the Tweets count in the upper-right-hand corner? It reads "8807 Tweets" for both images. This is the problem. The tweet with the 2 of 3 message should say 8808 tweets if it was actually legitimate. That coupled with the fact that the only witnesses to this tweet were 2 people from the same board (And as Yani pointed out, the tweet says expand instead of view conversation), I'm positive this is a fake.
This kind of thing is actually very easy to photoshop (or gimp in my case). See?
(Saw it at Smashboard)
The post I wrote earlier:Sorry, what's the deal with this?
I mean... what happened? it says it's fake but I don't understand what "Sakurai" is talking about lol
There some guy asks Sakurai about the new characters on Smash Bros. He asks if Geno from SM RPG, Isaac from GS or Megaman is going to be in the game. Moments later, Sakurai responds "2 of 3".
So guys, who are the 2 that are going to be in the game?
Sorry, got the impression you were though lol
The post I wrote earlier
Hello, Cookie_Aroma from GameFAQS here. I'm surprised nobody else has debunked this Twitter post yet. The person who made up this tweet made one little mistake (actually two as Yani pointed out). Take a look at the screen capture that the person who saw the tweet took:
Let's compare that to Sakurai's Twitter page now:
Do you see it yet? See the Tweets count in the upper-right-hand corner? It reads "8807 Tweets" for both images. This is the problem. The tweet with the 2 of 3 message should say 8808 tweets if it was actually legitimate. That coupled with the fact that the only witnesses to this tweet were 2 people from the same board (And as Yani pointed out, the tweet says expand instead of view conversation), I'm positive this is a fake.
This kind of thing is actually very easy to photoshop (or gimp in my case). See?
(Saw it at Smashboard)
Things just got weird in here since the thread moved to community...
No offence, weird
I'm guessing this trailer has been posted here before, but man, Metro is looking more and more as one of my must buy games for 2013.
I like that they want to take their time on the Wii U version and not rush it out with the other versions.
I'm guessing this trailer has been posted here before, but man, Metro is looking more and more as one of my must buy games for 2013.
I like that they want to take their time on the Wii U version and not rush it out with the other versions.
Metro: Last Light is focusing on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A Wii U version is in the works, but is unlikely to launch alongside the others. See here.
Indeed, I might have to check it out. It looks like the lull that sometimes comes after the launch window might not be as bad this time. I think 2013 is already seeming like it'll be more than OK.
Damn, that doesn't encourage me about the Wii U version. It was announced last year and it's not coming out in 2012 and it still won't launch on Wii U?
EDIT: Or I suppose you could interpret that another way.
Gpus' flops ratings are a somewhat abstract metric - a best-case scenario. Basically, a gpu rated at N zettaflops cannot handle a workload that requires N + M zettaflops guaranteed, but said gpu is not guaranteed to handleCan you please elaborate?
Instruction Set Architecture. What and how a particular processor does. Also, what it doesn't, and how not.blu, could you tell me what's an ISA? I've understood everything besides this.
Would be nice if all the announced games were spread from launch into june next year until the next wave gets announced!
Would be bad if we get a ton of games on launch but then none for the following month.
The only good thing about your second scenario is that at least the Launch Day games are almost certain to last us through the first few months or so. I'm usually much more worried about that hazy four-to-six months later time period.. but one by one, we seem to be getting a trickle of titles that'll be showing-up at some point in 2013.
And I'm not one bit worried about Holiday 2013.. with the other consoles almost assuredly launching in that time frame, we can bet that Nintendo is going to bring some heavy hitters of its own for that quarter.
What are the chances of third parties developing their own engines again? I'm not very knowledgeable in the whole engine area, but would it save developers time and money to manufacture their own inhouse engine? I don't know if the licensing costs are that high, but I'm just wondering.Can't argue with this. A lot of it will depend on how third parties respond to UE4 too. Microsoft will be all over it. But if third parties shift their focus to in-house engines to save licensing money, Epic mind find themselves with a smaller market share than they had this generation. But, if they do have something substantial, it will absolutely be within Nintendo's interest to make sure the engine runs on their hardware.
What are the chances of third parties developing their own engines again? I'm not very knowledgeable in the whole engine area, but would it save developers time and money to manufacture their own inhouse engine? I don't know if the licensing costs are that high, but I'm just wondering.
Capcpom for instance has their MT Framework engine; they released Lost Planet and Dead Rising on 360 and those two generated enough sales to break even.
Gpus' flops ratings are a somewhat abstract metric - a best-case scenario. Basically, a gpu rated at N zettaflops cannot handle a workload that requires N + M zettaflops guaranteed, but said gpu is not guaranteed to handleanymostmany workloads that require ~N zettaflops either. At the end of the day a X yottaflops gpu can underperform to a Y yottaflops gpu, where Y < X - it's all in the workloads people throw at them (and the persistence, ingenuity and sheer luck of the people performing the throws).
What are the chances of third parties developing their own engines again? I'm not very knowledgeable in the whole engine area, but would it save developers time and money to manufacture their own inhouse engine? I don't know if the licensing costs are that high, but I'm just wondering.
Capcpom for instance has their MT Framework engine; they released Lost Planet and Dead Rising on 360 and those two generated enough sales to break even.
Already DX11-capable cards have been around for a few years, and it will probably be a few more before games made with UE4 really start to hit. At that point I don't think there will be much of the PC game buying crowd without it. Well, maybe the segment who just buys a lot of Popcap games, but I don't think those types of games are clamoring for UE4.Dreamwriter said:But it won't REQUIRE dx11 cards, because a lot of people still have older cards, and PC developers don't like throwing away huge chunks of their potential audience.
3 1/2; SMG2 was mid-2010.ColdBlooder said:And most likely a 3D MarioHoliday 13 would be about 4 1/2 years after Galaxy 2, so its possible
And most likely a 3D MarioHoliday 13 would be about 4 1/2 years after Galaxy 2, so its possible
Agree. One of the top things I wonder about regarding this system is whether Japanese support is going to show-up in a big way. The ingredients are in place. The companies (well.. the ones who are still around, hehe..) have hopefully learned a lesson or two about betting solidly against Nintendo over the past generation. And it's a "safer" step in power/features for those companies who are uncomfortable with going all-in as far as power and development expenses are concerned.
If Nintendo gets Japanese third-party support to increase notably while Western third-party support remains anemic, I'd still consider the Wii U a solid victory as far as that arena of progress is concerned.
they have not said anything has changed on that front... I am just saying based on how negative the response for a WiiU version was
Square calls the shots right? Do you trust them to give Nintendo anything?
My prediction will hold true, mark my words. You have every right to be excited about this prospect, if nothing else. I'm excited about E3 just to see everything I've predicted thus far pan out.
My prediction will hold true, mark my words. You have every right to be excited about this prospect, if nothing else. I'm excited about E3 just to see everything I've predicted thus far pan out.
They were considering mainline Final Fantasy as far back as E3 2011. So we'll see.
Damn, that doesn't encourage me about the Wii U version. It was announced last year and it's not coming out in 2012 and it still won't launch on Wii U?
EDIT: Or I suppose you could interpret that another way.
My prediction will hold true, mark my words. You have every right to be excited about this prospect, if nothing else. I'm excited about E3 just to see everything I've predicted thus far pan out.
3 1/2; SMG2 was mid-2010.
Yup. You said what I'm so quietly, fervently hoping for.
Thinking ahead a bit - if forced to pick - I'd bet that the next console Zelda won't be out until 2014, with the next big 3D Mario title coming in 2013. That Mario game would be a leading candidate for my vacation time that year; a whole week off for Super Mario Universe sounds wonderful. I kinda hope that they bring it in a cold weather month.. it just feels right.![]()
I am in the minority, but I think Wii U Zelda comes out next Holiday. I think it's been in development since mid 2011.
See guys, if it wasn't for Thraktor's (quite elaborate and eloquent) response I'd have never seen bg's original paging. Who said something about WUSTs slowing down on the community side? Anyhow, let me try and answer the darn question.
I largely share Thraktor's take on dedicated/primarily raytracing-targeting silicon in the wiiU. We are very close to the next threshold in visualisation where quantitative accumulations will bring to the next qualitative change (see http://raytracey.blogspot.com, http://igad.nhtv.nl/~bikker/, IMG's raytracing SDK, et al), but that will most likely not happen during this pending console generation. Or at least I don't expect anything large or paradigm-shifty ..Well, save for the odd ambitious indie dev toying with relatively low-res output devices coupled to relatively powerful console units *wink-wink nudge-nudge*.
Speaking of what viable enhancements nintendo might have got into their amd-grown gpu, a possibility there that has been largely neglected over the past WUST talks is that it could be something *not* ALU-related. We have already discussed the role a gpu-local edram pool could have. But everything so far has been largely inferred from the way Xenos used its edram - i.e. as a very performant fb. The advent of GPGPU has brought to the gpu landscape some very non-graphics tweaks like local storages/caches shared between ALU clusters, and basically all kinds of niceties mainly addressing the *data paths* in the gpu rather than what gpu ALUs constitute (ok, those too, but that's been rather evolutionary).
Surely Thraktor is absolutely correct to say that whatever nintendo might have come up with, amd & nv must have already considered, or even implemented, into their current/future architectures. But let's not forget what nintendo are bargaining for here: they are not ordering some unheard-of tech integrated in an off-the-shelf part, no - they are bargaining for the best bang for transistor. To translate that into simple terms, you can think of nintendo cherry-picking from the amd gardens to a fruit basket that best suites nintendo's fruit salad (aha! and you thought bad metaphors were only cars-related ; ) What does that mean? Not any alien tech, that's for sure. That simply means that:
a. U-GPU will have its own ISA (derived from known amd ISA(s), but still unique), and
b. U-GPU will put its (rumored) fat edram pool to the best possible use, i.e. beyond Xenos' use case.
Will that make U-GPU extraterrestrial, omnipotent, etc? - Nope. Will it make it a very darn impressive gpu for the amount of transistors it has? - Quite likely.
Oh, and btw, did I ever mention GFLOPs do not a gpu constitute?
Every time we talk about this topic, I associate it with you, as you were the first person I saw to bring it up in a big way in the Speculation Threads.
Watching the shift - and the resulting split, along with media adjustments and "too eastern" becoming a common point of mockery - is going to be very fascinating to watch. I'm excited, because it would mean more games that I tend to like.. and because I'd love to see a change from this holding pattern we've seemed to be in over the past decade.