Just booted the game up for first time. Bought it the day it came out nearly a year ago. At The Citadel 3 hours in. Pretty good so far.
Just booted the game up for first time. Bought it the day it came out nearly a year ago. At The Citadel 3 hours in. Pretty good so far.
I imagine ND devs mixing up ideas like this:The new lab is fucking garbage. 2 mega bombs, para 9 with 120 bullets, and a riot shield. Kickbacks are off, boosters are off (LOL!), power plays are on (LOL!).
Team killing is basically unavoidable.
Oh, and throwbacks are off.
The new lab is fucking garbage. 2 mega bombs, para 9 with 120 bullets, and a riot shield. Kickbacks are off, boosters are off (LOL!), power plays are on (LOL!).
Team killing is basically unavoidable.
Oh, and throwbacks are off.
Did you go into the camera menu and enable "alternate controls", or whatever it's called?
I recommend it.
Even with their matchmaking fix, I still get the worst team mates ever. I have the worst fucking luck in the world.
The lag has gotten so much worse too.
What does it do?
Yeah, matchmaking still sucks. I still end up in losing matches with split screeners and low level players.
It improves the diagonal aiming. With the default aiming, if you rotate your right stick in a circle while aiming, your reticle will move in roughly a rectangular shape. With the alternate aiming your aim will move in a circular shape.
I think they also made the sensitivities faster. I haven't actually played U3 campaign since the patch was released other than to test out the aiming real fast, and to try to get my multi settings to save (thanks for the recommendation, Ryanardo, but unfortunately it didn't work for me).
When it comes to this game, it's better to be in a party than to play against one. No lone wolfing here.Or in a double 'fuck you', matched against GAF and with low level players on your team.![]()
apparently there is a map called Yemen? what is this? I've never seen it and I've played like 50 matches by now
apparently there is a map called Yemen? what is this? I've never seen it and I've played like 50 matches by now
apparently there is a map called Yemen? what is this? I've never seen it and I've played like 50 matches by now
apparently there is a map called Yemen? what is this? I've never seen it and I've played like 50 matches by now
:lol :lolapparently there is a map called Yemen? what is this? I've never seen it and I've played like 50 matches by now
Why the hell didn't we just get the original beta for the full MP experience? It just needed a few tweaks and it would have been the most fun multiplayer game EVER. Will never forget the garbage that was the Subway beta after playing the fucking amazing summer one and just watching everyone's reactions just plummet due to how different everything felt. Such a bummer.
So uh, today is the one year anniversary of Uncharted 3. Crazy that it's been a year already, huh? Wonder what ND will do to celebrate it...maybe they'll just give an Anniversary "shirt" for Drake or bring him back from UC2.
Man, thinking back...this game was a complete fucking mess when it launched. Can't believe I didn't quit out of the MP during the KAL, FAL, Quick Boom @ 6 (?) medals, auto jump lock on Sewed off Shotgun kills, Bargain stacking, broken treasure system, M9 ROF *it's STILL a problem* and G-MAL days...jeez. So fucking terrible. And now we're stuck with BLINDFIRE and LAG...and microtransactions. Waaay more lag after the latest patch too. I can't pull myself away despite all the bullshit this game throws at me. :lol
Why the hell didn't we just get the original beta for the full MP experience? It just needed a few tweaks and it would have been the most fun multiplayer game EVER. Will never forget the garbage that was the Subway beta after playing the fucking amazing summer one and just watching everyone's reactions just plummet due to how different everything felt. Such a bummer.
I don't get ND's thought process when it comes to multiplayer.
Make it great. Fuck it up. Gradually improve it, but never back to its former glory.
Happy 1 year anniversary, now give us some money!
Or give us a star on our badges, I hate playing Co-op on crushing :'(
ROD aka ring of death screwed us over so many times tonight... Wtf is up with that shit. It was game after game that we kept getting it.
Logged in to the MP and didn't see any 1 year anniversary message of the day or any kind of special treat. Bummer man.
...Logged in to the MP and didn't see any 1 year anniversary message of the day or any kind of special treat. Bummer man.
Logged in to the MP and didn't see any 1 year anniversary message of the day or any kind of special treat. Bummer man.
ROD aka ring of death screwed us over so many times tonight... Wtf is up with that shit. It was game after game that we kept getting it.
This game is broken beyond belief and ND still doesn't give a shit:
Eric-ND said:We've been getting some isolated cases of players having their U3 multiplayer profiles reset.
Since patch 1.13, we have a backup in place for players who have reached level 10 or higher. If you leveled up to 10 or higher before the reset occurred we SHOULD be able to help you.
If you're looking to have your profile restored you'll need to make sure the following things have occured:
1. You haven't leveled up past level 10 since the reset
2. You send us your PSN ID
3. You send us evidence of where your profile was before and after the reset.
So if you had your profile reset and lost data, there’s a good chance we can recover your profile if they have not played past level 10 on that PSN ID since the reset occured.
Fire away PMs to Eric-ND with evidence and we'll see what we can do. REMEMBER to include:
Evidence of reset
Naughtydog needs to just throw in the towel for this game. I think their done. MP just took WAAAAAAAAAY TOO long to actually get "ok" and even then it's not all that.
Next go round they should contact 343 industries and get help from over there.
Damn, I wish this fix was in effect last year. Better late than never, I suppose.
And they fixed the web stats like I asked, sweet.![]()
Well, I pestered Eric enough on Twitter regarding account resets... maybe that's why?ND started backing up profile data when 1.13 released. Why did they tell us now, nearly 3 months later?
Well, I pestered Eric enough on Twitter regarding account resets... maybe that's why?