What was your total playtime?And finished. Finished the post-game chapter as well. Kinda bummed that there's no major changes in the finale narrative if you do all that extra content but ah well. At least it puts a nice bow on everything.
I am really surprised how much I enjoyed my time with the game. Wasn't expecting it to be this fun. Probably the best JRPG I've played this year, or very close behind P3 Reload, and one of the best Square games through this generation as a whole.
NGL the ending-ending got me a bit misty eyed.
Ending context for those who won't play but might be curious:
The primary 'magic girl love interest' who the hero swears to protect through their journey, where she is supposed to sacrifice herself at the end ala Yuna in FFX anyway, dies about 30% of the way through the game. The game does a pretty ballsy thing by keeping her dead through the rest of the game, no magical resurrections. After you beat the game, there's a flash cut to xyz number of years and your hero is dying as an old man, after he dies, he 'wakes up' in the sanctuary of mana location, a key location in the story, where he sees the magic girl love interest waiting for him, they run and hug each other, and that's how the game ends.
28~ hours give or take. I stopped doing the random NPC quests in the 2nd half cause 99% of them just give you small amounts of money and I was rolling in it before the end. Same for hunting after each blue circle treasure icon on the map, stopped after a while cause they were all giving minor healing items etc that I didn't really need.What was your total playtime?
I want to live in your world, where you can enter and loot anyone’s house without people caring and you find $100 bills lying around instead of pennies caked into the pavement.Game does not feel like a believable world where people actually live, can't enter houses, treasure loot is garbage.
Another mediocre JRPG.
I want to live in your world, where you can enter and loot anyone’s house without people caring and you find $100 bills lying around instead of pennies caked into the pavement.
Thank god there’s still games where most of the scenery is just that, inaccessible props. I want to play a fantasy game, not a tour of virtual houses I could never own anyway.
Yeah, it works. I've been doing the same.PC players... I found out that during cutscenes, if you press F11 (exit full screen) then F11 again (enter full screen) - the cutscenes now run at the proper FPS (in my case 140fps to match my monitor). I thought at first it was just Steam's overlay reporting incorrectly, but it does indeed seem to smooth out the video more than the default 30fps.
Can anyone else confirm this?
I want to live in your world, where you can enter and loot anyone’s house without people caring and you find $100 bills lying around instead of pennies caked into the pavement.
Thank god there’s still games where most of the scenery is just that, inaccessible props. I want to play a fantasy game, not a tour of virtual houses I could never own anyway.
I just had this at the port town. I rode through this huge area, passing by a few quest givers, arrive at town, receive another handful of quests, a story scene triggers, talk to some NPCs to progress that, and suddenly it's "let's hurry and get on the ship".One big pet peeve about this game: you’re constantly getting sidequests AFTER you just passed through the area where the objective was. And none of the “kill X of this enemy” count until after you accept the quest. Also lots of “collect X of this item dropped by this enemy” but they won’t even start dropping that item until after you accept the quest. WTF?
Yeah thankfully you can see the rewards so you can decide which ones are worth doing. Most of them just give you money.I just had this at the port town. I rode through this huge area, passing by a few quest givers, arrive at town, receive another handful of quests, a story scene triggers, talk to some NPCs to progress that, and suddenly it's "let's hurry and get on the ship".
I went back and did all the side quests, but I think I may just skip them unless they are convenient from this point on.
Yes, and it was as useless as it would be today.I know, right? I mean, rpgs totally never let us do that in the 80's and 90's. Oh...wait.
PC players... I found out that during cutscenes, if you press F11 (exit full screen) then F11 again (enter full screen) - the cutscenes now run at the proper FPS (in my case 140fps to match my monitor). I thought at first it was just Steam's overlay reporting incorrectly, but it does indeed seem to smooth out the video more than the default 30fps.
Can anyone else confirm this?
I have the same mod, but it doesn't work for every cutscene (whereas the trick of exiting and entering full screen does). It'll get there, the PC version with mods is already running circles around the console versions.CutsceneFPS_v3_60-240.zip (CutsceneFPS_v3_60-240.zip) ダウンロード | day0508 聖剣伝説 Visions of Mana のMOD置き場 | uploader.jp
Use this mod to unlock cutscenes to the framerate of your choice.
Extract it. Pick the folder with the new frame cap you want for the cutscenes. Copy contents from that folder and put in this location:
At this location create a new folder named ~mods and place those files within it.
I'm using this mod amongst others.
I have the same mod, but it doesn't work for every cutscene (whereas the trick of exiting and entering full screen does). It'll get there, the PC version with mods is already running circles around the console versions.
Yes, and it was as useless as it would be today.
If entering a house is only worth it for useless banter from a random NPC and/or an apple hidden in a jar, then the devs can surely spare me the hassle of entering a house to give me the same content.
Nobody needs the 100 houses in any country village to be fully accessible and explorable. A dozen was always too many already. I don’t need to enter a house to know it has tables, chairs, beds, and a host of trinkets that only 1% of players would ever take a closer look at - and shouldn’t anyway.
Both?is it just me, or is the game a snoozefest?
Yeah I’m pleasantly surprised how much I like the story.I am surprised for good and bad that they went with some pretty tragic scenes in this game. It's not on the level of a Yoko Taro game, or even Chapter 5 of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (that one hurts all this time later) But it definitely stepped up its game from Trials of Mana.
The dialog scenes are definitely a snooze fest at times. Just way, way too much talking for this style of story/characters.is it just me, or is the game a snoozefest?
Beautiful to look at but not much more.
This game knows how to attract the 'male gaze'.
This fight with the Vampire boss is some straight up bullshit
Your post was kinda OK until I read this. DQ XI is unplayable because of the shit music alone. It is as bland and generic as RPGs get.Play DQXI instead, which is a masterclass.
It seems like a joke, but you are absolutely correct. I never did finish XI. I think I was halfway through. A few months ago, I thought I would give it another try. As soon as I heard the overworld music, I just shut the game off. I can't fathom going through another few dozen hours of that.Your post was kinda OK until I read this. DQ XI is unplayable because of the shit music alone. It is as bland and generic as RPGs get.
Your post was kinda OK until I read this. DQ XI is unplayable because of the shit music alone. It is as bland and generic as RPGs get.
I hear and have heard the argument about the DQ XI music, and of course that's subjective, but I really liked it. Even aside from the music in EITHER game then, DQXI's story and character arcs and voice acting and dialogue and the way it actually RESPECTS your time is in another league. It's rare a game leaves me angry for spending 30 hours on it, but Vision of Mana accomplished it. It's a by-the-numbers generic RPG. Literally just landscapes with some random monsters dotted around, with annoying load times, and a complete disrespect for the player when it comes to side quests and idiotic/pointless cutscenes that break in the middle, have you walk forward a few feet, just to bash you over the head with another cutscene.It seems like a joke, but you are absolutely correct. I never did finish XI. I think I was halfway through. A few months ago, I thought I would give it another try. As soon as I heard the overworld music, I just shut the game off. I can't fathom going through another few dozen hours of that.
You could have easily seen this with the demo. I did, and decided to skip the game. I am currently playing Trials of Mana and it is the far superior game.I hear and have heard the argument about the DQ XI music, and of course that's subjective, but I really liked it. Even aside from the music in EITHER game then, DQXI's story and character arcs and voice acting and dialogue and the way it actually RESPECTS your time is in another league. It's rare a game leaves me angry for spending 30 hours on it, but Vision of Mana accomplished it. It's a by-the-numbers generic RPG. Literally just landscapes with some random monsters dotted around, with annoying load times, and a complete disrespect for the player when it comes to side quests and idiotic/pointless cutscenes that break in the middle, have you walk forward a few feet, just to bash you over the head with another cutscene.
ALSO, the number of let's-blind-the-player fade to pure white backgrounds is just on another level. Perhaps the worst I've seen. And did anyone even use the mount? What a waste of time.
Anyway, this game sucks. I'd describe it as... GRIZZLY!
All of this. I'd kill for a new HD2D original mana game similar in tone to "Trials".The demo bored me to tears. Mainly the obligatory open world and traversal. I like the Mana franchise a ton, but I would've wished they kind of went for a 2D approach with this one.
I think Trials was better. It has more focused design. I also think LoM remaster is better. I took a guide and beat that game like it was y2k again.
Great news as always. I just kicked off the Steam download since my old game SSD died a month or so ago. Thank god for Steam cloud saves.Square has removed denuvo from Visions. I don’t know if this allows any performance improvements as I no longer have it downloaded but maybe someone can test for us.