Agreed on Treasure pickups, do you use the treasure booster thing tho?Sometimes this game pisses me right off.
Half the time I swear my punch fails to go off, the other persons punch always hits me first and a second after I have pressed my button, the grenade also fails to launch sometimes. I'm trying to get the Hardcore treasures and it really annoys me when one drops on the last or second to last kill, how the hell am I meant to pick those up? As far as I'm concerned any treasures that have been out for under 30 seconds at the end of the match should automatically be picked up.
On a lighter note, I laugh everytime that British old guy says 'Well shit my pants!' when there's a grenade near him xD
I do but since boosters are off in Hardcore it doesn't matter =P Its just frustrating me because I'm having to play against people to get the treasures. I much prefer Co-op Adventure and Co-op Arena. Still, only 2 more to get in hardcore then I can just play co-op arena to my hearts content to get the rest, unless they add new treasures or you have to do missions to get anything new in 1.13Agreed on Treasure pickups, do you use the treasure booster thing tho?
Yea ill admit the mechanics are a little....painful.. at times. Like the gernade throws and throwbacks. Bulletspread is a problem as well as combat at times.
Idk, still like it but not taking it as serious as I did during the summer beta or at launch.
Sometimes this game pisses me right off.
Half the time I swear my punch fails to go off, the other persons punch always hits me first and a second after I have pressed my button, the grenade also fails to launch sometimes. I'm trying to get the Hardcore treasures and it really annoys me when one drops on the last or second to last kill, how the hell am I meant to pick those up? As far as I'm concerned any treasures that have been out for under 30 seconds at the end of the match should automatically be picked up.
On a lighter note, I laugh everytime that British old guy says 'Well shit my pants!' when there's a grenade near him xD
I share all your sentiments in regards to this game not being that fun when you are playing alone.
Most of the time you'll be frustrated and pissed because the way the game balances teams is just bullshit. You'll get shit like this:
The 2 split-screeners just had to be in my team while the rest of the other randoms get placed on one team.
If it's not due to shitty balancing, it's due to facing off against parties. They are those rare occasions when your team of randoms beats a party of 5 in TDM/Team Objective/Plunder/etc and it feels so good. Just the other day, in TDM...I had nothing but randoms in my team against a party of 5 (or 4, don't remember) that had 2 and up KDR's each. My randoms weren't good and throughout the whole match I kept thinking I was going to lose and was such a heated match for me because I was the one getting all the kills while my team mates were dying over and over. Some people on my team quit that had 1 kill and 7 deaths and I kept thinking I was going to lose. To make it short, the match ended like this:
Felt so good, man.
AMAZING games tonight, GS2 and Monochrome. That final Plunder match..god damn. GOD FUCKING DAMN. 3 (us) vs. a party of 5 fucking players that had over 1k captures each. We got our fucking rematch and beat the shit out of them. and it's the same party we beat the other day 5-0. they talked so much shit. :lol
I've had them go out of bounds and in walls. What gets me more is when you kill someone in the sea or over a gap and the treasure just falls to the bottom. Least make it spawn on land nearest where they died, I cant dive down or jump down a massive pit to get it ND! And same, starting to convince myself that the ones I miss are the ones I need. Just have to keep reminding myself its probably Just cash or a Duplicate, but I'll never know! ='[Try having treasures dropping out of bounds, in the air, inside the wall, or inside the floor. I seriously hate when that happens to me. I sort of am starting to believe one of those would have been the Emerald Chimera, which is my last Hardcore treasure I need. You can pick up treasures if it's at very end of the game. If you know where it's at, just mash Triangle near it, assuming you can make it. I do agree they should automatically be picked up.
Sometimes this game pisses me right off.
Half the time I swear my punch fails to go off, the other persons punch always hits me first and a second after I have pressed my button, the grenade also fails to launch sometimes. I'm trying to get the Hardcore treasures and it really annoys me when one drops on the last or second to last kill, how the hell am I meant to pick those up? As far as I'm concerned any treasures that have been out for under 30 seconds at the end of the match should automatically be picked up.
On a lighter note, I laugh everytime that British old guy says 'Well shit my pants!' when there's a grenade near him xD
I've had them go out of bounds and in walls. What gets me more is when you kill someone in the sea or over a gap and the treasure just falls to the bottom. Least make it spawn on land nearest where they died, I cant dive down or jump down a massive pit to get it ND! And same, starting to convince myself that the ones I miss are the ones I need. Just have to keep reminding myself its probably Just cash or a Duplicate, but I'll never know! ='[
Guys I'm wondering if I should get the map packs.
Is it easy to get into matches with the DLC maps or do they rarely come in the rotation? Do people generally like the maps or do they usually vote for the vanilla maps? Do you guys think it's worth the money they ask for each pack (£7)?
Guys I'm wondering if I should get the map packs.
Is it easy to get into matches with the DLC maps or do they rarely come in the rotation? Do people generally like the maps or do they usually vote for the vanilla maps? Do you guys think it's worth the money they ask for each pack (£7)?
So I am trying to go back through this game again to collect all the treasure, but I just have no drive. I could easily play Uncharted 1 and 2 over and over again. I really don't know what it is. Anyone else have this problem?
Next time might be hao chi and I against your tryhard full party if we meet in matchmaking
Anyways, I can't wait to play with you guys again. It has been quite a while since last time.
On another note, fellow gaffers feel free to add me (Xdye7). I enjoy most modes, particularly Team Objective.
Thanks for the games, Rewrite. I'm sorry 'bout not inviting you, hao-chi, but my friend, who is new to Uncharted 3, came and joined us, thus filling the last spot. I was showing him the ropes and everything, so maybe next time.
Next time might be hao chi and I against your tryhard full party if we meet in matchmaking![]()
SjShane is not a tryhard. He's cool, just weird that he always sits in the lobby.
I can finally have a Hardcore partner again. I get placed on shitty teams.![]()
I think I've had it. Is it a co-op medal?
Well, GAF, I've been reset. ND, please fix this crap. I lost all of my progress since I started the Subway beta and this is the first time I've ever been reset. I can't believe this bug is becoming more and more common. I cannot get my progress back at all, but please give us a goddamn fix or an alternative solution to prevent this again.
And all I needed was the Emerald Chimera. 1.13 better give me easy access to treasures.
Bummer. :\Well, GAF, I've been reset. ND, please fix this crap. I lost all of my progress since I started the Subway beta and this is the first time I've ever been reset. I can't believe this bug is becoming more and more common. I cannot get my progress back at all, but please give us a goddamn fix or an alternative solution to prevent this again.
And all I needed was the Emerald Chimera. 1.13 better give me easy access to treasures.
I'm just curious.... do any of you guys have or know somebody with a Master Chef medal?
Edit: I know, very random question.
You've always been a witness of the bullshit I have to put up with when it comes to randoms. If it was a team of just me, you two bitches wouldn't stand a chance! Ha.And when we win StarGAF will be like "B-b-b-b-but my teammates sucked!"![]()
Wtf.I think I've had it. Is it a co-op medal?
Well, GAF, I've been reset. ND, please fix this crap. I lost all of my progress since I started the Subway beta and this is the first time I've ever been reset. I can't believe this bug is becoming more and more common. I cannot get my progress back at all, but please give us a goddamn fix or an alternative solution to prevent this again.
And all I needed was the Emerald Chimera. 1.13 better give me easy access to treasures.
Wow. Speechless. Sorry man.
On the bright side, 1.13 should have that treasure thing, and you can go for a perfect WLR if you always party up with Rewrite and I. Oh and you'll be able to go for the new legacies with no regrets about losing your booster progress and money.
At the end of the day, it's still not worth stressing over. No video game is. It certainly shouldn't have happened, but there's nothing more you can do.
Bummer. :\
Had you bought everything (boosters/kickbacks/mods/skins/accessories/taunts/emblems) before the reset?
Did you quit any match?
I'd be BEYOND pissed if this ever happens to me. That really sucks. Guess I'm stuck with a low level tryhard noob on my team now. <3
but seriously, that sucks man. sorry to hear that. No words.
Just started playing the game and wanted to ask; what does Aiming Assist do?
Guess I'm stuck with a low level tryhard noob on my team now. <3
That new character looks awesome, IMO. If only the UC3/UC2 skins had this amount of attention to detail and move sets...
But, I'll get to Level 75 with a Star and be all pro.
I think I've had it. Is it a co-op medal?
Well, GAF, I've been reset. ND, please fix this crap. I lost all of my progress since I started the Subway beta and this is the first time I've ever been reset. I can't believe this bug is becoming more and more common. I cannot get my progress back at all, but please give us a goddamn fix or an alternative solution to prevent this again.
And all I needed was the Emerald Chimera. 1.13 better give me easy access to treasures.
You've always been a witness of the bullshit I have to put up with when it comes to randoms. If it was a team of just me, you two bitches wouldn't stand a chance! Ha.
Did the EULA agreement come up again and you accepted it?
Just want as much info as possible to prevent this from happening to me.
Spoiler about the ending and Uncharted "4":
I really hope they make one last game that ties everything together. Their farewell and Nathan + Elena getting married or something like this. The game ending with him getting on his knees and opening a box and the screen fading out would be awesome. After Uncharted 4 the franchise needs to die. Seriously. Finish it in a great way and don't do the same as Resident Evil or Halo
Yup. As soon as I got that sucker, I yanked my power cord (which was not a good thing to do, I know, but anything but a reset to my profile would be fine to me). Booted it back up, checked my stats on the ND page, they were already wiped out. So it came up again, backed out, went back again, and then just accepted it because I knew there really was no way around it.
Funny, the stats page showed the last match I was in before I was reset. I don't know why they don't do profile backups. It'd really prevent this catastrophe from happening to other players. I would not wish this on anyone and really hope no one gets reset. Be careful when signing off the multiplayer!
EDIT: Actually, I'm checking my stats again and my match history is still there from before the reset.
hao chi yesterday: bu bu bu I'm rustyPfft, whatever. You know I carry you.
hao chi yesterday: bu bu bu I'm rusty![]()
I hope there will be more Uncharted games. I know it is in Naughty Dog's style to stop the previous franchise and create a new one with the next generation (Crash, Jak), but I hope they break this trend for Uncharted.
I could see them stopping the story at 4, but the thing is is that I really like the multiplayer! In my opinion, Uncharted 3 MP is better than 2. I really want to see where they can go with the games for multiplayer. How to make it better, more refined, add in more features, more customization, etc. I think they have a really good foundation with U3, I would just like to see it expanded on.
Well in Uncharted 3 we learn thatthey were already married so ending with a proposal wouldn't be as touching nor would it make sense because I don't think they divorced. A kid on the other hand....