"Oh man this hippo is so dead."
I should have learned after the last 4 times...
Dude, me and you
I swear I can take down a lion with a bloodthirsty pom
"Oh man this hippo is so dead."
I should have learned after the last 4 times...
My odyssey ends at 102 years. That felt damn good.
Deified Data said:Downloaded last night, played a bit this morning. Few questions:
Desperate = black hearts; average = pink hearts; prime = sparkly heartsDownloaded last night, played a bit this morning. Few questions:
How do you tell a prime mate from a desperate one?
If you accidentally hook uo with a desperate mate (bitch gave me fleas!), is there any way to ditch them for another?
What are the benefits of choosing a prime mate over a lesser one?
I played for about 30 "years" as the pomeranian before deciding to take a break. In that time, I unlocked a new story chapter, bred three generations, and got an item. I had saved a couple times, but decided to quit without saving because I had saved so recently. When I went back to the title screen, "continue" was greyed out and the story segment I unlocked was gone. What in the hell happened to my save data? I just wasted an hour and don't really want to do it again.
A pomeranian eat big cats for breakfast. Literally. Also, 31 years and only second generation? You have to procreate more!
I don't think there is a way to get rid of them once they're with you. Maybe if it gets killed you could mate with a different one, but it's just a theory I have. Don't know if they can die... but it should be possible, right? Who knows.
I'm walking inside a dustbin a la Metal Gear Solid, with my deer.
This game is amazing.
Anyway, how do I come out? I'm starving.
Edit: Ok, managed to do it, I just needed to push R1.
Someone hasn't done the deer story mission!WAIT
Awesome. In an informative way, of course.I was on my way to one I saw on the map and I saw a tiger kill her and the heart disappeared off the map. Cockblocker.
So the game only tempsaves? As in, I could live for 100 years and that data would be discarded if I quit without saving once? Will keep that in mind.Desperate = black hearts; average = pink hearts; prime = sparkly hearts
I don't think there is a way to get rid of them once they're with you. Maybe if it gets killed you could mate with a different one, but it's just a theory I have. Don't know if they can die... but it should be possible, right? Who knows.
Mating with a prime female gives you more packmates and better stats (from what I could tell).
Not sure what happened to you there. If you saved it should allow you to continue from where you last saved, not make you lose everything. Just so you know, saves are only temporary. Once you load it, it's discarded, so make sure to always quit playing after you save.
Wait a second.
Don't you only live 15 years?
How he'd go 31? (Yes I know it's through two generations, point still stands)
So wait a second.
I'm like 8 generations into the Pomeranian, with some deaths in between. People are saying that each time you start a new Survival game and pick the same animal, you're actually starting off as whatever the last generation you were when you died.
Is that true? Because it feels like I'm just starting totally from square one every time. I'm unlocking more animals to choose from the more points I get, but when my 6th gen pup dies and I start a new game, it doesn't have the same stats at the one that died.
So the game only tempsaves? As in, I could live for 100 years and that data would be discarded if I quit without saving once? Will keep that in mind.
And with this, my triumph from last page seems a bit less awesome.You can live longer than 15 years. You don't outright die when you reach 15. Your max stats just start declining gradually until you eventually die. It takes a while for that to happen though, presumably. I've lived to 17 or 18 before mating.
Saving takes you back to the menu. If you load up the save, then quit, you'll probably lose everything, yeah (and you can't save in the same spot twice). You could also just kill yourself to keep everything you've earned. The caveat is that you'll have to restart, obviously, but you'll have kept all the story stuff and accessories you may have unlocked.So the game only tempsaves? As in, I could live for 100 years and that data would be discarded if I quit without saving once? Will keep that in mind.
Not always. You can use an item. I forget the name, but it looks like a sleeping bag. Green. Also handy for mating in dangerous areas.1) Do I have to control a territory to find a place to sleep at night?
2) Do all animals sleep at night, and do they basically disappear off the radar if they are sleeping?
3) How do I know which way to go to get away from a toxic area? Are there any indicators on the radar or map?
4) Does anyone else agree that the camera is completely unsuited to a game that requires stealth as a game mechanic?
I'm really bad at managing food in the various areas. I usually just eat everything I can catch and then when I try to get to another area I just starve. Once I get that down I think I can last for a while.
I'm really bad at managing food in the various areas. I usually just eat everything I can catch and then when I try to get to another area I just starve. Once I get that down I think I can last for a while.
Someone hasn't done the deer story mission!
Awesome. In an informative way, of course.
Started with a cat, seems harder than with the Pomeranian? Or is it just my imagination? Do larger animals get hungrier quicker?
"Planning" in this game can go south so fast. Sometimes they screw you over with how much food there is in a certain area--especially if you're trying to complete all the challenges and have to go through said areas.
"Yes! The place is full of food!"
*full of buffalo you can't kill*
The entire area was filled with them and they were in packs of 4 or 5. Stealth bites took such a small amount away. Scratches? Miniscule. It was entirely not worth it because I'd draw each one's wrathYou never know. I killed a cow with a 3rd generation cat. I did the stealth bite, then mashed R1 when the indicator came up, then did it again and he was done. Some animals are better with the stealth kill than others, I assume.
Like someone said, if you hit the XMB and look below the trophies icon, there's a game manual.
and when you look at stats when choosing an animal, if you got extra stats from generations, you'll see the original blue shape of stats, and outside it a red/purpleish shape of stats which is your current stats.
favorite temp item is a nail file. the temp atk bonus is enough to kill anything (might need stealth hit for more damage tho). might even let you kill that buffalo. I use them on bosses and it's a quick kill and easy unlock
On animal selection, what does the "G" mean. For example, it says "4G" next to Fat Cat. Is that the number of games that I played as Fat Cat?
Generations. If you procreate 2 times in a game before dying, you'll be in the 3th Generation (and you'll inherit the stats of the previous ones). If you play again and procreate 2 more times before dying, you'll be 5G.
So my Fat Cat now is better than Fat Cat before?
Excellent. Soon, me and Fat Cat will take over Tokyo! As long as we dont run into any Lions!
I got to 73 years with the fat cat, generation 10. I'm really not unlocking many animals though at all. Does anyone have a good strategy for unlocking any of the bigger creatures quickly?
I got to 73 years with the fat cat, generation 10. I'm really not unlocking many animals though at all. Does anyone have a good strategy for unlocking any of the bigger creatures quickly?
I got to 73 years with the fat cat, generation 10. I'm really not unlocking many animals though at all. Does anyone have a good strategy for unlocking any of the bigger creatures quickly?
Enter with an animal, for example, the cat.
Look for one of the latest challenges in the list, related to "something boss". Check the activation conditions and when you fulfill them and the challenge appears, do what the challenge says.
I think you need to defeat the bosses.
Pig double-jump is best double-jump.
How do you know when a creature is a boss? I'm still struggling to find the beagle boss. This cat is killing me. Even though it's a beast.
Also, do people usually mate the second they capture an area or do you guys wait till you're on year 13ish to do it? I feel like waiting til late gives you an extra attack/speed/power edge when trying to accomplish stuff.
How do you know when a creature is a boss? I'm still struggling to find the beagle boss. This cat is killing me. Even though it's a beast.
Also, do people usually mate the second they capture an area or do you guys wait till you're on year 13ish to do it? I feel like waiting til late gives you an extra attack/speed/power edge when trying to accomplish stuff.
Chick is hard, but turning from a chick to a chicken is hilarious.
Also, I would love to add some of you guys just to have some variety in my friends section of the leaderboards. I only have one friend with the game, and it would be fun to see how you guys do. Add me: dragonlife29
When does that happen? Chick is fun until you start getting a little too careless and then get OHKO'd. Can't imagine how hard it would be to get that tuxedo, but it sure is tempting to try.
AddedI'll add you when I get home (or you can add Celegus). My friendlist could definitely do with some more Baten Kaitos fans.![]()