It certainly drives them further away, as mikado just pointed out...
This is supported in your article which I've been repeatedly quoting from. Yes mandatory integration does contribute to white flight.
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It certainly drives them further away, as mikado just pointed out...
So.... you're blaming Obama for the racism in America and's nothing to do with cops shooting minorities indiscriminately? Kind of sounds like you are. Racism has always been prevalent in America and I imagine it will continue to be so for some time to come. The only thing that's changed is that now the victims have been given a voice through social media. Now all the travesties that would have normally been swept under a rug are on display for everyone to see. How can race relations be "repaired"? That's assuming they were ever acceptable in the first place, but not treating people differently than yourself like dirt would be a good start.
As for you, you can make these points without being quite as venomous. When a person feels attacked in an argument and becomes defensive, you lose any chance you had of actually reaching them with your opinion and possibly changing their's. "President that continually views minorities as evil", unless you're the President himself it's kind of hard to know how he views people. Perhaps you could cite some examples of him showcasing his views on minorities to help reinforce this opinion. "Trump is one beer pong game way for being a racist frat bro", this sentiment is in a similar vein. Perhaps you could find us some info on Trump's love for playing beer pong at frat parties. I'm sure someone must have seen his frat boy card with all but one hole punched in it, etc.
BTW I wasn't really blaming Obama, but just saying he didn't really help make race relations any better. Sure, going on TV and interjecting things like "my son could have been Trayvon" before the case was even ruled on in court (where his shooter was acquitted btw) makes his base happy, but it doesn't really resolve anything or make things any calmer. It only got both sides more stirred up.
I mean I didn't even think the Trayvon shooting was a race issue at first (wasn't the guy who shot him Hispanic?), it was only after Obama made that comment that it became a race thing. I mean even CNN criticized Obama about this.
Pramod is playing coy, and its very transparent. Its weak to play cat and mouse with him. He's baiting this entire thread with ideas he knows will be inflammatory to a living human brain. He doesn't actually care about real discussion, just wants to rile us up.
So when Trump says only 'rapists' are coming from Mexico, its okay? So when Trump attacks the Muslim vet's family, its okay? So when Trump asks for a Muslim ban its okay? So when Trump criticizes Black Lives Matter, its okay? So when Trump single handedly starts the Birther movement for the US's first black President, its okay? So on and so forth. There are so many of these situations from the conservative side (and not just Trump) that its mind boggling.
You are purposely shying away from what is right in front of you to just rile us up. Obama was absolutely the most composed anyone could have ever been and made powerfully true comments about the situation we find ourselves in here in America.
This is just a theory.
I think our current polarized climate in regards to everything, be it race, gender, immigration, etc...
Is artificially created to divide, distract and pit us against each other.
While we fight constantly about the things we can't change like race and sex, there's a massive rise in income inequality, creating the one true divide, one that can be changed, the class divide.
I think there is a vested corporate interest, as well as one for many billionaires to keep things this way. These are the people and corporations that fund most political campaigns, regardless of party, and as such when class is off limits as part of the political discourse, social issues are put on a megaphone.
Social divide is beneficial to maintain a class divide.
So when Trump says only 'rapists' are coming from Mexico, its okay? So when Trump attacks the Muslim vet's family, its okay? So when Trump asks for a Muslim ban its okay? So when Trump criticizes Black Lives Matter, its okay? So when Trump single handedly starts the Birther movement for the US's first black President, its okay? So on and so forth. There are so many of these situations from the conservative side (and not just Trump) that its mind boggling.
This is every bit as disingenuous and slanted as what you are accusing pramod of doing.
We can agree to disagree on that entire statement. Trump said alot of stupid shit, but not really divisive shit. It was more the media and how people interpreted what he said that was divisive...While we can agree to disagree on if Obama was devisive there’s no question Trump dropped the ball and kicked it over the fence in this regard in his year in office.
Even if that is the case, the reason to continue in earnest and good faith isn't for his benefit, but for anyone else who may read this thread. The arguments being launched are the same talking points launched elsewhere. There are those who may agree with them and some that may have no opinion. Countering the idea rather than the individual removes the strength of the idea.
This entire thread is playing out on a global stage around the world. Allowing the ideas to be presented and then countered is what a forum should be.
Show receipts? How about Trump's actual words. Show me where he said "all Mexicans are rapists". Show me any actual "Muslim ban" (and not restrictions that certain people with an agenda erroneously refer to as a Muslim ban).Show reciepts. While we can make the argument some of the situations were amped up by the media you really can’t call a dude who gets into a twitter war with the pope a uniter of people, lol. While we can agree to disagree on if Obama was devisive there’s no question Trump dropped the ball and kicked it over the fence in this regard in his year in office.
The blame Obama or Trump rhetoric isn't really going to advance the conversation if our only remedy is pointing at a specific figure head as the source for all our woes. Introspection on what we can do as individuals is probably the best course of action to take first and foremost. We've have some excellent thought in this thread and I really enjoyed some posters looking at the how the public defender process works as well as how the education system has and currently works. These are meaningful discussion to be had by the American public. The break down of what the state of our union is, what it has been, and what we can do now to progress.
Show receipts? How about Trump's actual words. Show me where he said "all Mexicans are rapists". Show me any actual "Muslim ban" (and not restrictions that certain people with an agenda erroneously refer to as a Muslim ban).
None of this means I like Trump. I very much don't like Trump. But I call it like I see it, and seeing stuff like this leads me to believe the person saying it is arguing in bad faith.
He was a presidential candidate at the time when he said that... and not even the primary leader. He absolutely WAS an attention whore...At the end of the day, you just can’t shoot off at the fucking hip when it comes to these issues, “crazy pc snowflake world” or not, you’re the goddamn free leader of the world, not a attention whore
He was a presidential candidate at the time when he said that... and not even the primary leader. He absolutely WAS an attention whore...
I already addressed that and this is true, however their incarceration rates are NOT NOT NOT proportionate to their crime rate which is the point. Again in strictly numbers to which I see you are failing.
25% of the crimes committed are from black people. 38% of the prison population are black people. White people commit nearly 70% of all crime yet have an incarceration rate of 58% of the population. Asian Americans have a crime rate of 1.2% yet have an incarceration rate of 1.5%. White Americans ARE THE ONLY race who have an incarceration rate lower than the percent of crimes they commit. The incarceration rate is NOT proportionate to the percent of crimes. That is the issue. No one is ignoring the number of crimes the black population commits, yet you are trying to claim it is proportionate and I am showing you statistically it is not. I understand the aversion to facts, I just do not know why.
The data shows that among the roughly 67,600 offenders sentenced to prison in federal criminal cases between Oct. 1, 2011 and Sept. 30, 2012, only 28 of them were incarcerated on drug-possession charges alone -- roughly four one-hundredths of 1 percent of all incarcerations. And that includes all drugs, not just marijuana.
Looked at another way, the same report found that 99.9 percent of those sentenced to federal prison for any drug-related crime during that year-long period were sent to prison for something more serious than simple possession.
First off, committing a crime =/= incarceration.
These arguments usually go the way of "black people are put in prison for drug use, even though white people use it more". The whole drug possession myth was even dispelled by politifact. People are not being sent to jail for drug possession. We like to casually roll up possession AND trafficking into "innocent, harmless, marijuana smokers"
Next, let's look at the biggest pools of crime.
All Other Offenses - 2,602,939 - 66.9% white, 30.4% black
Property Crime - 1,254,696 - 68.2% white 29% black
Drug Abuse - 1,204,162 - 67.7% white, 30.4% black
Larceny - 990,936 - 68.3% white, 28.7% black
Other Assaults - 881,085 - 65.1% white, 32.2% black
The points to make from this are:
1.) As we have already established, blacks are extremely disproportionate in their rate of crime. More than double their representation in most categories. Double.
2.) These large buckets are not all serious offenses that will lead to incarceration.
Now let's look at more serious, mostly violent offenses, that are more likely going to lead to incarceration. % committed by black people below.
Murder - 52.2%
Robbery - 56.4%
Aggravated Assault - 33.9%
Violent Crime - 38.7%
Weapons - 39.8%
Prostitution - 41.4%
Looking at the crime rates of the second group, does a 38% incarceration rate for black people REALLY seem that off? What is the argument? That whites are getting out of serious offenses more than blacks? They they are throwing the book at blacks for no reason?
Still this data doesn't tell the whole story. There are all kinds of exceptions that work both ways. There are black people treated unfairly. There are white people treated unfairly. There are things that can't be measured and won't be measured. I still refuse to accept that this is a tale of racism.
First off, committing a crime =/= incarceration.
These arguments usually go the way of "black people are put in prison for drug use, even though white people use it more". The whole drug possession myth was even dispelled by politifact. People are not being sent to jail for drug possession. We like to casually roll up possession AND trafficking into "innocent, harmless, marijuana smokers"
Next, let's look at the biggest pools of crime.
All Other Offenses - 2,602,939 - 66.9% white, 30.4% black
Property Crime - 1,254,696 - 68.2% white 29% black
Drug Abuse - 1,204,162 - 67.7% white, 30.4% black
Larceny - 990,936 - 68.3% white, 28.7% black
Other Assaults - 881,085 - 65.1% white, 32.2% black
The points to make from this are:
1.) As we have already established, blacks are extremely disproportionate in their rate of crime. More than double their representation in most categories. Double.
2.) These large buckets are not all serious offenses that will lead to incarceration.
Now let's look at more serious, mostly violent offenses, that are more likely going to lead to incarceration. % committed by black people below.
Murder - 52.2%
Robbery - 56.4%
Aggravated Assault - 33.9%
Violent Crime - 38.7%
Weapons - 39.8%
Prostitution - 41.4%
Looking at the crime rates of the second group, does a 38% incarceration rate for black people REALLY seem that off? What is the argument? That whites are getting out of serious offenses more than blacks? They they are throwing the book at blacks for no reason?
Still this data doesn't tell the whole story. There are all kinds of exceptions that work both ways. There are black people treated unfairly. There are white people treated unfairly. There are things that can't be measured and won't be measured. I still refuse to accept that this is a tale of racism.
That whites are getting out of serious offenses more than blacks? They they are throwing the book at blacks for no reason?
TheMikado, Super Mario, you guys need to find charts that DON'T combine whites and Hispanics or the comparison is tainted beyond all credibility.
Those are the ones release by the FBI and bureau of justice statistics. This is how they are reported by the FBI and because they are the source of this information there is little we can do about it. Ethnicity and race are a separate category in their report so you can see it in the statistics if you desire.
Pulled this source because the wikipedia article used as a source.
Whites are 39% of incarcerated, Hispanics are 19%, and Blacks are 40%.
These are not pretty numbers.
I've only loosely been following this particular thread of discussion, but when you control for economic means, what does that do to the data? I'd bet the ranch that that has far more affect on incarceration rate (vs. infraction rate) than race.That shows that white people relative to their percentage are extremely more well behaved than black and latinos in America.
if you believe racism doesn't have an effect of these numbers
Pulled this source because the wikipedia article used as a source.
Whites are 39% of incarcerated, Hispanics are 19%, and Blacks are 40%.
These are not pretty numbers.
I've only loosely been following this particular thread of discussion, but when you control for economic means, what does that do to the data? I'd bet the ranch that that has far more affect on incarceration rate (vs. infraction rate) than race.
EDIT: Of course some would then argue that racism is the cause of the gaps in economic means, and then that's a whole separate discussion.
I've only loosely been following this particular thread of discussion, but when you control for economic means, what does that do to the data? I'd bet the ranch that that has far more affect on incarceration rate (vs. infraction rate) than race.
EDIT: Of course some would then argue that racism is the cause of the gaps in economic means, and then that's a whole separate discussion.
Yeah... we need crosstabs or some such shit to be sure, but I'd wager that the income disparity factor probably goes a very long way in erasing the previously discussed race discrepancies.
The median annual income for individuals involved with the justice system before their incarceration was $19,185—which is 41 percent less than their counterparts, on average—according to a report from the Prison Policy Initiative.
Using data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the report finds that the majority of incarcerated people had low income and little access to quality education or jobs before their incarceration, compared to their counterparts in similar age groups, who were not incarcerated.
This income gap exists among whites, blacks, and Hispanics, though the gap is most dramatic among white men and the smallest among Hispanic women."
Just checked the original article and man....
Yeah... we need crosstabs or some such shit to be sure, but I'd wager that the income disparity factor probably goes a very long way in erasing the previously discussed race discrepancies.
This is just a theory.
I think our current polarized climate in regards to everything, be it race, gender, immigration, etc...
Is artificially created to divide, distract and pit us against each other.
While we fight constantly about the things we can't change like race and sex, there's a massive rise in income inequality, creating the one true divide, one that can be changed, the class divide.
I think there is a vested corporate interest, as well as one for many billionaires to keep things this way. These are the people and corporations that fund most political campaigns, regardless of party, and as such when class is off limits as part of the political discourse, social issues are put on a megaphone.
Social divide is beneficial to maintain a class divide.
You do realize there are far more factors in life than just skin color and racism because of said skin color, right? What racism caused single motherhood in the black community to skyrocket? What racism caused more black babies in new york city to be aborted than born? What racism caused hatred of police despite increased policing dropping crime rates significantly and benefiting everyone?Unless you're trying to tell me that black people are more predisposed to commit crimes, while ignoring the economic and social factors that are caused by racism, then yes, it is absolutely true that whites get out of serious offenses more often than blacks.
Here is the cross section the did in the article.
Incarcerated people
Black men 17625
black women 12735
Hispanic men 19740
Hispanic women 11820
White men 21975
White woman 15480
The findings are as predictable as they are disturbing. The American prison system is bursting at the seams with people who have been shut out of the economy and who had neither a quality education nor access to good jobs. We found that, in 2014 dollars, incarcerated people had a median annual income of $19,185 prior to their incarceration, which is 41% less than non-incarcerated people of similar ages.
The gap in income is not solely the product of the well-documented disproportionate incarceration of Blacks and Hispanics, who generally earn less than Whites. We found that incarcerated people in all gender, race, and ethnicity groups earned substantially less prior to their incarceration than their non-incarcerated counterparts of similar ages:
While the gap in income is most dramatic for White men, White men have the highest incomes. By contrast, the income gap is smallest for Hispanic women, but Hispanic women have the lowest incomes.
Not only are the median incomes of incarcerated people prior to incarceration lower than non-incarcerated people, but incarcerated people are dramatically concentrated at the lowest ends of the national income distribution:
Don't you know? Just throw rich people's money at the problem, that fixes everything...So we move onto the next argument that "well, it's poor people that commit more crimes." Breaking news at 11, right? As shown, black people tend to be poorer.
This is where the discussion gets even more subjective. "Well they need access to better schooling and jobs". You know, things that have never been tried before. What stopped cities like Ferguson to apply these fixes? These poor, black, cities overwhelmingly have voted Democrat for decades. Yet these Democratic speaking points have presented no solutions. So what is the fix?
It's the government's answer to everything. Throw more money at it. How many areas have seen spending skyrocket without improving outcomes? Education, war on drugs, any number of things.Don't you know? Just throw rich people's money at the problem, that fixes everything...
So we move onto the next argument that "well, it's poor people that commit more crimes." Breaking news at 11, right? As shown, black people tend to be poorer.
This is where the discussion gets even more subjective. "Well they need access to better schooling and jobs". You know, things that have never been tried before. What stopped cities like Ferguson to apply these fixes? These poor, black, cities overwhelmingly have voted Democrat for decades. Yet these Democratic speaking points have presented no solutions. So what is the fix?
You do realize there are far more factors in life than just skin color and racism because of said skin color, right? What racism caused single motherhood in the black community to skyrocket? What racism caused more black babies in new york city to be aborted than born? What racism caused hatred of police despite increased policing dropping crime rates significantly and benefiting everyone?
There is more to life than just racism my friend...
You are an interesting type of person... ...I can tell you honestly believe black people are just not as smart, capable, or loving as white people.
Did you realize that black women having kids out of wedlock has fallen most among them than any of race in America within the last 20 years?
Why are you presuming the abortions were out of wedlock?That's disgusting. Clean yourself up or I won't be humoring you much longer...
I did not, got a source? Also is it possible that number is skewed because those babies are being aborted instead of born?
You do realize there are far more factors in life than just skin color and racism because of said skin color, right? What racism caused single motherhood in the black community to skyrocket? What racism caused more black babies in new york city to be aborted than born? What racism caused hatred of police despite increased policing dropping crime rates significantly and benefiting everyone?
There is more to life than just racism my friend...
So we move onto the next argument that "well, it's poor people that commit more crimes." Breaking news at 11, right? As shown, black people tend to be poorer.
This is where the discussion gets even more subjective. "Well they need access to better schooling and jobs". You know, things that have never been tried before. What stopped cities like Ferguson to apply these fixes? These poor, black, cities overwhelmingly have voted Democrat for decades. Yet these Democratic speaking points have presented no solutions. So what is the fix?
It's the government's answer to everything. Throw more money at it. How many areas have seen spending skyrocket without improving outcomes? Education, war on drugs, any number of things.
This is a long thread but I wanted to quote this from the front page because I really think the poster is on to something.
The 1% is trying to maintain their control in a digital age and they are using the social divide to keep the spotlight off of them. All while their wealth continues to grow.
You're saying this as if there aren't race relation issues in America. As if it's all a lie created by rich people to distract us non-rich from the real truth. Like wat?!
This is just a theory.
I think our current polarized climate in regards to everything, be it race, gender, immigration, etc...
Is artificially created to divide, distract and pit us against each other.
While we fight constantly about the things we can't change like race and sex, there's a massive rise in income inequality, creating the one true divide, one that can be changed, the class divide.
I think there is a vested corporate interest, as well as one for many billionaires to keep things this way. These are the people and corporations that fund most political campaigns, regardless of party, and as such when class is off limits as part of the political discourse, social issues are put on a megaphone.
Social divide is beneficial to maintain a class divide.
To be fair things such as class, wealth, race are all intermingled in our history and the truth is these interplay is so tangled it is hard to separate.
The use of inexpensive labor with minimum rights created a sub-class based on non-homogenous skin tones.
This sub-class, once freed was segregated from much of "mainstream" society in both education, housing, and opportunity.
The net result is a class disparity separated by race. where wealth, opportunity, and rights have been historically denied.
Class warfare then ensues from the middle class as they are convinced that that lower classes are responsible for the countries woes.
Poorer and less educated classes always having higher incidences of crime and lack of education around the world.
However the debate on race is thoroughly engrossing that discussion on why it is that these things are the way they are is often not discussed.
This thread is evidence. We have so many claims as to "what" the facts are that the discussion of "why" things are the way they are are lost.
Race, in America has actually become or at least was an outward indication of class and to an extent still is. Just in the way that the house you live in, the car you drive, or the clothes you wear are class and status sympbols.
In race and ethnically homogeneous nations lineage and royalty took the place of birth class-ism. It is a system that has always existed in humanity and in America, race is one of the indications of class status and contributes to class warfare.
I somewhat agree. It’s separate but equal mentality.. but the button pushers keep tell
Ing people the “ others “ have it better. And it all driven by propaganda for political and financial reasons.
While true, you should never allow someone to misdirect the conversation to "class" when we are speaking about race. We no that racism exist and is used even when all the subjects are rich. We wouldn't need the "Rooney Rule" in the NFL if racism didn't exist. And there's no reason to turn racism, into fake "classism" issues just because someone is scared to use the term race, racism, or racist.
We have seen in this very thread the use of statistics to attempt to justify class-ism when in true that mindset is the very cause of the divides in our country. So no I do not think racism should be ignored, but I believe fighting class-ism is the best and most direct means of benefiting all Americans.
What? "Fake classism"? I can't help but somewhat read this as, "fuck nuance and intellectually honest discussion, keep the eye on the ball". Looks a lot like race baiting to me, especially after some your other posts in this topic one of which received a mod warning/edit.While true, you should never allow someone to misdirect the conversation to "class" when we are speaking about race. We no that racism exist and is used even when all the subjects are rich. We wouldn't need the "Rooney Rule" in the NFL if racism didn't exist. And there's no reason to turn racism, into fake "classism" issues just because someone is scared to use the term race, racism, or racist.
But if your main goal is to benefit all Americans, then how do you close the wealth, income, and education gap?