I'm kindof annoyed that Intelligent Systems are working on a 3DS Paper Mario, because it means they're not working on one for wiiu :-(
Edit: wow, half an hour with no posts? The bans have weakened this thread! D:
I'm kindof annoyed that Intelligent Systems are working on a 3DS Paper Mario, because it means they're not working on one for wiiu :-(
Edit: wow, half an hour with no posts? The bans have weakened this thread! D:
hell naw, 3DS is the perfect platform for Paper Mario. Can you imagine how good those layers will look in 3D! aaaaaaaaa
I'm kindof annoyed that Intelligent Systems are working on a 3DS Paper Mario, because it means they're not working on one for wiiu :-(
When do you guys expect retail stores to start taking pre-orders?
I hope they will show something of that game.
It's been WAY too long since the last bit of ANYTHING from Paper Mario 3DS.
hell naw, 3DS is the perfect platform for Paper Mario. Can you imagine how good those layers will look in 3D! aaaaaaaaa
I'm kindof annoyed that Intelligent Systems are working on a 3DS Paper Mario, because it means they're not working on one for wiiu :-(
Edit: wow, half an hour with no posts? The bans have weakened this thread! D:
when they announce the price.
Can anyone tell me where this originates from?
When do you guys expect retail stores to start taking pre-orders?
Can anyone tell me where this originates from?
When do you guys expect retail stores to start taking pre-orders?
Also, are there any personal quirks or jokes we can expect by the trio of executives? (Iwata, Fils-Amis, Miyamoto).
I cantellshow you.
I'm also holding off on any ps3/360 game purchases right now, and have sort of been doing that since mid last year. Any word I wonder if more recent games like dragons dogma might be getting a port? Its really just the same games listed at e3 last year still, isnt it.
When do you guys expect retail stores to start taking pre-orders?
Said it before and i'll say i again: we nintendo fans need to step our fucking game up and put our money where our mouths are.
Resident Evil 6
Tomb Raider
Half Life 3
Bioshock Infinite
Bordernlands 2
Assassin's Creed 3
Aliens CM
Darksiders II
Call of Duty: Blops 2
Cloudberry Kingdom
Castlevania LOS2
Rayman Legends
You tell me that out of all these titles that could show up on the WiiU, some of you can't even find three of them appealing? We have to do our part.
So...hate to be that guy but (apart from tragic permabans) has anything interesting happened last 2 days?
<devolution> emi nintengaf banned me from their channel lol
I'm Emi
Said it before and i'll say i again: we nintendo fans need to step our fucking game up and put our money where our mouths are.
Resident Evil 6
Tomb Raider
Half Life 3
Bioshock Infinite
Bordernlands 2
Assassin's Creed 3
Aliens CM
Darksiders II
Call of Duty: Blops 2
Cloudberry Kingdom
Castlevania LOS2
Rayman Legends
You tell me that out of all these titles that could show up on the WiiU, some of you can't even find three of them appealing? We have to do our part.
Oh, I see, sorry. I wonder who was in charge of that...
Agreed. I'm so pumped for it and LM2I hope they will show something of that game.
It's been WAY too long since the last bit of ANYTHING from Paper Mario 3DS.
Maybe will get a little hint/tease with a huge grain of salt from Ideaman.Weekends are usually pretty shitty for news and leaks. This week is the ramp up to E3, so I think we'll start getting some more serious hints and news then.
Can we expect subscribers to reveal what NP is about tomorrow?
.Maybe will get a little hint/tease with a huge grain of salt from Ideaman, to nurture the speculation.
Can anyone tell me where this originates from?
Well damn 8 days left and no mayor leak, damn.
Reggie to walk out on stage in a pointy Madonna bra and say: "i'll get straigth to the point! Get it? *points at pointy bra*"?http://i.ytimg.com/vi/pZmEnABLcxI/0.jpg
Thats some pointy arguments.
Lets hope Reggie will be to the point this E3!
At this point, I don't even want leaks. After waiting so long, I just want to feel the full force of the megatons
stupid college projects >__> I will not able to see Ninty conf. directly... u___u
got to find something to help the hours pass by...
by next sunday I'll be so stressed