Nah Iori was a good pick. I'd get Street Fighter vibes if he went with her.
We should just convince Harada/Namco-Bandai to do an iDOLM@STER fighter. I'd give them my money right now.
Nah Iori was a good pick. I'd get Street Fighter vibes if he went with her.
We should just convince Harada/Namco-Bandai to do an iDOLM@STER fighter. I'd give them my money right now.
Now just get all the iDOLS in there!I don't know about Iori, but Makoto could totally kick Heihachi's arse.
Best girl.If anyone it should be Azusa.
If only they were. Fuck you Sega!What does K-ON have to do with Bandai Namco?
I'd be down for that.Finally "The king of the Idol fist" saga begins.
Yes, but I figured no one but us would get it.Don't you remember what Nintendo game he is helping to work on?
Nah Iori was a good pick. I'd get Street Fighter vibes if he went with her.
Tales of Rebirth, Tales of Innocence, Tales of Hearts
Looking at what Namco trademarks will only bring sadness.
Texhnolyze 19
Tekken vs Street Fighter!!
Yes, but I figured no one but us would get it.
I'll eat Kayos's hat if an Idolmaster character is in the next Smash Bros.
Haruka is Sakurai's waifu btw. Thought I'd throw that out there.
Would you believe that my girl Jun is still #1 on the character request poll for TekkenxStreet Fighter? Feels good man.
We should just convince Harada/Namco-Bandai to do an iDOLM@STER fighter. I'd give them my money right now.
Now just get all the iDOLS in there!
Doesn't sound very filling.Kayos's tiny hat?
I suppose you're right since no one else commented on it. I still say Namco will ask if they can lend Haruka as a character in an effort to use Smash Bros as a vehicle to introduce iDOLM@STER to the West. I mean, this has nothing to do with the fact that I'm Sakurai's PA or anything. I just hear things on grape vines and what not.
I'll eat Kayos's hat if an Idolmaster character is in the next Smash Bros.
Kayos's tiny hat?
If that was to happen I'd buy like 10 of them. Even if it is Haruka. At least you didn't say Miki...
Idolm@ster will never show up in a Smash Bros game.
I suppose you're right since no one else commented on it. I still say Namco will ask if they can lend Haruka as a character in an effort to use Smash Bros as a vehicle to introduce iDOLM@STER to the West. I mean, this has nothing to do with the fact that I'm Sakurai's PA or anything. I just hear things on grape vines and what not.
Ouch. Come on, man. Haruka is like the default character, the neutral gear, the middle man that stands between heaven and hell.
It's a moderately important job.
Hey, I wasn't trying to be mean haha. I'd still buy it, like I said.
I'd have to sell my house if they localized Idolmaster 2, all dat dlc
Knowing Namco all they will do is release iDOLM@STER 2 on Wii U for Japan only. Easiest of the three new systems to port to, no need to localise obviously and they'll have an excuse for more DLC, Nintendo themed costumes.
Oreki makes nice exasperated faces.
Payback time, motherfucker.
That coffee also looks delicious.
Can someone explain the posts with the name of an episode and a pic? I want to know so I can participate *.*
They're just reviews. People put the name of the episode, and then use at least one picture, before making a comment about the episode they've just watched.
Sometimes they're detailed; sometimes they're one-liners that make no sense to anyone who hasn't seen the episode.
That's all!
At least you didn't say Miki...
Can someone explain the posts with the name of an episode and a pic? I want to know so I can participate *.*
Oh alright thank you!
Is your avi BellDandy from A Megami-Sama by any chance?
The impression I get from reading all these Puchim@s posts is that the show is about... child abuse?
It's Juna Ariyoshi from Earth Girl Arjuna. Despite it being one of my favourite anime, I would not suggest you watch it. It's an... acquired taste.
But Arjuna is something everyone needs to watch before its too late.It's Juna Ariyoshi from Earth Girl Arjuna. Despite it being one of my favourite anime, I would not suggest you watch it. It's an... acquired taste.
But Arjuna is something everyone needs to watch before its too late.
But Arjuna is something everyone needs to watch before its too late.
So I'm almost done with Rin-ne no Lagrange and I've been watching it subbed, but now I found a dub. Should I switch anime GAF? Usually I don't, but I DO prefer watching dubs to subs (mostly because I'm a lazy schlub and reading and listening is too much work for me.)
Yeah for rinne...subs. for the MARU and WAN.
"perfect" and "woof" just don't have it.
I'm ashamed to confess this is pretty much my reasoning.
I'm ashamed to confess this is pretty much my reasoning.
So I'm almost done with Rin-ne no Lagrange and I've been watching it subbed, but now I found a dub. Should I switch anime GAF? Usually I don't, but I DO prefer watching dubs to subs (mostly because I'm a lazy schlub and reading and listening is too much work for me.)
Can someone explain the posts with the name of an episode and a pic? I want to know so I can participate *.*
Now this was a great episode. Not really much else to say, I guess. Just an all-around great episode. Was kinda surprised that. Good stuff, though. Can't wait to see if the new OP is as good as Ready! was.we didn't get to see Ryuguu Komachi perform, but I guess the episode wasn't really about them
The 08th MS Team 1
So I'm starting 3 new Gundam shows today. I probably won't watch all of them all the way at once because I haven't time for that with my school work and small social life (I go outside sometimes!) but this is the first, and my continuation of the UC timeline. 8th MS team's animation makes me feel it belongs somewhere around the time of Gundam Wing, but character designs make me unsure, as the characters seem more anime than Wing's, if that makes any sense. Whatever the case, it looks 90s.
Judging from the opening credits, and the show's cocky beginning, I'm guessing we're going to learn about Viet Nam here, what with the jungles and camo, and muddy rivers. I fully expect people to die frequently and gruesomely.
This is all going on while Amuro is out there in the RK67 or whatever fighting Char, I assume. It's nice to see that here, the Gundam was reproduced. Perhaps not MP'd, the way the Guncannon seems to have been (minus its cannons) in whatever those units are (they look like Strike Daggers from SEED). In anycase, our hero met the lady from the Zeon side and I guess we're in for some Romeo and Juliet as well.
Not bad, though. Worst case scenario it's only like, 12 episodes long, I think.
L@dy >>>>>>> Chen-G
It's dumb fun so you have nothing to lose by checking it out, really.So, the anime certainly does look interesting, is it worth checking out?
Aikatsu's better tho.Watch Love Live instead.