Basically what the title suggests
I haven't played all of the final fantasy games, but I have played many of them. I have played X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lightning returns, XIV, XV and recently FF7 Remake.
I know this might be unpopular, but imo Final fantasy 13 has the best cast overall.
The only likeable characters from FF7 imo are Tifa, Aerith, Sephiroth and Reno.
Barrett is obnoxious and annoying. Jessie is cringe, she is so desperate and pathetic. she keeps throwing herself at Cloud, like girl have some dignity. seriously i have never hated a video game character this much before.
Cloud is boring
and the others are too damn irrelevant nobody cares about them. Keep in mind this is my opinion based off the part.1 remake, since I haven't played the original. It might change in the future.
From final fantasy 13 I really liked all of them. Fang, Lightning, Snow (he is a hotty
), Sazh, vanille and Hope they are all cool.
I would say XIII>>>FF7>>>FFX
Anyways share your opinions
I haven't played all of the final fantasy games, but I have played many of them. I have played X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lightning returns, XIV, XV and recently FF7 Remake.
I know this might be unpopular, but imo Final fantasy 13 has the best cast overall.
The only likeable characters from FF7 imo are Tifa, Aerith, Sephiroth and Reno.
Barrett is obnoxious and annoying. Jessie is cringe, she is so desperate and pathetic. she keeps throwing herself at Cloud, like girl have some dignity. seriously i have never hated a video game character this much before.
(i'm glad she died)

From final fantasy 13 I really liked all of them. Fang, Lightning, Snow (he is a hotty

I would say XIII>>>FF7>>>FFX
Anyways share your opinions
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