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What is your top 3 Final Fantasy cast in the whole of the franchise?

What is your top 3 favourite Final fantasy cast.

  • 1

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 4

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • 4

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • 6

    Votes: 48 40.7%
  • 7

    Votes: 79 66.9%
  • 8

    Votes: 28 23.7%
  • 9

    Votes: 39 33.1%
  • 10, 10-2

    Votes: 35 29.7%
  • 11

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • 12

    Votes: 8 6.8%
  • 13, 13-2, Lightning Returns.

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • 14

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • 15

    Votes: 8 6.8%

  • Total voters


Basically what the title suggests

I haven't played all of the final fantasy games, but I have played many of them. I have played X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lightning returns, XIV, XV and recently FF7 Remake.

I know this might be unpopular, but imo Final fantasy 13 has the best cast overall.

The only likeable characters from FF7 imo are Tifa, Aerith, Sephiroth and Reno.
Barrett is obnoxious and annoying. Jessie is cringe, she is so desperate and pathetic. she keeps throwing herself at Cloud, like girl have some dignity. seriously i have never hated a video game character this much before.
(i'm glad she died)
Cloud is boring 😴 and the others are too damn irrelevant nobody cares about them. Keep in mind this is my opinion based off the part.1 remake, since I haven't played the original. It might change in the future.

From final fantasy 13 I really liked all of them. Fang, Lightning, Snow (he is a hotty 😍), Sazh, vanille and Hope they are all cool.

I would say XIII>>>FF7>>>FFX

Anyways share your opinions
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This is not even a question.
(IV is also pretty cool)

I know this might be unpopular, but imo Final fantasy 13 has the best cast overall.
Normal People Drama GIF by CBC


Complete cast is 8 for me. Then 15. And finally I really like Lightning as a character, but there are several I am not a big fan of in 13. Still this is my third pick.
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Mouse Ball Fetishist
FF13 for me, easily. It has:
-Lightning: Beauty
-Sazh: Afro gunner with a cool green coat
-Snow: Unintentionally hilarious guy voiced by Troy "Everywhere" Baker
-Fang: Beauty #2
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FFVII, more particular the FFVII Remake, has without a doubt the best dynamic and chemistry between the characters in the entire series. Whoever was in charge of dialogue and direction of the voice acting are unsung heroes.

I know this might be unpopular, but imo Final fantasy 13 has the best cast overall.

The only likeable characters from FF7 imo are Tifa, Aerith, Sephiroth and Reno.
Barrett is obnoxious and annoying, Jessie is whiny and pathetic
(i'm glad she died)
, Cloud is boring 😴 and the others are too damn irrelevant nobody cares about them. Keep in my mind this is my opinion based off the part.1 remake, since I haven't played the original. It might change in the future.

From final fantasy 13 I really liked all of them. Fang, Lightning, Snow (he is a hotty 😍), Sazh, vanille and Hope they are all cool.

Behind the scenes Lightning was designed to be the female version of Cloud. The entirety of the FFVII: Remake was Cloud showing that she will never live up to his legacy.



FFVII, more particular the FFVII Remake, has without a doubt the best dynamic and chemistry between the characters in the entire series. Whoever was in charge of dialogue and direction of the voice acting are unsung heroes.

Behind the scenes Lightning was designed to be the female version of Cloud. The entirety of the FFVII: Remake was Cloud showing that she will never live up to his legacy.


maybe I will change my opinion about cloud in the future. lightning is more expressive than him. Yes, she always seemes like an angry psycho b!tch, but at least she is giving me something. Cloud on the other hand is just there, i dont even find him hot.

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Kev Kev

6, 7, and 9 easily.
agreed. they have the most fleshed out characters. you learn about each of their back stories, go to their hometowns or places of origin, and their individual story arcs all play into the main story arc. i think FF6 does this the best (one of the reasons its my favorite FF), then 7 and then 9.
FFVII, more particular the FFVII Remake, has without a doubt the best dynamic and chemistry between the characters in the entire series. Whoever was in charge of dialogue and direction of the voice acting are unsung heroes.
I love when Barrett hums the victory theme like that blonde twink in FF XV after a battle. Totally in character for him!

FF V, IX and while XIII-2 is kinda mixed I do like Noel A LOT. Especially since he shit on Snow and put him in his place.
VII - #1 and no other game in the franchise even comes close, no explanations are needed.

VIII - I loved the crew from SeeD and friends they made along the way, shout-out to the homegirl Quisty.

X - sure Tidus can be irritating but Auron, Lulu and Kimahri are amongst the coolest characters Square has ever created.


I would have to go with the quiet/mysterious but strong protagonist in....ermm....all of them.


VII has the most memorable cast for sure. I think VIII is underrated, Rinoa is cringe, but I kinda liked Quistis, Squall who eventually opens up, Irvine. The plot twist is kind of sudden but I took it.

XII has a very good cast as well, there is nothing cringe in there. Even not Vaan and Penelo while useless, they don't really act annoying. Vaan is mostly hated because of his design.


VI has the best cast full stop, being an ensemble party with fourteen party members that has all but a few of them being rather fleshed out characters. On top of the party you have a top tier villain in Kefka, a good fake-out BBEG in Emperor Gestahl, the hilarious Ultros, the cool General Leo, one of the better Cids, the teen couple, etc.

IX's cast comes second, with only Amarant and Freya's lack of material post-Cleyra being weak points of the main party. The Active Time Event system helps a lot with fleshing out NPCs in this cast, especially Zidane's bandit crew. Beatrix is the only major blotch on an otherwise stellar cast.

XII and VII are around tied for third place.

XII's cast is better written overall, and has the benefit of good voice acting going for it. It's a more mature cast barring Vaan and Penelo, who upon reflection aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be. Larsa despite being young is very mature for his age, and is the MVP of the supporting cast.

VII's party is very inconsistent, but the characters I like such as Nanaki (Red XIII) and Aerith, I have more personal love for than those in XII's cast. Nanaki is easily my favorite cast member between both games, and is unique being the only non-humanoid party member in the series to my remembrance. VII's supporting cast is also one of the strongest in the series with the Turks, Rufus, Wutai characters, etc. Hojo is also a great secondary villain.
6 and 7 seem like easy choices. Then probably I'd have to go for 8 over 9 just because, while the characters are pretty fun, they lacked something... there was something sterile about them as compared to 8 where the cast had more charisma... the whole game has that quality of being deadly sincere and also completely insane, it makes it more compelling. Plus whenever 9 lingered on the characters too long it bored me to death. The scenes after the queen died especially. So yeah I'll pick 8.

Of the games I've played though 13 definitely had the worst cast, but I do want to give special mention to 10 because of Tidus. Fuck Tidus


9, 7, 6.

But I biased towards 8 as its my first FF I finished.
4 had a great cast too, also one of my favourites. 5 is underrated

They are all pretty good. I just haven’t played FF15 for long and 13 was meh


. I'm just going to go with the classic 7,8, and 9. I have played a couple of the earlier final fantasy games but I don't remember them much. FFX's cast was annoying. FF12 had some potential, lost it. FF13 I only liked lightning. FF15 was kinda meh in the cast department. I've yet to see FF16's whole cast..
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VII has the most memorable cast for sure. I think VIII is underrated, Rinoa is cringe, but I kinda liked Quistis, Squall who eventually opens up, Irvine. The plot twist is kind of sudden but I took it.

XII has a very good cast as well, there is nothing cringe in there. Even not Vaan and Penelo while useless, they don't really act annoying. Vaan is mostly hated because of his design.
I agree with XII the most underrated FF. The world, combat system and the variety of enemies one of the best in the whole series.
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Gold Member
i've only played 7 + 13 and a tiny bit of 15.

couldn't tell you the names of any in 15. i know some of the characters in 13 but 7 are my favourite.


11s cast is superb, sadly not enough people played this tremendous game, Prishe, Tenzen, Aphmau, Arciela, Naja, Lilisette, Selh'teus and dozens more....

XIVs cast is also excellent I really like all the scions, Hien, Gotetsu, Ardbert, Emet Selch again list can go on and on.

VII is probably my final choice, Every character just clicked with me besides Yuffie who was an annoying little shit.
Because those are the only Final Fantasy I have played. 1 give you the choice to make your party it has to count for something.
For some reason I read the thread title and was under the impression it was about individuals in the cast of Final Fantasy.

Auron (FFX) - A grizzled greatsword warrior that refuses to let even death keep him from fulfilling his promises.

Vincent Valentine (FF VII) - A slumbering test subject capable of taking the form of any monster and a sharpshooter to boot.

Lulu (FFX) - A failed guardian looking for redemption with an arsenal of magic for any occasion.

P.S. The strangeness of the personalities in the teams of Final Fantasy make it hard to choose a team from a single installment.
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Now I think of it 6 and 7 benefit heavily from their villains being kind of vague representations of human... 'badness' I guess. I replayed 6 a month or two ago and it's interesting in that it's very heavy on character while still having that old-school feeling of being just a pastiche of a story... Kefka is well-characterised, but we basically know nothing about him. He's just a weaselly sociopath, he straightforwardly represents a very human and understandable kind of evil and so it's much more impactful when he becomes a god

Meanwhile 7's villain is Sephiroph but

it's not even clear to what extent he still exists as a distinct character after integrating with Jenova and outside of the flashbacks you don't even have a real conversation with him... either way he largely only appears to torture Cloud by embodying the object of Cloud's inferiority complex while controlling him through the Jenova cells. It's a very stark power dynamic and taps into something that we all feel to some extent, and certainly as a kid playing the game it cut quite deep. It made Sephiroph as a character feel powerful in a way that transcended the game, even though he is difficult to describe as a character beyond "swoopy cape big sword went crazy"

And then we have shit like FF10 where one of the villain's motivations is "I'll end all suffering... by killing everybody!" and it's like... what happened here?
11s cast is superb, sadly not enough people played this tremendous game, Prishe, Tenzen, Aphmau, Arciela, Naja, Lilisette, Selh'teus and dozens more....

XIVs cast is also excellent I really like all the scions, Hien, Gotetsu, Ardbert, Emet Selch again list can go on and on.

VII is probably my final choice, Every character just clicked with me besides Yuffie who was an annoying little shit.
I mean, xi and xiv don;t get more vote is simply... uncivilize.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I said 6, 9, 12

12 deserves more credit. Basch, Ashe, Fran, Balthier are fucking awesome. So nice to have characters that talk and act like grown ass adults instead of dumb anime tropes. Vaan and Penelo weren’t great but at least they mostly shut the fuck up and let the good characters have the limelight. They aren’t actively annoying like shit tier characters such as Tidus, Yuffie, Snow, Vanille, Hope, etc


I said VII, VIII, and IV. I liked IX but the art style kept me distant, X was really close but the overall story was weak but I certainly could be convinced to replace IV or VIII with X.

XIII had just too many bad characters , XII felt off like it was incomplete, I have to admit I haven’t played I, II or III. 15 didn’t have any female characters, I need women in my RPG’s where you have a party system. In the Final fantasy series there are some incredible female characters, no idea why they felt the need to leave them out of 15, really bad idea.


4 and 6 are easily top 2. Third spot kind is a toss up between 9 and 10.
My thoughts exactly. I went with 9 for the sake of the poll between 9 and 10.

I still replay 4 from time to time, and it's amazing how the relatively straightforward story (especially for a FF game) is refreshing in today's bullshit world of 900000 made up terms and convoluted shit. There are a few twists and turns, but I don't need to read a glossary just to understand it.

Story of loss, love, betrayal, redemption, and releasing yourself from the shackles of the past.

And a space whale and the moon thrown in just for fun because fuck you, it's a JRPG baybeeee.
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