Aw that's so cute! Good idea though.Funny video.
Now to find my way out of this thread.
Well, then we agree to disagree. People are allowed their opinions right or wrong.
I don't know if it's because we're from separate parts of the country but growing up faggot and gay have 2 completely different meanings to me. You can be a faggot and not be gay. I've never used the word "faggot" towards a gay dude.
he is such a funny guy.
What the actual fuck.
I'm legitimately saddened by some of the people being brought out of the woodwork here. :
A lot of his criticisms are about 5 years too late, pretty much all of the big outlets do focus on personality driven content now. His video focuses too much on review scores, you should be reading the review not an arbitrary score at the end. The score isn't often decided by the reviewer, but by a senior stuff who aim to tie all the reviews together with a score that represents and is in line with the rest of the website. Advertisers and reviewers are separate departments and have been for quite some time, so leave the unfounded gamer gate bullshit at home Dunky. YouTubers however...
The video felt like a critique on games journalism in 2005.
I always found Dunkey to be trite tbh. His jokes were always the lowest hanging fruitonly made worthwhile by his voice. If you want subtlety and originality you've been following the wrong youtuber.
I always found Dunkey to be trite tbh. His jokes were always the lowest hanging fruitonly made worthwhile by his voice. If you want subtlety and originality you've been following the wrong youtuber.
being mad about game reviews in 2014 when gamergate happened was bad enough, nowadays i'm confused as to how it's even possible
being mad about game reviews in 2014 when gamergate happened was bad enough, nowadays i'm confused as to how it's even possible
we're not seriously pretending that every criticism of game reviews has to be tied to gamergate right?
His arguments are about as week as I would expect from a GamerGater.
That explains why I thought "Wait... what did he want to say in his video, actually?" when I read through the thread. Really a confused stuff
Great vid as usual from Dunkey, showed why I stopped caring about game reviews years ago.
Yikes at that score, not good for a big first party game.
we're not seriously pretending that every criticism of game reviews has to be tied to gamergate right?
I've also heard about publishers flying out reviewers to events & parties for a game launch where they give the reviewers expensive gifts.
Wait people are actually taking dunkey seriously?
Damn, tough crowd here. It wasn't his best tho, that's for sure.
Also did I just read that Dunkey is homophobic ? Come on now...
You may not like the way he uses certain words and that's your right but don't project on him.
We should ask Sky Williams what he thinks about that.
I always found Dunkey to be trite tbh. His jokes were always the lowest hanging fruitonly made worthwhile by his voice. If you want subtlety and originality you've been following the wrong youtuber.
To be fair maybe he didn't know? I only became a lot more aware of social issues and stuff like this within the past few years
I always found Dunkey to be trite tbh. His jokes were always the lowest hanging fruitonly made worthwhile by his voice. If you want subtlety and originality you've been following the wrong youtuber.
hot stuff
Normally love Dunkey videos but man this one felt like a rambling mess that was relevant 5 years are the very important points of this video:
- Gaming press outlets are bad because they have multiple authors and sometimes members of the same site disagree with one another. This means you need to actually keep track of people's names, which is impossible. This is opposed to YouTubers, whose names you can keep track of.
- Reviews should be a running blog so your viewers get to know your personality because that's what I do.
- Reviewers should be cognizant of their shortcomings. So if a reviewer says they hate a genre and then later likes something in the genre, you should pay extra attention to it.
- It's bad to give up on game critics because they said a game you like is bad. But if they do it a lot, then you should give up on them.
- Reviewers should stand out from the crowd and have unique opinions unless it's too many unique opinions, then it's bad.
- So many major reviews feel the same way about major games.
- [Shows review of classic video game] This is boring everyone's already played the game and everyone knows its good so why write a review of it
- It's bad that games I don't like get high numbers or even middle numbers. Even if a site says a 7 means mediocre to me that's a high number so that's bad.
- It's bad that reviews only use 7, 8, and 9. [Shows picture of GameSpot's recent reviews, which are 4, 7, 6, and 6] I only use low scores instead so 3/5 means amazing.
- It's about ethics in gaming journalism.
- Reviewers mostly play new games and this is bad because your standards will be defined by what's done recently.
- Reviews are buyers guides and this is bad because they should be critical assessments
- Reviews should be subjective, unless I disagree with them.
- Some people said Mario was hard and I don't think it was hard.
- A guy reviewed Crash and said it was bad because it was too hard and that's bad. He's an idiot and no good at games. And if you're not good at a genre you shouldn't review it. But I agree Crash is too hard, it's just too hard at a later point than the point where he said it was hard. And also the hitboxes are bad.
- It's bad if a reviewer doesn't finish a game before reviewing it, even if they note that in their review and nothing about their review depends on the end of the game
- Actually Crash is not very good but it looks great and critics noted this, but they're wrong because they gave it high scores
- Reviews that talk about graphics instead of fun are bad
- Well actually I also can't enjoy games if the music is bad
- Sometimes reviews say bad things but then conclude that the game is greater than the sum of its parts and this is bad because the number is too high
hot stuff
Dunkey isn't as thoughtful as he thinks he is, but he likes to indulge that notion once in a while. It was pretty lol to begin with, but now it's embersssing.
Also did I just read that Dunkey is homophobic ? Come on now...
You may not like the way he uses certain words and that's your right but don't project on him.
We should ask Sky Williams what he thinks about that.