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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

Sup GAF. :p

I know Im kinda lttp but Ive been playing alot of UC3 MP as of late since I got the UC3 game of the year edition.

If you feel like playing some time, just add me by my PSN: HighLuxury


Ugh, the new lab map blows. It's really cool in design, but it caters to camping. They should have either made the top platform larger, with more access points or made another one so teams that gained control can't just sit up there and snipe everyone down below. It's just too easy to destroy the other team when you get control of the top area.


Ugh, the new lab map blows. It's really cool in design, but it caters to camping. They should have either made the top platform larger, with more access points or made another one so teams that gained control can't just sit up there and snipe everyone down below. It's just too easy to destroy the other team when you get control of the top area.

No, what they should have done is lowered the top platform a bit more. Now the people who are on the lower platforms have a better line of sight making it much more even.


Not as deep as he thinks
Ugh, the new lab map blows. It's really cool in design, but it caters to camping. They should have either made the top platform larger, with more access points or made another one so teams that gained control can't just sit up there and snipe everyone down below. It's just too easy to destroy the other team when you get control of the top area.
It doesn't blow, but I do agree that once a team snags the top area, it's pretty much hard to get back. Something needs to be done, like maybe adding a top wall (I know there's one already, but it doesn't cover the whole top area) so that every grenade can be bounced at any place if you aim correctly. The "outer" walls only cover the edges of the top area and not the middle or left/right sides. Outside of that though it's a fucking BLAST. Possibly my second favorite Lab Map with Mesh Map #4 holding the top spot for me.

Good games tonight dudes! Had a ton of fun.

And Bleach...HOLY shit at our last matches. We played against people from Spain + some other unknown countries and man...the lag was so fucking BAD that it was making us laugh. We'd kill people and they would die a minute later. Bleach would die TWICE every time they would kill him and I would get Oh Snapped from the enemy I just killed....People would climb up the ziplines only to go in reverse when they were near the top. Just fucking HILARIOUS all around. :lol


It doesn't blow

I gave it another chance last night and had a lot more fun than I did the first few times I played it. Even got Scoped in Gold. So yeah, I don't think it blows anymore. The camping still sucks, but there are ways to deal with it.
Wait, did ND actually ever fix anything opposed to just saying they did?

All night teams of 5 against 5 randoms. That's not only horrible for the randoms but also for the teams since the matches never last longer than two minutes. Such bullshit.

Also, it still disgusts me that people can use hat-stat-boosts against people that choose (or have no choice) not to use them. Everybody using them are weaksauce.

This game can be so awesome but ND does not seem to allow it....


Have any of you really seen a difference in lag since the update? Because I haven't. I'm still seeing people surf across maps and shotgun AK's or M9's have become more prevalent than they previously were.
Have any of you really seen a difference in lag since the update? Because I haven't. I'm still seeing people surf across maps and shotgun AK's or M9's have become more prevalent than they previously were.

Yesterday I killed this guy in Museum. I litterally walked across the map all the way to the other side and was suddenly, out of nowhere stealthkilled by the guy I killed half a minute ago. I just went into backbreaking animation....

So to answerr your question: No.


Not as deep as he thinks
Have any of you really seen a difference in lag since the update? Because I haven't. I'm still seeing people surf across maps and shotgun AK's or M9's have become more prevalent than they previously were.
It's a mixed bag for me. When I play early, I get people with five bar connections. However, past 10:00 PM I start to get people with 3/less than 3 bars from different countries. Prior to this update, these types of players wouldn't lag so horribly to me but now they do. I've never really experienced delayed deaths, shotgun M9's, people running at like 10 fps as frequently as I do now.


Not as deep as he thinks
Good bye Mesh Map #6 (you will be missed) and welcome the new Lab along with some options added to custom games:

Happy Tuesday! We have a fun, new Lab for you this week. Get ready from some heavy firepower as you chase the idol in a Plunder game type Lab featuring RPGs or Mag-5 weapons only. The Lab will be available today before 630pm PST. Load up the Lab playlist and fire away!

Based on the popularity of past Labs we’ve added some new weapon sets for the custom game settings. These include:

Shotgun & Mag-5 Only

Hammer & Pistole Only

Riot Shield, Pistols, and Megabombs Only

Rockets & Mag-5 Only

Try a custom match with any of these settings after the live update happens today. These settings will be available once the Lab has been deployed.

We’ve rolled out some new Tournament prizes in this week’s update as well. The popular Fireball weapons and a handful of very cool Shade torso and head items can be won. Enter the Tournament today to earn these rare prizes. Check out the Tournament FAQ or the Tournament section of the in-game menu for full details on how to achieve these. As always, visit the calendar on your Uncharted 3 stats page for upcoming labs and multiplayer events. See you online!


Not as deep as he thinks
Lab is pretty OK. Figured I would hate it too, but it's pretty fun. I love the craziness, but hate the constant camping. Also, fuck Syria. FUCK THAT PIECE OF SHIT MAP for Plunder.

The lag is getting pretty worse at night for me, which is the only time I can actually play. I keep constantly getting paired up with foreigners...Before their matchmaking fix, those players never lagged THIS bad to me...


Plunder game type Lab featuring RPGs or Mag-5 weapons only

So... is there a choice between Mag-5 and RPG plunder? Or is it both? Are boosters on?

UPDATE: The DLC map pack priority has been switched so that Flashback Map Pack 2 is the priority. We'll be rotating the DLC prority from time-to-time. For a chart on how this works check out this breakdown of the different possible priorities.

hao chi

UPDATE: The DLC map pack priority has been switched so that Flashback Map Pack 2 is the priority. We'll be rotating the DLC prority from time-to-time. For a chart on how this works check out this breakdown of the different possible priorities.


Mikey Jr.

UPDATE: The DLC map pack priority has been switched so that Flashback Map Pack 2 is the priority. We'll be rotating the DLC prority from time-to-time. For a chart on how this works check out this breakdown of the different possible priorities.

I never understood how developers are able to release map packs and all maps are available to play without having to do some rotating bullshit.

Specifically, COD.


Not as deep as he thinks
Yup its both and boosters are allowed. No kickbacks.

Oh and they are rotating the DLC maps? All I kept getting was the DD maps.




Just got my first Rampant today!!! Feels pretty damn good to FINALLY get one after playing this fucking game for a year now. Fucked up thing is, my team still lost the match. Oh well, got a 5nA in the match too so double WOOT WOOT!

hao chi

Just got my first Rampant today!!! Feels pretty damn good to FINALLY get one after playing this fucking game for a year now. Fucked up thing is, my team still lost the match. Oh well, got a 5nA in the match too so double WOOT WOOT!

Sorry, but I laughed my ass off when I read this.

Congrats on the Rampant though.
Uncharted 4 is coming Soon (TM)?

– Sony is near the middle end part of their Project Orbis, their next generation PS4. It will not be called Playstation 4, teams have started to call the final name as Omni. Omni will reflect their new hardware and content delivery philosophy. Omni will be “very capable” of doing modern day graphics compared to a Direct X 11 level of technology like Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 2. Compared to Wii U, it is better, but not the biggest leap in the world according to developer friends of mine. The key is the Omniviewer, a thin, lite and slick head mounted autosteroptic display that can track the users head and presents a 360 image view with semi transparent AMOLED screens. This can turn any TV into a 3D TV, as well as add extra augmented reality information outside of the TV screen. One application from an entertainment perspective seeing movies in 2k, 4k or IMAX resolutions as their original size where you have to move your head to look at the full picture being displayed. Can also synch with the Vita. The new controllers whether it’s the Duo-Moves or the Classic DuoShock will have pulse sensors in the grips for biofeedback gameplay. Plans are a Basic Unit with 160 gigs and just the system with controller at $350-$399 and one with the Omniviewer and a pack-in game for $450-$499. Aims are for a September 2013 launch.

– Omni is also part of their philosophy with the new OmniCloud, the new version of Gaikai [Gaitai Spelling Error Fixed]. This service will not only cloud stream PS1, PS2 and select PS3 games to Playstation Certified devices but will also allow every digital and retail purchase to have access to a copy on the cloud. Basically, you buy one game, you can use it on any Plyastation device. Direct hardware Backwards Compatibility will be available by a $70 – $99 dongle that is plugged into the Omni that contains a PS3 on a chip with Cell to run games.

– Known first party games in development for Playstation Omni are: Next Gen Uncharted, Next Gen Siren, The Boydguard, Wipeout Omni, Bump In the Night, Killzone 4, Gran Turismo Prologue, Next Gen Media Molecule, Omni Fitness.


Sorry, but I laughed my ass off when I read this.

Congrats on the Rampant though.

Seriously, I went 24-3 so the only thing the other four guys had to do was get 26 kills and not die 47 times. The game was close, but yeah... would have been even better if we had won.


Sending out the signal. U3GAF, your services are needed. You know who you are. I'm trying to get these co-op trophies, but randoms are no good for crushing playthoughs.


Not as deep as he thinks
New mesh Lab Map. I don't like it. Too many bad platforming deaths.


Never touching this piece of shit map.
Uncharted 4 is coming Soon (TM)?

– Sony is near the middle end part of their Project Orbis, their next generation PS4. It will not be called Playstation 4, teams have started to call the final name as Omni. Omni will reflect their new hardware and content delivery philosophy. Omni will be “very capable” of doing modern day graphics compared to a Direct X 11 level of technology like Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 2. Compared to Wii U, it is better, but not the biggest leap in the world according to developer friends of mine. The key is the Omniviewer, a thin, lite and slick head mounted autosteroptic display that can track the users head and presents a 360 image view with semi transparent AMOLED screens. This can turn any TV into a 3D TV, as well as add extra augmented reality information outside of the TV screen. One application from an entertainment perspective seeing movies in 2k, 4k or IMAX resolutions as their original size where you have to move your head to look at the full picture being displayed. Can also synch with the Vita. The new controllers whether it’s the Duo-Moves or the Classic DuoShock will have pulse sensors in the grips for biofeedback gameplay. Plans are a Basic Unit with 160 gigs and just the system with controller at $350-$399 and one with the Omniviewer and a pack-in game for $450-$499. Aims are for a September 2013 launch.

– Omni is also part of their philosophy with the new OmniCloud, the new version of Gaikai [Gaitai Spelling Error Fixed]. This service will not only cloud stream PS1, PS2 and select PS3 games to Playstation Certified devices but will also allow every digital and retail purchase to have access to a copy on the cloud. Basically, you buy one game, you can use it on any Plyastation device. Direct hardware Backwards Compatibility will be available by a $70 – $99 dongle that is plugged into the Omni that contains a PS3 on a chip with Cell to run games.

– Known first party games in development for Playstation Omni are: Next Gen Uncharted, Next Gen Siren, The Boydguard, Wipeout Omni, Bump In the Night, Killzone 4, Gran Turismo Prologue, Next Gen Media Molecule, Omni Fitness.

It's almost inevitable. I doubt ND would go throw all this trouble to make and support MP and then completely abandon the franchise.
Everyday I look forward to playing the multiplayer in this game, and everyday I suck, so badly, when I play. Man, I used to be so good at Uncharted 2, I can't aim for shit anymore. I mean, consistently I'm the last player on the match results, 10th of 10, whether my team wins or not.

But still I always look forward to coming back. I wonder if people still lay uc2. I want to feel good again


Not as deep as he thinks
Just keep practicing and find a gun that suits your playstyle the best. Try the M9 if you haven't already. it's the easiest gun to get kills with. It has no drawbacks whatsoever. It has disgustingly good blindfire accuracy (without the mod equipped), great clip size, and hardly any recoil whatsoever. Also, learn the maps. It's probably the most crucial thing in this game. Knowing the maps, knowing where the power weapons are at, and knowing where the hot spots (where most gun fights take place) are at will aid you in doing good. Listen to the character's voices and pay attention to call outs and where your team mates died. And also: move your camera to look at your surroundings! You'd be surprised how many people don't do this!!


Been getting flashback maps #2 on the DLC pool constantly so I guess the map "priority" is working as intended.

Also good games tonight Code and GS2 for yesterday's Team Objective craziness!


Ok what the fuck. I just played this game online on Monday and now I'm trying to connect and it's failed synching level data 5 times at the exact same spot on the progress bar. I've wasted half an hour trying to do this. It's really pissing me off because my friend and I only had a couple hours to play.


Not as deep as he thinks
Thanks for the amazing games tonight guys. I had a ton of fun and we must have played our best Team Objective match ever. Seriously that match was amazing. When both teams give it their all, it's like crack. There was no bullshit deaths, no cheap load outs, no lag, and both teams knew what they were supposed to do. I wish every match was like that.

Shane's cloaked trolling had me in tears too. People are so fucking oblivious. Hahahaha.
Just keep practicing and find a gun that suits your playstyle the best. Try the M9 if you haven't already. it's the easiest gun to get kills with. It has no drawbacks whatsoever. It has disgustingly good blindfire accuracy (without the mod equipped), great clip size, and hardly any recoil whatsoever. Also, learn the maps. It's probably the most crucial thing in this game. Knowing the maps, knowing where the power weapons are at, and knowing where the hot spots (where most gun fights take place) are at will aid you in doing good. Listen to the character's voices and pay attention to call outs and where your team mates died. And also: move your camera to look at your surroundings! You'd be surprised how many people don't do this!!

Won my first free for all hours after you posted that.

Anyone else get personally offended when someone thrust/laugh taunts you? The others are all so humorous to me, but those two...
The GOTY version of this game has never been on sale has it? I don't know when it came out but it feels like I should wait for that instead of getting the regular edition but I don't want to spend $40 right now.


I'm still waiting on a good deal on this game.
only game (minus the vita) in the series I have yet to play!

loved UC1 and 2 so much!


Not as deep as he thinks
LOL It's Crushing TDM. I am in no hurry to try that shit. Watch ND troll everyone by making it permanent just like in UC2.

BTW, in the message of the day it says that there's going to be a Double XP and Rare Treasure Drop weekend starting this Friday and ending Monday!

I'm excited for the rare treasure drop one. I HOPE I CAN FINALLY COMPLETE MY CO-OP SETS.
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