or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
well, i pulled the trigger and ordered an XRGB mini with the money i had saved for a Black 3DSXL.
i look forward to seeing how much all these consoles that require upscaling end up looking on my TV. running the XRGB mini with the TV's native resolution is the best way to run it, right?
also, i have an official S-Video cable for N64. is that good enough to make the RGB mod unnecesary?
S-video on N64 through the XRGB looks really good, actually.
RGB would still technically be better... but it's not at all a night and day difference. Get the mod only if you are extremely picky.
I guess we're all "picky" on some level as XRGB owners... but s-video is definitely that "nice and correct" image we are all seeking, with RGB just having slightly better blacks, less blur if you look really close, etc.