Cloudy said:
Fox News' war on the WH from January 20 to date lol
This video matches perfectly with the post I was going to make.
If MSNBC, CNN, and all the other "liberal media" are as bad as FOX news, as some people claim, then I'm sure people on the right will have no problem finding more examples of Bush being called a fascist or a dictator or any similar smears then we have seen directed at Obama. After all we are putting 8 years of Bush, and the entirety of the "liberal media", against just a few months of FOX news on Obama so it should be no contest right? What do you think Republicans? How do you think that will turn out?
And anybody who thinks what is happening today is anyway comparable to politics in the past is either very young and uninformed, or very naive. The behavior of the left in this country during the terms of Reagen and H.W. Bush, and then G.W. Bush in no way compared to the childish rants of the right during Clinton and Obama.
Unfortunately this goes far beyond childish rants and goes straight into fear and conspiracy driven hate. It was really bad during Clinton. I guess Joeboy wasn't paying attention when a guy strafed the Whitehouse with an assault rifle and had to be tackled by tourist when he reloaded or when a guy tried to hit the Whitehouse with a cesna during Clintons term. There were many more attempts to kill Clinton than there were to kill the last 3 Republican presidents combined. It seemed like you heard once a month about some new nut with a plan to kill Clinton getting arrested.
The right in this country has gone with this gameplan since the early 80's. If Democrats have power they are going to kill you. They are going to take your guns. They are going to take your freedom. They are going to turn the country into a communist country. They are going to turn America into a police state.
When Clinton was in office it was the mantra of "Clinton, Janet Reno, and their jack booted thugs" are coming for you. Over and over and the Republican party never stopped with that shit. Memberships in militias was at an all time high and eventually it led to the Oklahoma City bombing. They wont accept responsibility for it but it was their fault.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
That was a not very well known quote from Jefferson before the Oklahoma City bombing. When they arrested Timothy McVeigh it was on his shirt. Now you see it on signs at rally's across this country. Disgusting.
Unfortunately everything that I saw from the right in America during Clintons term has now been amplified under Obama. What I'm hearing today is so much worse, so much more poisonous, so much more vile then anything I ever heard during Clinton. It's feels like the rights behavior under Clinton x 100.
I wonder how it will turn out this time?