Yes. Yes. YES. YES.
So many steps in the right direction. Good job, Naughty Dog.
i pretty much agree on everything
Yes. Yes. YES. YES.
So many steps in the right direction. Good job, Naughty Dog.
Is there a thread for this?
Because I found those "things" when I made some research with Google this morning.
It looks like ther are related to these 2 websites Uutforsket.no and Outforskat.se:
Oslo, Norway
Some audio clip in Norwegian language, but reversed...
Bokstav (Norwegian) = Letter (English)
I was able to see the video this morning, but now it is set to private.
There was someone walking (like in a first person view) in what I think is the Frogner Park in Oslo, Norway. (Frognerparken is title of the video)
There was snow on the ground, that person was pointing at a pillar and he walked some steps to discover a hidden paper with the letter K.
At the end of the video, there was this text:
Hvor Mange Statuer Er Det! = How many statues are there!
Frognerparken? = Frogner Park?
Uutforsket.no / Ditt Svar = Uutforsket.no / Your Answer
Stockholm, Sweden
But no sound clip here.
Before the release of Uncharted 3, there was in Denmark this website Uudforsket.dk:
It was viral marketing following the exploits of a fake Danish explorer, Wilhelm Von Bernhoff.
There were puzzles to solve and clues to find which led to the discovery of a hidden treasure in Copenhagen.
Everything seems to start over again with other websites (Uutforsket.no and Outforskat.se) which now comes from Norway and Sweden ...
I think the sound clip found here (Soundcloud.com/uutforsket) also has a hidden letter in it, but I don't know how to reverse the audio and I don't know Norwegian...The norwegian quix is fun.. but I´m stuck...
First there was this movie at Vimeo Where you got the letter(the video is now private)..K
the asnwer to the question isso that leads to . You get the letter214and leads to Playstation norways facebook page.E
If you go to the facebook page you get this link: .. which are some coordinates for.akershus festning
You need to find out the coplour of the bricks og the Fortress.. so you go to.www.uutforsket.no/rød (that is norwegian for RED)
Again there is a movie and the letterand some mirrored hints that leads to..E
here they teel you to make a word out of the letters you found and type it at the end of the website.. www.uutforsket.no/ and then the word.. But I only found 3 letters.. I must have missed some letters.. unless you kan make a norwegian word out of these letters..K E E
I think the sound clip found here (Soundcloud.com/uutforsket) also has a hidden letter in it, but I don't know how to reverse the audio and I don't know Norwegian...
And if we don't forget the picture found here Vimeo.com/uutforsket, we get a new letter which is.A
But the game is not even started yet, so we are probably doing the quest in disorder and missing many other clues to get the final Norwegian word...
Been working on Crushing difficulty for the past few days. All pretty standard apart from a few difficulty spikes, especially in the shipyard stage. Also I have a question, been trying rolling ammo master and even when I have done 20 in a row I still didn't get the trophy, though my counting was probably off. And this one is definitely the most frustrating. Most of the time I roll Drake just sticks behind cover. At the final stretch now, inside the brass city, just want to know can I still achieve 20 roll ammo trophy or is it too late?
Cool, but it looks like the audio clip on Soundcloud.com/Eutforsket was updated today (about 2 hours ago)...Forgot about the letter from Vimeo.. so that is four letters now..
I have reversed the track.. and you get this questionWhat is the name of the building that was made to Store and preserve 4 transportation means (probably in Oslo)
but I do not know the name of that building...
Oh yeah, amazing work!Ohh I just solved it...
it is just a competition...
but I had fun solving it..!
Oh yeah, amazing work!
But where did you find the?T, the last letter
OMG! I want that map now. So darn beautiful.*images of new map*
That's great to hear.we're working on some updates to try to fix the bit where new content (and DLC content) isn't coming up often enough.
YES! So glad that shotgun jumping is going to get nerfed. I played Co-op Hunter Arena quite a bit yesterday, and I experienced way too much of that.More changes/fixes incoming...
Yeah, I have noticed. He wasn't number 1 before, but his boosting technique or whatever he uses made him move up WAY too quickly. I personally don't care that much, but it does suck that this guy cheats just to be on the top. And the thing is that I have played with this person before and he wasn't really good to have those rampants. He probably has multiple PS3's to achieve that lol. Regardless, the leaderboards on this game are a joke because most of them are fake so I really don't care if he keeps doing it.Guys, have you noticed that the #1 player in the UC3 MP money leaderboards is a cheater?
Misaki_Takahashi has 3233 Rampants...
There is a thread on the ND forums about a "classic" U2 playlist.
ND have seen it and have talked to the community about it. Looks like they are considering it.
Would you guys be interested in a playlist like this?
Yeah, I have noticed. He wasn't number 1 before, but his boosting technique or whatever he uses made him move up WAY too quickly. I personally don't care that much, but it does suck that this guy cheats just to be on the top. And the thing is that I have played with this person before and he wasn't really good to have those rampants. He probably has multiple PS3's to achieve that lol. Regardless, the leaderboards on this game are a joke because most of them are fake so I really don't care if he keeps doing it.
He has bought 3 consoles, 3 discs, 3 TVs, 6 controllers and he boosts in 3TDM splitscreen.how do people even cheat to get those stats?
He has bought 3 consoles, 3 discs, 3 TVs, 6 controllers and he boosts in 3TDM splitscreen.
I wouldn't get rid of add boosters and kickbacks etc. Just remove a couple layers to make it less challenging to balance. I think weapon mods are pretty cool, and if you're going to play the game for 100's of hours it's nice to be able to change things up and switch loadouts. Probably the best meta-game ND added to UC3's MP is leveling up boosters, it really makes you play differently at times. Treasures are awesome too for this. Personally, I hope next time they don't release so much skin DLC which makes earning stuff through the game meaningless. Also don't make ALL the costumes linked to treasures, just the ultra-rare stuff.
So when is The Labs coming to UC3?
Played some after a few weeks, this game is still a clusterfuck, and I still can't play in the latest map pack. 25 bucks down the toilet, you so awesome ND.
He has bought 3 consoles, 3 discs, 3 TVs, 6 controllers and he boosts in 3TDM splitscreen.
The new maps come up often now. are you playing with a party that doesn't have the maps?
And he still hasn't been banned, although ND knows about this for weeks...This is seriously pathetic on so many levels.
Just started & I'm enjoying the multiplayer, but any specific unlocks/weapons to aim for over others?
Really? I play alone most of the time and today I got the new maps from flashback pack #2 like 5 times in a row. I'm actually surprised. This was in Team Deathmatch though. I don't have much luck getting the new maps in Team Objective...I'm playing alone. Not once have I even see them up for selection. I can play them in custom games.
It's odd that you can't find any games. What playlists are you trying to play? I find matches relatively quickly.nobody plays it in multiplayer anymore as I understand
edit: it seems that somebody does. Why can't I find any games then?
Hardcore treasures are annoying because of Just Cash, but Arena treasures are infuriating because of fucking constant duplicates. I will say this, if you play regular arena on Crushing difficulty, you have more chances of getting treasure drops. For me, it doesn't really matter if I get over 10 treasure drops in an arena match because rare treasures will NEVER drop (surprise, they're all duplicates). The rare treasure drop rate is so ridiculously low that I had to resort to playing Hunter to unlock most of my treasure sets.Damn guys is it just me or are specific Arena treasures the toughest to get in the whole game? I know Hardcore is tough, but at least in that mode the games are short and you have potential to get a treasure or 2 every few games. In Arena though, you have to spend 25-30 minutes to do one game and you will be lucky to get 2-3 treasures after doing it. I've been after Flynn's Bandit Mask and so far I only have one piece (the Incan Head thing).
PS I'm still looking for more people to farm the Chateau using that trick
My advice:Just started & I'm enjoying the multiplayer, but any specific unlocks/weapons to aim for over others?
lol I KNEW I recognized that name. I remember you.Hey Rewrite, I doubt you remember me, but we've played against each other quite a few times in Team Objectives (at least 4 or 5 times). I've probably been matched against you more than anybody else on PSN (not counting my party being split up).
http://community.us.playstation.com/thread/4680048?tstart=0Damn guys is it just me or are specific Arena treasures the toughest to get in the whole game? I know Hardcore is tough, but at least in that mode the games are short and you have potential to get a treasure or 2 every few games. In Arena though, you have to spend 25-30 minutes to do one game and you will be lucky to get 2-3 treasures after doing it. I've been after Flynn's Bandit Mask and so far I only have one piece (the Incan Head thing).
PS I'm still looking for more people to farm the Chateau using that trick:
Please leave a message if you're interested.
I read that thread a few days ago, and I believe we should definitely have more customization options. I love that gif of picking a color, because that would be better than what we have now which is so limited. I was expecting something like that to begin with, and also having a variety of things we can put on our character. More options for hats, glasses, etc. I really hope there's a customization patch in the near future.![]()
Someone from the ND forums made this. So fucking awesome. C'mon ND, make the customization better.
I've posted that thread in here before, but it deserves to get posted again. Such a fantastic thread.
Co-op Hunter Arena is the worse. I've been trying to get Drake's cap, and it's such a pain. I've played quite a bit of plain Co-op Arena, and never got the last statue. So, I figured I have to get the last one in Co-op Hunter Arena. I was so happy when I thought I had got it, but it was just a statue that I've retrieved in Co-op Arena. Something really needs to be done about that, for sure.