Has anyone made an anime adaptation of Lysistrata yet? I should get on that...
Thats how I felt. Feels like I missed a movie or 2.For starters, there'swith no even hint of an explanation of what's happened then. Also, a lot of the final battle doesn't make a lick of sense. Most of the who's, what's and why's are left open for a lot of interpretation/speculation. Some shit just happens there with no beginnings of explaining why.a whole huge chunk of time just missing
It was announced a while ago as an all-new story by Sorachi.That image is awesome! Any word if it's going to be another re-do of an old arc like movie 1 or is it going to be an original story? Either way, I'm hyped.
Branduil, you know what happened the last time we discussed Shakespeare in the anime-gaf thread? The other members weren't too happy about that.
No, but it'd make a great base for one.Isn't that the one where the women of Athens all cockblock their husbands to convince them to stop a war or something? Does that count as tsundere? :lol
It was announced a while ago as an all-new story by Sorachi.
What was that about again?
For starters, there'swith no even hint of an explanation of what's happened then. Also, a lot of the final battle doesn't make a lick of sense. Most of the who's, what's and why's are left open for a lot of interpretation/speculation. Some shit just happens there with no beginnings of explaining why.a whole huge chunk of time just missing
Karuta Weeaboos: Just a level before Star Trek erotica fanfiction authors.
Oh, I missed this, sorry. Thewas explained in the movie. As to why... no idea. And the final battle doesn't make sense because they don't WANT it to make sense yet. That'll be up to the next movie. Personally, the theory thatchunk of time missing and some of what happened in the interimmakes the most sense to me at the moment, and would explain thethe new movies are some form of the TV series repeating itself, or that they will have some kind of similar parallel universe explanationdual spears, and why Kaworu knows Shinji.
[Chihayafuru 2] 08
Karuta Weeaboos: Just a level before Star Trek erotica fanfiction authors.
Charles Schulz has her beat by thirty years or so, and there's no way he was the first.
That doesn't change the fact that they are playing karuta. Shit's worse than anime.Hey man, they're all native Japanese, they've just embraced traditional Japanese hobbies in a desperate attempt to get their peers to stop being racist shits! I thought the episode made them out to be sympathetic characters.
Eve: It's... not like I wanted you to see me naked... baka!I'm also sure if you look hard enough you can find tsunderes in the Shakespeare or the Bible.
It's not meant to stand alone, it's meant to be taken in the context of the series and the other movies. Speculation:They explained whyin the film, but not really what happened. It feels like some really important shit went down and we just aren't privy to it. Some important characters are straight up missing with no mention as to why or where. As for the fight, they might not want it to make sense and they sure as hell succeeded because it doesn't. "It'll be explained in 4.0" isn't an argument for 3.0 making a lick of sense.the chunk of time is missing
To be clear, I really really like 3.0. I just am not trying to say that it's in any way a coherent film.
God is the ultimate tsundere. All that smiting towns just to get people to love him and sacrifice their children for his sake.Eve: It's... not like I wanted you to see me naked... baka!
Jane Austen has Charles Schultz beat by quite a bit.
I'm also sure if you look hard enough you can find tsunderes in the Shakespeare or the Bible.
It's not meant to stand alone, it's meant to be taken in the context of the series and the other movies. Speculation:Every other character actually important to the plot is accounted for.Kaji is probably dead. We know he's a spy, and if the trailers for the third movie really take place before the movie happened, he probably has been found and killed already. This might be part of why Misato is acting the way she is, since she now thinks she knows what Gendo is really up to. Presumably, a bunch of people died during near 3rd-impact, and there was a coup of some kind. That's all that's important.
This still doesn't explain why the fuck Mari exists, which is the biggest mystery for me.
No, no, that's yandere.God is the ultimate tsundere. All that smiting towns just to get people to love him and sacrifice their children for his sake.
Jane Austen has Charles Schultz beat by quite a bit.
I'm also sure if you look hard enough you can find tsunderes in the Shakespeare or the Bible.
That doesn't change the fact that they are playing karuta. Shit's worse than anime.
I guess. It makes about as much sense as the series did for me, though. I feel like the show kind of requires some extra studying to follow everything that's happening with the plot by design.No one said it was supposed to stand alone. All we've said is it doesn't make sense, because it doesn't. A lot of that shit you've said is super important and ought to be mentioned for the story to actually be coherent. So yeah, Eva 3.0 doesn't make a whole lot of sense. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just a thing.
I guess. It makes about as much sense as the series did for me, though. I feel like the show kind of requires some extra studying to follow everything that's happening with the plot by design.
So I broke and I'm reading through the manga for Attack on Titans. It's fairly good but not without some flaws. This is actually one of the few times where I hope they don't just retell the story 1 for 1 but rather Araki modifies some stuff. I do think a lot of scenes and the flow will work a lot better in animated form compared to just the manga though. Should be a good watch if Wit doesn't fuck this up.
Oh and I like Asano's designs over the originals.
This would also be hilarious.It's one thing to leave the plot open to some interpretation. I'm all for surrealist story telling and Eva does that well.
What 3.0 does, though, isn't really that. It just leaves stuff out with very few clues. Sure you can infer what's gone on, but at some point you're just making shit up. It's the other type of story telling Anno uses and that's troll story telling. It doesn't make sense because Anno wants Otaku to go nuts trying to make sense of that. This is also why I'm coming around to the idea that any connection theories to the original show are red hearings left by Anno to haunt otaku for years to come.
Ok, I get it. I get it. I made a super, super dumb statement. It was an accident and I recanted. Can we all just drop it now? Haha.
I actually agree with you, thoughThe anime tsundere archetype pretty much started with Asuka. All the other girls that came before her just served as a warmup. There's also the kuudere with Rei. The oneesan archetype with Misato, I'm not so sure, however.
This is almost certainly the case as far as I'm concerned. The call backs are intentional, and red herrings in a lot of ways. If he comes out and says "This is connected to the show", than Anno is really slipping. Trolling with those references is much more his style.This would also be hilarious.
The new movies have been wildly entertaining, I'll feel kind of empty when they're over.
I think the borderline pedophile, sexy caretaker was sort of popularized with Misato, but I'm definitely not as certain with that one.
The dumb statement was saying "invented". I changed it to popularized, what my actual thoughts are.
I doubt that anyone was ever seriously trying to correct you so much as having a bit of fun using your statement as a springboard to take the question of the "invention" of tsundere to various extreme endpoints. No need to sweat it.
I haven't felt the urge to punch any anime character in the face so hard since Akio Ohtori... so about three hours ago. Huh.
Amnesia 10
I feel like this show contains all the hatred DTL has against female characters all concentrated towards this otome lead. And it's hilarious.
Of course all of last week's pet protecting issue gets sweep under the rug cause CHILDHOOD FRIENDS!
Yeah, same reaction to it to...ReBuild of Evangelion 3.0
What even?
What did I?
How was that?
But then why was?
How come?
Congratulations!ReBuild of Evangelion 3.0
What even?
What did I?
How was that?
But then why was?
How come?
But what about the CG?!
Yeah, same reaction to it to...
What is the image from?
Yeah, same reaction to it to...
I don't remember giving anyone permission to take excerpts from my life!
But it's even one of the faces included with the Nendoroid.Well that is a charming image...
But it's even one of the faces included with the Nendoroid.
But it's even one of the faces included with the Nendoroid.
Gintama 34
I've definitely reached the point where this show has become excellent. If I can get more Sachan and Wakamoto I think I'll be set for another 200 episodes.