Dedication Through Light
Oh god, somehow I'm in the top 5 posters even this far into the thread. Time to take a bit of a break.
you do seem like youre here 24 hours every day.
Oh god, somehow I'm in the top 5 posters even this far into the thread. Time to take a bit of a break.
Bootleg sellers are the scum of the Earth, I hate them. =< sorry I can't give you good advice since you live in a different country. You could always try looking for used DVDs at stores and trading sites online and stuff. And if importing is cheaper, try that, watch out for fakes, though.
Speaking of, I'm anticipating the statistics on hours spent on AnimeGAF per do seem like youre here 24 hours every day.
Pity him not for if he's in the UK he'll benefit from cheap region B bluray sets of stuff like Cowboy Bebop. Meanwhile I'll have to sell blood and get a second job.
Yeah, her brother was a bit of a dick at the beginning but he turned out to be anything but by the end. Hell, the only people that weren't Jerks when introduced other than the grandparents (sans) were Asuka's friend, Megumi, the goat, the bullied girl and the teacher. lolthem ignoring their younger daughter for obvious reasons
Speaking of, I'm anticipating the statistics on hours spent on AnimeGAF per week.
Haha. I think this might be the only anime that I can think of with a goat that actually has any kind of role.
I would say Steins;Gate, Madoka, and Fate/Zero are the best and most accessible anime of the past couple of years. Anyone who has been out of the loop for a while would probably be satisfied with one of those choices.
[edit] But especially Madoka if you want dark and stylized. Steins;Gate if you want sci-fi.
Yeah the anime sort of just ends. It does so on quite a tease too. Basically sets things up teases "something bigger" then goes "You're not getting any of that" Typical anime ending really.
That's circular logic if I ever saw it.
I still haven't seen Hells though that is fairly cheap to get from Japan and would cost as much as getting it from the US probably. It has ENG subs too.
Hell they need a break sometimes!
Macross Plus. Also, Cowboy Bebop if you haven't seen it.
Edit: you haven't, wow! It's pretty much one of the best shows ever. I'd watch some of the show before the movie, or the characters won't make a ton of sense.
I'd also suggest anything by Satoshi Kon. My favorites are Paprika and Perfect Blue.
Also, maybe check out Evangelion or its new remake movies, it's another highly-rated series.
is the anime network a trusted company? the site looks sketchy as hell and im having doubts signing up for a subscription. forms and sections dont load properly, everything looks like a mess.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (1979)
Always enjoyed this animated version that was broadcast on TV from way back in the day. Seems mostly faithful but somewhat ugly at times too. Why am I bringing this up given it isn't anime? One, drank too much again. Two, because when I considered what an anime Narnia would be like, I was left with the uncomfortable feeling that the below would be an accurate prediction as to what anime Aslan would be like:
Pity him not for if he's in the UK he'll benefit from cheap region B bluray sets of stuff like Cowboy Bebop. Meanwhile I'll have to sell blood and get a second job.
Mei is wounded!
What's the name of the show again?
What's the name of the show again?
Arashi no Yoru Ni
Arashi no Yoru ni: Himitsu no Tomodachi There's a one hour (I think) 2D movie that predates it by a few years too.
Ok, thanks. Is this the same movie that Branduil watched that had a black and white sheep or something in it? I think it was icarus who mentioned and recommended it to him.
No, that's Ringing Bell. One Stormy Night isn't bad, tho.
This seemed like a bit of a bottle episode. Shinji spends most of the episode in self-reflection and self-pity. He finds himself such a nuisance that the only viable alternative in his life is to simply run away. This is probably one of the episodes where people start to dislike Shinji's character, but I still feel for him. At any rate, through a bit of soul searching and dialogue with his class mates, he forego's hopping the train away from his problems.
Magi for anime original plot ending. YOOOOOOSHIIIIIINOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
*spoilers!!! Click at your own risk*
Magi for anime original plot ending. YOOOOOOSHIIIIIINOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
*spoilers!!! Click at your own risk*
Magi for anime original plot ending. YOOOOOOSHIIIIIINOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
*spoilers!!! Click at your own risk*
Magi for anime original plot ending. YOOOOOOSHIIIIIINOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
*spoilers!!! Click at your own risk*
Viz Media (US) has a survey inquiring what unlicensed anime would people like them to license and more.
Magi for anime original plot ending. YOOOOOOSHIIIIIINOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
*spoilers!!! Click at your own risk*
I blame the duckroll curse, Now ban me please.
It's everyone's favorite SAO imouto time!
And do you like all kinds of swords and such? Cause we got two handed axes, daggers, short swords, one handed swords and katanas!
Why is Neo Germany's rep a ninja? Everyone else has been stereotypical to their nation. I mean, he LOOKS stereotypical, with his German-colored mask, and his storm-trooper styled Gundam, but like, why is he a ninja? That's not very German at all.
Because he's a master of german ninjutsu.
Why didn't anyone think of this before? It really is the most accurate summary of AO:
I honestly burst out laughing when that happened in the movie as it was just so fitting. If only I knew of what was soon to come.Someone needs to edit Kyoda's face and Bones logo in that picture. Perfect summary of AO.
lol. still needs the don't resist line to fully sell it though!Why didn't anyone think of this before? It really is the most accurate summary of AO:
Who the hell is Eureka?
I guess what i'm looking for is more towards action. Stylized, Dark, Sci-fi, something along those lines.
Everyone should vote Hyouka.
One Piece is going on a 1 week hiatus since Oda suddenly became ill. It will resume publication next week (3/25) but i'll post it there anyway
One Piece is going on a 1 week hiatus since Oda suddenly became ill. It will resume publication next week (3/25) but i'll post it there anyway
Why would anyone be upset about original content in Magi?
People always say Ikuhara has a fetish for architectural porn, and while that is true I would say Anno's depiction of urban environments are just as gorgeous in their realism.Neon Genesis Evangelion - 5
I think amongst all of these, the most interesting to watch was Shinji entering Rei's apartment. It was so otherworldly and desolate, I love all of the completely empty shots of Rei's complex (made me take a few more screen caps this episode).
Shouldn't people be happy about an anime-original ending for Magi? Now they can reboot the whole series in five years, lol.
Shouldn't people be happy about an anime-original ending for Magi? Now they can reboot the whole series in five years, lol.