Why AceBandage, Jump and MightyPoo is not doomed in your picture yet?
AceBandage is amongst the member crowd.
I'm sad TGMP is gone too, he was one of the chums
Why AceBandage, Jump and MightyPoo is not doomed in your picture yet?
Pencil me in, I guess.
AceBandage is amongst the member crowd.
I'm sad TGMP is gone too, he was one of the chums![]()
1 spot left!
Niet? Nou ja zeg.I don't think I even speak the same language as you guys.
http://cbe003.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.wiicafe.com&channel=#nintengafWhich IRC are you guys using?
Does gaf have an official IRC?
So, it's one week before E3, I think it's time to get the final details on the skype convo some of us want to do.
1. Who wants to participate? (Skype as a limit of 25 people per voice convo, so first arrived first served. I'm gonna make a list and I'm taking the liberty to add some people.)
2. Before, During, or After the conference?
Wait, what did Poo do to get banned?
Wait, what did Poo do to get banned?
Said it before and i'll say i again: we nintendo fans need to step our fucking game up and put our money where our mouths are.
Resident Evil 6
Tomb Raider
Half Life 3
Bioshock Infinite
Bordernlands 2
Assassin's Creed 3
Aliens CM
Darksiders II
Call of Duty: Blops 2
Cloudberry Kingdom
Castlevania LOS2
Rayman Legends
You tell me that out of all these titles that could show up on the WiiU, some of you can't even find three of them appealing? We have to do our part.
Just 9 more days. We can all do it!I really hope we get some sort of news next week, even if it is just 3rd party stuff. I'm losing my mind.
I really hope we get some sort of news next week, even if it is just 3rd party stuff. I'm losing my mind.
My sanity still remains.I really hope we get some sort of news next week, even if it is just 3rd party stuff. I'm losing my mind.
1. BY2K
2. Anth0ny
3. AceBandage
4. kami_sama
6. CrAzYLeGzLU
7. Rösti
8. Shocking Alberto
9. Cabbie
10. Mr. MondayNight
And we're full! Everyone in, please send a PM to the other skypers with your skype ID. (BY PM FOR GOD'S SAKE! You probably don't want any lurkers adding you.)
Lol I missed the Skype party sign up. Fack
someone's mad he didn't get inGood lord ten people in a skype convo.
Err. Good luck.
someone's mad he didn't get in![]()
Apparently anyone who has shown strong signs of console fanboyism to the point where it could lead to attacking other posters have been weeded out. This includes PS and Xbox posters of that ilk as well if I understand correctly.
The problem on my end is I can play all those on the PS3. Investing $350 into a system for games I can already play is silly.
No, it's okay. I wouldn't be talking so much as I'd be listening anyways. The IRC shall suffice. Thank you though my friend.EloquentM you can have my spot amigo. I'll just kick it in the irc
Who are the PS/360 ones?
Help me out here, guys, how do we do this?
Use Stickam. lmao I'm joking,Help me out here, guys, how do we do this?
Help me out here, guys, how do we do this?
I'd say easiest way is to schedule people for every 20 minutes in groups of four or five with one host (who does not necessarily have to host) staying in and running Call Graph to record.
Then someone edits (at very least to switch stereo to mono and lower the file size) and uploads it somewhere.
Ooooh, I like that.