genuinely interested in how you people shocked/disgusted at dunkey saying faggot cope with this stuff irl because people throw that word and others around a lot. people who are mostly decent people. fag especially has become more watered down and generalised. most people just don't police their language like people do here and in certain circles on the internet.
I think as long as if a person is challenged about it and take onboard the criticism and they don't have a history of anti-whatever bigotry, it's okay and that person doesn't usually mean harm.
language is weird and habits can be hard to break.
(Answering to bold) Yeah it seems to me like this is another case of
Procès d'Intention sophism. (Trial of Intent)
I haven't found a similar concept in english yet, so if someone knows...
But it's the idea that you can discredit a person's action by claiming that their intentions are the most nefarious and shameful. (For example "he donated for the fame")
It's a fallacy if you cannot prove or verify the person's intentions.
But if you can (for example by highlighting a person's actions), then it can serve as proof.
Is it insensitivity? Is it non-correctness? Is it internet slang? Is it hatred? Is Dunkey really prejudiced against homosexuals (=homophobe)?
Procès d'intention.
Another point of contention is the usage of "faggot" at all.
Because unfortunately "OP is a bundle of sticks" and similar are a common saying in a lot of "open to everyone" internet communities (reddit, image sites like imgur, Youtube comments, Twitch chat).
I'm thankful that Neogaf (hiveminding it) takes to heart to avoid such language. We can do without.
But outside of Neogaf, I'm not sure the same rules applies.
So Yeah, if Dunkey was a Gaffer, that would totally be unnacceptable here. The word is considered harmful just to use after all. So if you don't want to look at his videos anymore, because he doesn't have the same "bases" as you, that's reasonnable.
Also, people defending the word because they want to defend Dunkey, don't do it that way... You are getting your priorities mixed up.