It's the closest thing you could say he has made similar to a traditional summer blockbuster.
Nah, I'll say his One Piece movie is even more of a traditional summer blockbuster. Summer Wars is one too, but One Piece is a franchise movie to boot.
It's the closest thing you could say he has made similar to a traditional summer blockbuster.
Usually when there are no numbers to be found, it means extremely low sales. For example, I don't think there are any complete numbers for Sword of the Stranger either.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo) (Movie) 81,709+20,757=102,466 (cumulative sales of all versions) (Madhouse/Bandai Entertainment))
2007/04/20 29,510 Premium Edition
2007/04/20 47,476 Standard Edition
2012/07/11 *4,723
2008/07/25 10,684
2012/07/11 10,073
That's honestly not as bad as I was expecting Dennou Coil to be. Probably still lost money, but I imagined three digit numbers all this time.
That's honestly not as bad as I was expecting Dennou Coil to be. Probably still lost money, but I imagined three digit numbers all this time.
Denno Coil is apparently one of the most expensive 2-cour TV anime ever made. I read that the budget was something like 360k per episode or something. If that's true. It would have had to sell 14k per volume just to break even. Lol.
Damn, so that's why Mitsuo Iso has been shamed out of the industry.Denno Coil is apparently one of the most expensive 2-cour TV anime ever made. I read that the budget was something like 360k per episode or something. If that's true. It would have had to sell 14k per volume just to break even. Lol.
BACCANO! *3,389 (8, not including BOX) (Brains Base/FUNimation)
2007/10/24 *3,263 Vol. 1 (Two episodes up to Vol. 8)
2007/11/28 *3,137 Vol. 2
2007/12/26 *3,557 Vol. 3
2008/01/23 *3,177 Vol. 4
2008/02/27 *3,613 Vol. 5 (including one unaired episode)
2008/03/26 *3,267 Vol. 6
2008/04/23 *3,299 Vol. 7 (including one unaired episode up to Vol. 8)
2008/05/28 *3,796 Vol. 8
2011/01/26 *2,513 Blu-ray Disc BOX (Sixteen episodes)
Durarara!! 18,310 (13, not including BOX) (Brain's Base/Aniplex of America)
2010/02/24 29,653 Vol. 1 Limited Edition (Two episodes up to Vol. 13)
2010/03/24 27,439 Vol. 2 LE
2010/04/21 23,332 Vol. 3 LE
2010/05/26 22,267 Vol. 4 LE
2010/06/23 18,397 Vol. 5 LE
2010/07/21 17,017 Vol. 6 LE
2010/08/25 19,165 Vol. 7 LE (including unaired episode)
2010/09/22 14,388 Vol. 8 LE
2010/10/27 13,904 Vol. 9 LE
2010/11/24 12,797 Vol. 10 LE
2010/12/22 13,041 Vol. 11 LE
2011/01/26 11,788 Vol. 12 LE
2011/02/23 14,851 Vol. 13 LE (including unaired episode)
2012/05/23 *5,645 Blu-ray Disc BOX (Twenty-six episodes)
I wonder how much of the drop offs for a popular series after vol1 are due to a situation like:
- Person A sees Vol1 of XXYY in a store. Buys it and likes it.
- Person A is now aware of the series and wants to buy the rest, and goes looking for the best price for future pre-orders, and buys from Amazon Japan which iirc is not tracked by Oricon.
About four years too late though.The BD-Box actually sold very decent there.
Woah, speaking of Animesuki, you guys reminded me to check the KyoAni thread there and I saw this posted.
TV -> BD Changes
Sorry if it was already posted, but lol good god.
It's pretty hard to tell the difference in those thanks to the compressionWoah, speaking of Animesuki, you guys reminded me to check the KyoAni thread there and I saw this posted.
TV -> BD Changes
Sorry if it was already posted, but lol good god.
The Tatami Galaxy (Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei) *2,430+*3,235=*5,665 (4) (Madhouse/FUNimation)
Hanasaku Iroha **,452+*8,079=*8,531 (9) (P.A.Works)
Birdy the Mighty Decode (Tetsuwan Birdy DECODE) *1,712 (7) (A-1 Pictures/FUNimation)
Birdy the Mighty Decode:02 (Tetsuwan Birdy DECODE:02) ***977 (6) (A1 Pictures/FUNimation)
Colorful (Movie) *2,115+*2,539=*4,654 (cumulative sales of all versions) (Ascension)
Infinite Ryvius (Mugen no Ryvius) 10,856 (9, not including DVD-BOX and Fan Discs) (Sunrise/Bandai Entertainment)
Haibane Renmei *5,183 (5, not including BOX) (Radix Entertainmnet/Geneon USA)
2010/07/22 *3,936 Blu-ray BOX (Thirteen episodes)
And Yet the Town Moves (Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru) **,563+*1,639=*2,202 (6) (Shaft/Sentai Filmworks))
Stranger -Mukoh Hadan- (Movie) *5,802 (cumulative sales of all versions) (Bones)
CANAAN *1,240+*2,957=*4,197 (6, not including BOX) (P.A. Works/Sentai Filmworks)
Umineko no Naku Koro ni ***861+***528=*1,389 (13) (Studio Deen)
Tora Dora! 10,568 (8, not including BOX) (J.C.Staff/NIS America)
2011/12/21 21,903 Blu-ray BOX (Twenty-five episodes and two new episodes)
I can't se the difference on most of them. Even in the little square. :/
I guess I'll need glasses
Woah, speaking of Animesuki, you guys reminded me to check the KyoAni thread there and I saw this posted.
TV -> BD Changes
Sorry if it was already posted, but lol good god.
Basically, they fix the shading under Satoshi's arm and fill in some of Chitanda's eyebrow between her bangs. Other than that, it was adding the extra digit in the clock display and fixing typos in the menus.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Yes, yes, the [B]Teekyu [/B]collection also went on sale last week, but obviously didn't sell well enough to make the higher cut for the early list. We'll find out its numbers later.
It's pretty hard to tell the difference in those thanks to the compression but I did notice they changed the beginning of the "horror" part in the first episode to be more consistent with the rest of it.
Seriously guys are those bad numbers for Jojo I'm legit worried.
Yeah, I just noticed the little boxes highlighting the differences. based kyoani so good they hardly need to redraw anything :bow :bowBasically, they fix the shading under Satoshi's arm and fill in some of Chitanda's eyebrow between her bangs. Other than that, it was adding the extra digit in the clock display and fixing typos in the menus.
10k+ DVD&BD combined is considered to be pretty successful so there's nothing to worry about!Seriously guys are those bad numbers for Jojo I'm legit worried.
That sucks.Yes, yes, the Teekyu collection also went on sale last week, but obviously didn't sell well enough to make the higher cut for the early list. We'll find out its numbers later.
It's the closest thing he has made to a summer blockbuster.
Seriously guys are those bad numbers for Jojo I'm legit worried.
Except Wolf Children made way more at the box office than Summer Wars. Like, 2.5 times more.
Summer Wars: 1.65 billion yen
Wolf Children: 4.1 billion yen細田守
Actually, I just did a double check and it's exactly the same. I just ended up taking a screenshot of the same scene a few seconds later. oopsHmm... kind of like the original version more.
Except Wolf Children made way more at the box office than Summer Wars. Like, 2.5 times more.
Summer Wars: 1.65 billion yen
Wolf Children: 4.1 billion yen細田守
I just remembered to those dem tasty armpits and collar bone on that Hyouka's ED..
Ok, I'm not talking about my fetish again.. Here some interesting blog post to make this post abit useful about how close Hyouka and some other anime actually animated in HD resolution
I wonder if that legit.
KyoAni's subtle fixes shame SHAFT.
GaoGaiGar 3
Don't look directly at it, or you will probably die. Not a bad episode. I'm treating this show like a Saturday Morning cartoon, so I expect nothing AMAZING for a little while. Plus I'm kinda thinking ten episodes is the time it takes for a mecha show to hit its stride.
I really think it's the half hour format that makes the show feel more aimless than it actually is. If they could do hour long episodes, they could reach their obvious conclusion in half the time.Space Bros. 45
This show is just kind of bad now. It will probably be a struggle to finish it if I do. Everything has simply fallen apart. I was hoping stuff would get better after Hibito fell out of the spotlight but the show is doing a really poor job of keeping the here and now interesting, and the future holds little hope without objectives or trials appropriately tasked or lined up.
I've also just really come to a point of loathing with the quirky characters. They aren't that funny, so they mostly just wind up being annoying. It is another thing entirely when the show just shuffles between the "wacky" director, the oblivious parents, and the asshole astronaut with the pink glasses. Between the bog trudge pacing and the emphasis on characters that aren't Nanba this episode was particularly grating in a series that is increasingly failing to provide meaningful payoff or drama.
I bet you'd buy a thousand CDs if Minorin was real!A creepy old dude buys a shitload of CD's just so he can cast votes for his favourite idol in an in a glorified popularity contest (each cd comes with a "vote"). Somehow he thinks it's a good idea to occupy the bathroom while painstakingly going through each and every single "vote" as if it somehow hides his shame. He unsurprisingly refuses to leave the bathroom even when his daughter needs to use it leading her to call him out as the disgusting piece of shit he is.
Brotherhood/the real one.That's hard to say. Which FMA are we talking about? Attack on Titan is a more focused story, with both the good and bad that that brings.
Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm... lolNot really comparable, but I find it to be better.
Yes, but Hyouka is already stunning and near perfect looking. The fact that they went over it again just to fix the tiniest of imperfections while resisting engaging in full on revisionism shows how much they respect their fans.But subtle fixes aren't unusual. I see comparisons like this for almost every major series these days. Girls und Panzer also have like a gazillion corrections which range from shadows, clipping, minor background faces, texture detailing, positioning, etc. Stuff which is almost unnoticeable.
This is why I'm baffled at the sales. Maybe fertygo's right and most potential buyers had seen it in theaters so they didn't buy a disc or something...
Lol, I hope it's legit because I also reference that site regarding the resolution most anime is produced in. I wish I understood what the pictures meant though.
I'm pretty sure that there were a lot more anime produced at sub-720p and aired in HD a couple of years ago, especially compared to now. If I remember correctly, Tamayura was one you could tell just watching it.I thought it was common knowledge that most "HD" anime is produced at 720p.
That's honestly not as bad as I was expecting Dennou Coil to be. Probably still lost money, but I imagined three digit numbers all this time.
Fate/zero is 1520×855? what.. is the rationale behind this, is that even a multiple of a standard
Seems like ufotable's Gyo is 1520×855 too judging by the press shots I found on somebody's blog:
KyoAni's subtle fixes shame SHAFT.
BONES does (960x) 540p, which is exactly half of (1920x) 1080p.Why does KyoAni do stuff in 955p? Why does BONES do stuff in 560p? Mysteries.
Fate/zero is 1520×855? what.. is the rationale behind this, is that even a multiple of a standard
Seems like ufotable's Gyo is 1520×855 too judging by the press shots I found on somebody's blog:
Why does KyoAni do stuff in 955p? Why does BONES do stuff in 560p? Mysteries.