Oh hey, 9 more days until E3

It's coming!
Sweet!HYPE Town getting crowded
Oh hey, 9 more days until E3
Sweet!HYPE Town getting crowded
HYPE Town getting crowded
HYPE Town getting crowded
HYPE Town getting crowded
got to find something to help the hours pass by...
by next sunday I'll be so stressed
got to find something to help the hours pass by...
by next sunday I'll be so stressed
What happened to Ace anyway, chums?
poor ace....
anyway can i be in it too?
Here's me thinking I was hyped. Guess not.
Not sure if I want to be doomed or not
HYPE Town getting crowded
Oh hey, 9 more days until E3
You are already there.
The mods basically figured he was too invested in this and figured it'd be best to turf him out. A perm seems harsh when I put it that way but Ace has been banned a lot before.
HYPE Town getting crowded
"Ah, look at all those lonely people!" That's what popped in my head!! That lyric from "Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles.I thought of it when looking at everyone. I can hear the song playing in the background when I see this.
HYPE Town getting crowded[IMG][/QUOTE]
Room for another in [s]Doom[/s]Hype Town? :)
So, it's one week before E3, I think it's time to get the final details on the skype convo some of us want to do.
1. Who wants to participate? (Skype as a limit of 25 people per voice convo, so first arrived first served. I'm gonna make a list and I'm taking the liberty to add some people.)
2. Before, During, or After the conference?
if you do have a skype convo, can you record it? I would love to hear your reactions.
So, it's one week before E3, I think it's time to get the final details on the skype convo some of us want to do.
1. Who wants to participate? (Skype as a limit of 25 people per voice convo, so first arrived first served. I'm gonna make a list and I'm taking the liberty to add some people.)
2. Before, During, or After the conference?
It probably won't be lives reaction, there's no way we can do it during the conference. Imagine 25 nerds yelling all at once.
So, it's one week before E3, I think it's time to get the final details on the skype convo some of us want to do.
1. Who wants to participate? (Skype as a limit of 25 people per voice convo, so first arrived first served. I'm gonna make a list and I'm taking the liberty to add some people.)
2. Before, During, or After the conference?
I don't think I even speak the same language as you guys.
Sign me up, could be amusing. Though my microphone isn't anything high-tech.So, it's one week before E3, I think it's time to get the final details on the skype convo some of us want to do.
1. Who wants to participate? (Skype as a limit of 25 people per voice convo, so first arrived first served. I'm gonna make a list and I'm taking the liberty to add some people.)
2. Before, During, or After the conference?
The mods basically figured he was too invested in this and figured it'd be best to turf him out. A perm seems harsh when I put it that way but Ace has been banned a lot before.
Neither do I. But i think my understanding of English will help me cross the chat unscathed.I don't think I even speak the same language as you guys.
Said it before and i'll say i again: we nintendo fans need to step our fucking game up and put our money where our mouths are.
Resident Evil 6
Tomb Raider
Half Life 3
Bioshock Infinite
Bordernlands 2
Assassin's Creed 3
Aliens CM
Darksiders II
Call of Duty: Blops 2
Cloudberry Kingdom
Castlevania LOS2
Rayman Legends
You tell me that out of all these titles that could show up on the WiiU, some of you can't even find three of them appealing? We have to do our part.
Do you think the e3 bear will make a reappearance?
Okay, here's what we'll do.
We'll use the IRC for lives reactions during the conference.
We'll do a 10 people Skype convo AFTER the conference for post-conference reactions. How's that?
1. BY2K
2. Anth0ny
3. AceBandage
4. kami_sama
6. CrAzYLeGzLU
7. Rösti
3 spots left, so be quick!
Why not both? IRC when the conference is streaming and skype for commenting it after.I'm gonna change the limit to 10. It will be much easier that way.
EDIT: Or just use the IRC yeah.
HYPE Town getting crowded
You know what, yeah, 25 people at once isn't a good idea either way.
We need a way to figure this out.
Why AceBandage, Jump and MightyPoo is not doomed in your picture yet?