Would component make a difference on my PAL console?
vs what? are you currently doing RGB?
Would component make a difference on my PAL console?
Meaning I just have composite and haven't bothered to get a component cable since people mention it wasn't supported in any PAL GCN games. Would I get any benefits running a composite cable through one of these wonder boxes?
that is not true.
its just progressive scan that wasnt supported.
The picture looks heaps better with component cables.
Ah that makes some sense. Cheers for the clarification.
She's back as of the time of this post.
Super Nintendo, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, and Neo Geo in stock.
Also, if you are getting a Framemeister...don't forget about Wii and its tremendous VC catalog...presented in 240p via component then upscaled to 720p on your HDTV. A lot of folks discount it since all the rage is original hardware but the setup is probably the single best retro thing you can have going on in your gameroom.
Then get the $15 Component->D-Terminal Adapter:
ARG! I skip checking this thread for few days and I miss her AGAIN.
Hey, that's a swell idea. Would be a good use for my Wii for when I get a Wii U. Where did you get your Component->D-Terminal Adapter?
Hey, that's a swell idea. Would be a good use for my Wii for when I get a Wii U. Where did you get your Component->D-Terminal Adapter?
On a side note, I've heard the Wii U image quality is higher, even for Wii games (better gamma or something along those lines), does anyone know if the Wii U still outputs Virtual Console games in their native res like the Wii does?
Give this a shot. If you still have your Wii of course.I've struggled with getting Wii VC games looking good on Wii least through an XRGB.
Give this a shot. If you still have your Wii of course.
can someone post some pics of n64 games running through one of these devices?
id greatly apreciate it
It... really doesn't, actually. N64 games on Wii VC are a lot cleaner than their N64 counterparts.Not an RGB-modded N64 (wish I had one actually) but instead the 480p VC file through the upscaler. Quick and dirty (I'd probably soften the scanlines a bit) but gives you a good idea what N64 games look like on an HDTV.
It... really doesn't, actually. N64 games on Wii VC are a lot cleaner than their N64 counterparts.
Doesn't help that USD/JPY is going ever lower and lower.Gaddam that Framemeister is pricey as fuck.
Just FYI, I took this shot in an emulator, which is why it looks like it's "emulator quality." If you want to get into buying RGB cables for your consoles to use with an XRGB3, and/or want to mod them to get RGB output, there are some good links in the OP to get you started. There's a lot to learn.The image below looks like it's of emulator quality which I'd absolutely love to have on my TV. If I get the framemeister it'll help me achieve that look on my nes/snes/n64?
Interesting thread. How does RGB compare to Emulation on a PC using a plasma HDTV?
Just FYI, I took this shot in an emulator, which is why it looks like it's "emulator quality." If you want to get into buying RGB cables for your consoles to use with an XRGB3, and/or want to mod them to get RGB output, there are some good links in the OP to get you started. There's a lot to learn.
Regarding the XRGB3, do you think it's worth 299?
Interesting thread. How does RGB compare to Emulation on a PC using a plasma HDTV?
Also I saw there was a micro sd card in the box, what is the best way to get the new firmware?
Follow the instructions here:
If you don't have an sd card reader, apparently the mini can act as one by connecting it to a PC via a USB cable.
I don't think there's really much to tweak, TBH. It mostly works out of the box, and composite is just not good enough that tweaking would really change much.Is there a page with the optimal settings for games going through Composite?
Has anybody measured what additional latency is added to these upscalers?
I don't understand what the advantage is beyond being able to add scalines
I've been told that its less than a frame of lag.Has anybody measured what additional latency is added to these upscalers?
I don't understand what the advantage is beyond being able to add scalines
I don't understand what the advantage is beyond being able to add scalines
I've been told that its less than a frame of lag.
Your TV is already introducing lag when it does its (bad) job at scaling, so as Irish says, this may actually reduce it.
And the point of this device is not really scanlines.... It's the scaling. Your current TV sucks at it, and makes games look worse than they were ever intended to. Its really harsh and pixelated. This scales it properly. In short, the image just looks right.
Modern TV's typically do a piss poor job of handling SD material, and are unlikely to have great scaling chips in them. For example mine handles everything as 480i which isn't great when a lot of older consoles/computers output 240p. Also, good scalers can filter the incoming image to remove artifacts like jailbars and minor noise, and are likely to be helpful in displaying systems that are out of spec.
While there are a few issues with the Framemeister, most older consoles will look significantly cleaner and sharper through it than directly plugged into the TV.
Yeah I think that sounds like a good analogy.Thanks those are 2 really good answers, I suppose that a scaler designed for low res content could also upscale via a method that might produce a more authentic look, in the same way that I might choose to upscale my pixel art using bicubic nearest neighbour scaling?
Yeah I think that sounds like a good analogy.
It's hard for me to say that this is exactly 1:1 analogy, because I wouldn't say that it's just an issue of sharp vs soft... The Framemeister image actually looks sharp too. But I can't claim to know exactly why TV scalers suck and Framemeister scalers look right. It could be just like your analogy, I'm not sureAs an example, here is a piece of pixel art upscaled using one method and another upscaled using a different method. I've never really noticed before, but the blurry one also seems to mute the colours
... rainbow artifacts and edge crawl. For some games on the Megadrive/Genesis that can actually be useful as the graphics were intended to be seen with composite blending (Star Cruiser and Eternal Champions, I'm looking at you).
Here's an even more interesting example, I think.
Pitfall makes heavy use of a dithering effect to give the impression of solid colors. When viewed via a composite connection the end result was smooth color patterns while an RGB connection reveals the heavy dithering used to deliver such shades.
So many games from this era were designed to be viewed through a "fuzzy lens", so to speak, which helped to eliminate visual flaws. Donkey Kong Country looked unbelievable on a CRT via composite but, as displays became capable of resolving greater detail, the effect was shattered.
RGB - Composite
while i wait for my XRGB mini to arrive, i started thinking about how to change my setup to accomodate it.
while thinking about this, i realized i have no way of plugging the GC and Wii to the XRGB mini since i only have component cables for these.
my current setup has both consoles plugged to a Yamaha receiver that then goes to the TV and is plugged with HDMI, meaning that the receiver is converting the signal from component to HDMI on the way.
my question is if plugging the HDMI out from the receiver to the XRGB would get me the same results as using different cables. also, it would be interesting to know if these receivers add to the input lag or not.