The Project Cars "Career Design Document" (May 2012) mentions "WiiU Accomplishments".
Is the name just a placeholder or was it ever confirmed?
Source (only for registered members I think)
YES! That's it!
They've used some other word than this awful fuuuu... achivementZZZ.
Ah god I hate that word, Nintendo first-party won't use em a lot, but for 3rd-parties it's a global sys with a more suitable word. "AchivementZ" are so so diluted, with all the negativity being associated with it like the el-cheapo "beat the game on normal to get supar dupar unlock mombojombo ultimateFX hyperonline street-muscle omegamassive random character sticker and 500 bonuZ pointZZZZ!" kind of useless achivements, like "shot down 10 enemies in 5 minutes to get this and that", just like DLC, get into the meat of it, this repetitive utterly annoying term coined by who other than major publishers, the so called DEEE-ELLL-SEEE when i see that word it always rings: "it costs, consolized, weapon skinz, modern warfail"
This is the time of true celebration when it's WELL DESERVED.
I like the way online is being developed, i totally agree with nintendo philosophy, no following suits, no humping on bad and annoying trends. I like it, they are resisting western stuff well, i don't want it to feel like some kind of XBL with honestly i really don't like that style of GUI, i don't want my console to feel like checking mail in iPhone (and i don't have an iPhone at all and never will)
That's news! That's a surprise (actually not for those who know how nintendo goes, I didn't expect it, but I knew from the reports of iwata no liking DLC and dev teams talking about not liking the idea of achivements, at that point it was looking better and better, e3 really is irrelevant*)