Smiles and Cries
I'll believe in Lords of Shadow 2 on Wii U when it's formally announced. Until then, I'll assume I'll be buying it on my PS3.
and if it is on WiiU?
are you buying any WiiU port over PS3? and why do that?
I'll believe in Lords of Shadow 2 on Wii U when it's formally announced. Until then, I'll assume I'll be buying it on my PS3.
EatChildren is a gigantic Sony fanboy.and if it is on WiiU?
are you buying any WiiU port over PS3? and why do that?
EatChildren is a gigantic Sony fanboy.
I think that's more than enough for launch.So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
and if it is on WiiU?
are you buying any WiiU port over PS3? and why do that?
EatChildren is a gigantic Sony fanboy.
So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
The lack of enthusiasm and excitement for Metro Last Light puzzles me.
The game looks like everything the Resistance games on PS3 tried to be but failed.
And the survival horror elements in the game are intriguing.
I'm pretty hyped to get ACIII, it'll be my first Assassin's Creed game too.
I don't think I've actually seen too much gameplay from this game to be honest. I've probably seen one video from last year.
The lack of enthusiasm and excitement for Metro Last Light puzzles me.
The game looks like everything the Resistance games on PS3 tried to be but failed.
And the survival horror elements in the game are intriguing.
If it's on the Wii U I will buy it for the Wii U.
Given I'll have a Wii U at launch, unless console exclusive games are somehow crippled on the Wii U (eg: shitty port) I wouldn't get them for my PS3. No reason to. Even if they're identical in look and performance, the Wii U version simply having some gimmicky extras would be enough for me to pick that one. I'll have the system anyway, so yeah.
But of the games listed, I will be getting them on PC, not consoles.
I almost spit my tea across my screen.
I'll believe in Lords of Shadow 2 on Wii U when it's formally announced. Until then, I'll assume I'll be buying it on my PS3.
Some newly released footage and interview about game:
At first glance, people might think Metro Last Light is a generic FPS.
But the survival horror elements and the Russian setting give the game a lot of atmosphere.
what are moderators going to do with paul gate if he was wrong again. I think it was 3rd or 4th rumors that he was wrong about? I am happy that he spoiled Playstation All Star but seriously, come on with other 3/4 rumors if I recalled it correctly?
I'll believe in Lords of Shadow 2 on Wii U when it's formally announced. Until then, I'll assume I'll be buying it on my PS3.
what are moderators going to do with paul gate if he was wrong again. I think it was 3rd or 4th rumors that he was wrong about? I am happy that he spoiled Playstation All Star but seriously, come on with other 3/4 rumors if I recalled it correctly?
any hope of South Park RPG on WiiU even later?
Metro 2033 was pretty damn shitty, in my opinion, so that might be why. The atmosphere and graphics were incredible, but the gameplay was shitful. It's one of the worst cases of horrible, bullet-sponge enemies, bland encounters and pea shooter weapons I can remember. Not to mention you spend half the bloody game just following NPCs through blatantly scripted sequences.
Excellent atmosphere that sucks you right in, but a pretty shitty game to play. It just wasn't very fun. Unlike, say, STALKER.
Metro: Last Light looks pretty, but if it plays like 2033 I won't be buying until it's very cheap.
So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
o_o not worried that you won't get anything? Unless you don't give a shit about story. Honestly you should play part 2, it was really great.I'm pretty hyped to get ACIII, it'll be my first Assassin's Creed game too.
I am in the minority, but I think Wii U Zelda comes out next Holiday. I think it's been in development since mid 2011.
Also 2033 did average an 80 percent on gamerankings out of 23 reviews. So I don't know if "shitty" is the right way to describe it. But to me, it looks like Metro Last Light will try to fix all of 2033's shortcomings.
AC3 is the ONLY one I plan to get there, the rest I either already played, have no interest in, or suck (or will likely suck). I'll let people decide which description goes where.So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
If I recall correctly, Paul Gale didn't start this rumor.
any hope of South Park RPG on WiiU even later?
there are 2 paul gales, the rumour paul gale and the non rumour. It's important to separate the two. He didn't "get all stars right", he stated it as factual from the get go, he wasn't posting a rumour, he was leaking/breaking a story. All the other stuff he has posted, and by all I basically just mean TMNT and Metroid x Starfox are clearly stated rumours. He didn't even want to post the TMNT thing but people wanted him to so he did.I mean big deal, he got Playstation All Stars rumor right. Emily Rogers reported Pikmin 3 switching to Project Cafe 2 months before any sites or Miyamoto confirmed it. Her rumors went off the deep end and got more ridiculous. She claimed to be talking to multiple sources and said that was why not all of her rumors were true. How is this different from Paul? Paul says the same thing.
I seriously don't see how people are interested in such a game. It's probably because I'm not a fan of South Park, but still...
o_o not worried that you won't get anything? Unless you don't give a shit about story. Honestly you should play part 2, it was really great.
so I'll take that as a "yes I don't give a shit about the story"This is the first setting of the series' that I have a real interest in.
I seriously don't see how people are interested in such a game. It's probably because I'm not a fan of South Park, but still...
I seriously don't see how people are interested in such a game. It's probably because I'm not a fan of South Park, but still...
I'm not nearly knowledgable enough about low-level GPU hardware to contribute much here, but I would say you should be looking for the sort of functionality that DirectX and OpenGL don't support, because if AMD came up with any improved hardware units that are supported by DirectX and OpenGL they'd be in their PC GPUs by now. If you have the time it may be worth going through the OpenGL and DirectX APIs and asking yourself "What useful functionality isn't in here?". There's also the possibility of TEV-style units in terms of combining multiple operations together, but while I understand things like tesselation and texture sampling from a theoretical perspective, I don't know how they're actually implemented in GPU hardware, so I'm not much help there.
On the subject of combined ray-traced/rasterised rendering, although it would be interesting, there are two reasons I consider the inclusion of a hardware ray-tracer for it extremely unlikely. The first is simply that hardware ray-tracers have yet to be commercialised, and there's a big difference between an academic design and actual commercial hardware that could go in a GPU and be properly utilised by programmers. The second issue is that, as blu said, the actual ray-tracing (or traversal) is only half the problem; the scene that's being rendered has to be formatted in a particular way for the ray-tracer to operate efficiently. Usually the scene is stored in memory in what's called a KD-tree, which makes finding intersections between rays and polygons nice and efficient. Unfortunately KD-trees don't play well with movement of objects in a scene, so for a videogame you basically have to recompute the KD-tree for every frame, which is hugely computationally expensive. This kind of thing is best performed by a many-core processor with a big coherent cache (something like Larrabee, basically).
In fact, while I'm going well off topic here, Intel are a company worth looking at as far as real-time ray-tracing is concerned. They've shown off real-time ray-tracing running on servers using their Knight's Ferry/Knight's Corner architecture, and they've also got a joint research institute called the Intel Visual Computing Institute in partnership with Saarland University, which is home to quite a few researchers who focus on ray-tracing, including the creators of the hardware ray-tracer which I referred to previously. So while it's a bit early now, I wouldn't be surprised to see a console come out around 2020 doing full ray-traced rendering on Intel hardware.
See guys, if it wasn't for Thraktor's (quite elaborate and eloquent) response I'd have never seen bg's original paging. Who said something about WUSTs slowing down on the community side? Anyhow, let me try and answer the darn question.
I largely share Thraktor's take on dedicated/primarily raytracing-targeting silicon in the wiiU. We are very close to the next threshold in visualisation where quantitative accumulations will bring to the next qualitative change (see,, IMG's raytracing SDK, et al), but that will most likely not happen during this pending console generation. Or at least I don't expect anything large or paradigm-shifty ..Well, save for the odd ambitious indie dev toying with relatively low-res output devices coupled to relatively powerful console units *wink-wink nudge-nudge*.
Speaking of what viable enhancements nintendo might have got into their amd-grown gpu, a possibility there that has been largely neglected over the past WUST talks is that it could be something *not* ALU-related. We have already discussed the role a gpu-local edram pool could have. But everything so far has been largely inferred from the way Xenos used its edram - i.e. as a very performant fb. The advent of GPGPU has brought to the gpu landscape some very non-graphics tweaks like local storages/caches shared between ALU clusters, and basically all kinds of niceties mainly addressing the *data paths* in the gpu rather than what gpu ALUs constitute (ok, those too, but that's been rather evolutionary).
Surely Thraktor is absolutely correct to say that whatever nintendo might have come up with, amd & nv must have already considered, or even implemented, into their current/future architectures. But let's not forget what nintendo are bargaining for here: they are not ordering some unheard-of tech integrated in an off-the-shelf part, no - they are bargaining for the best bang for transistor. To translate that into simple terms, you can think of nintendo cherry-picking from the amd gardens to a fruit basket that best suites nintendo's fruit salad (aha! and you thought bad metaphors were only cars-related ; ) What does that mean? Not any alien tech, that's for sure. That simply means that:
a. U-GPU will have its own ISA (derived from known amd ISA(s), but still unique), and
b. U-GPU will put its (rumored) fat edram pool to the best possible use, i.e. beyond Xenos' use case.
Will that make U-GPU extraterrestrial, omnipotent, etc? - Nope. Will it make it a very darn impressive gpu for the amount of transistors it has? - Quite likely.
Oh, and btw, did I ever mention GFLOPs do not a gpu constitute?
so I'll take that as a "yes I don't give a shit about the story"![]()
I don't really like South Park. It's the cynical internet asshole of TV shows. Every week, it's telling us how much something sucks, with no real solutions except for moderation. It hates everything, but it stands for nothing, because being excited or passionate about anything makes you a fuckin' loser.
South Park is like that one guy you know who always makes jokes about how fucked up the world is. He's funny, he's often right...but you don't wanna hang out with that kind of person, ya know? The only thing you'd have in common is how much you DON'T have in common with other people. "Yeah, I hate things as well! Let's hang out!"
So I'm just curious guys,
What ports that have already been announced for Wii U are you most likely buying ?
Assassins Creed 3?
Rayman Legends?
Darksiders 2?
Alien Colonial Marines?
Metro Last Light?
Batman: Arkham City?
Project Cars?
Ninja Gaiden 3 (lol haha yeah right) ?
If the Metroid x StarFox rumor and the LoS rumor both turn out to be bullshit, will Gaf stop treating Paul Gale's rumors as a legitimate rumor mill?
Yes, very likely Issac and Megaman.
Geno is old and has little notability, and therefore a bit of a waste to go out and license from Square Enix.
Issac is Nintendo's, and a popular RPG with a recent entry.
Mega Man is very popular, and if Nintendo's shopping around for 3rd party characters, I'd think he's expected.
I hope Nintendo doesn't go overboard with 3rd party characters. Part of why they were so special in Brawl is because there were so few of them, I think.
Also, if they are to add more 3rd party chars I'd like to see Simon Belmont added as well, I think he'd work really well in a fighting game
A quick look on Wikipedia reveals the first two (my favorite two) were developed internally, while subsequent ones were co-developed by Intelligent Systems.
Depends on what you mean.
Exclusive from Ubisoft?
Nintendo x Third Party game?
Capcom's revival of some old franchise?
When I heard South Park RPG would share gameplay elements from Paper Mario, I was sold.
Where did you hear this? I was going to dismiss the game, but if this is true and since Obsidian is developing it then I must purchase it.
Given the paper cutout origins of South Park, it's no surprise that Obsidian's upcoming RPG South Park: The Game would take cues from the most famous paper role-playing game of them all.
After selecting your character class in South Park: The Game (fighter, thief, mage, cleric, or Jew), you'll enter a fantasy adventure filled with turn-based combat of a particular Paper Mario flavor. Speaking with Game Informer, lead designer Matt MacLean says the combat is powered by "reflex widgets" — timed button presses during a special attack that augment the attacks effect. You might swing your wooden sword automatically, but hitting the right button and the right point in the swing will cause double damage, for example. It's a mechanic that Paper Mario fans should be very familiar with.
As it turns out, Trey Parker and Matt Stone are quite the Paper Mario fans, it being one of the many games the creative duo have namedropped during their meetings with Obsidian Entertainment. While the pair seems to be well-versed in the history of role-playing games, they're letting Obsidian handle most of the combat system details. They just want to make sure the game remains one about kids being kids — hurting other kids. Badly.