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I blame the authoritarian left and the backlash to their methods for the fall of race relations. The below graph is well known...
Traditional liberals fall into what the chart labels Libertarian Left. The people that call themselves Libertarians fall into the Libertarian Right quadrant. The GOP fall into the Authoritarian Right and unfortunately, the Authoritarian Left (the people engaging in thought policing, doxxing and attacking freedom of speech on campuses) have switched to hijacking the Liberal moniker though they do not share their principles or values.
Liberals need to kick them out and reclaim the label before their name gets even more dragged through the mud by the authoritarian Left that do not value freedom of expression, the right to privacy or freedom of thought. Empathy towards even those we disagree with is the only path towards changing minds and making progress.
The thread title was specifically, why did race relations regress so much in the past decade. As in, why are race relations worse today than they were in 2010.
For 50 years our society has steadily and progressively become less racist but something switched a decade ago that led to the trend going backwards and the op is asking why.
The biggest factor in that is that rise of internet bubbles. The authoritarian right had already sheltered itself into bubbles since open racism was no longer culturally tolerated.
However it was the authoritarian left that hijacked the liberal moniker and engaged in thought policing and doxxing and closed discussion (even though freedom of expression and freedom of thought are integral to real liberalism) that pushed liberal circles into authoritarian left wing thought bubbles that drove centrists out as was done all over the internet including this site. this created the backlash to the left in general that contributed to the decline of progressive thought and race relations.
Racism slowly dies when open discussion between people of different backgrounds and ideologies thrives. Racism thrives when freedoms dies and thought bubbles are formed.
When someone espouses biased statements, engage them in open dialogue,educate them as to why they are wrong. Prove them wrong. Don’t take the shortcut of harassing them, banning them from the discussion outright, or doxxing them and then pat yourself on the back as if you achieved a win against racism. You didn’t, just the opposite.

Traditional liberals fall into what the chart labels Libertarian Left. The people that call themselves Libertarians fall into the Libertarian Right quadrant. The GOP fall into the Authoritarian Right and unfortunately, the Authoritarian Left (the people engaging in thought policing, doxxing and attacking freedom of speech on campuses) have switched to hijacking the Liberal moniker though they do not share their principles or values.
Liberals need to kick them out and reclaim the label before their name gets even more dragged through the mud by the authoritarian Left that do not value freedom of expression, the right to privacy or freedom of thought. Empathy towards even those we disagree with is the only path towards changing minds and making progress.
So you blame the left for the fall of race relations because "twitter/doxxing/muhfreespeech"...and completely ignore all the rightwing policies of the past several decades that have led to the obliteration of upwards mobility for the low and middle class?
The thread title was specifically, why did race relations regress so much in the past decade. As in, why are race relations worse today than they were in 2010.
For 50 years our society has steadily and progressively become less racist but something switched a decade ago that led to the trend going backwards and the op is asking why.
The biggest factor in that is that rise of internet bubbles. The authoritarian right had already sheltered itself into bubbles since open racism was no longer culturally tolerated.
However it was the authoritarian left that hijacked the liberal moniker and engaged in thought policing and doxxing and closed discussion (even though freedom of expression and freedom of thought are integral to real liberalism) that pushed liberal circles into authoritarian left wing thought bubbles that drove centrists out as was done all over the internet including this site. this created the backlash to the left in general that contributed to the decline of progressive thought and race relations.
Racism slowly dies when open discussion between people of different backgrounds and ideologies thrives. Racism thrives when freedoms dies and thought bubbles are formed.
When someone espouses biased statements, engage them in open dialogue,educate them as to why they are wrong. Prove them wrong. Don’t take the shortcut of harassing them, banning them from the discussion outright, or doxxing them and then pat yourself on the back as if you achieved a win against racism. You didn’t, just the opposite.
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