He is talking about Sony and Nintendo resisting the multiplatform interoperability approach for their games. You can't honestly be thinking that means they don't like Minecraft on their platform. Get lost man.
Well, they are not "keeping" CoD exclusive to Xbox/PC since it never has been and MS already said they not going to.
I’m sure there’s some contractual agreements for at least the next couple CoDs that they have to adhere to. Once those are fulfilled, it’s up to Microsoft. It will be their ip.
I think more Xboxes sold, means more potential Game Pass subscriptions. They’d be smart to at least give themselves an exclusivity window for a few months.
What are you highlighting there then that you think I haven't read? You are saying that I didnt read "some people in some companies will not like this approach" . What approach do you think he is talking about?What are you rambling on about now?
Twisting and turning Phil's words seems like it's making your brain melt.
Well, they are not "keeping" CoD exclusive to Xbox/PC since it never has been and MS already said they not going to.
I’m sure there’s some contractual agreements for at least the next couple CoDs that they have to adhere to. Once those are fulfilled, it’s up to Microsoft. It will be their ip.
I think more Xboxes sold, means more potential Game Pass subscriptions. They’d be smart to at least give themselves an exclusivity window for a few months.
I mean, unless Bloomberg has taken major liberties in editorializing this highlighted part, it seems like Phil is also hinting that the CoD agreement will not be permanent.
Why wouldn’t you? Then you get the exact system you want and still get all the games. It is good for consumers. You might now see as many tailored games, but you would see more gamesI do not like, nor want this future.
They've not taken liberties they have just read the meaning of "and into the future" to not mean indefinitely and that is the correct interpretation. Nothing is indefinite.I mean, unless Bloomberg has taken major liberties in editorializing this highlighted part, it seems like Phil is also hinting that the CoD agreement will not be permanent.
People will disagree, but not me. The best games are often exclusives and there are reasons for that.I do not like, nor want this future.
"unless Bloomberg has taken major liberties in editorializing this highlighted part"
Of course they are. You really think Phil Spencer is going to renege on his pledge while the issue is in doubt?
I'm amazed that I think more highly of Phil Spencer's word than Xbox fans who, apparently, think he is lying through his teeth.
They've not taken liberties they have just read the meaning of "and into the future" to not mean indefinitely and that is the correct interpretation. Nothing is indefinite.
I would tend to agree but they also made a kind of a blatant pivot regarding Starfield once the deal closed.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a change in the tone of their messaging if/once the deal goes through.
"unless Bloomberg has taken major liberties in editorializing this highlighted part"
Of course they are. You really think Phil Spencer is going to renege on his pledge while the issue is in doubt?
I'm amazed that I think more highly of Phil Spencer's word than Xbox fans who, apparently, think he is lying through his teeth.
Why would they start now? He's already proven this isn't a true statement.Well, in that case the industry will label Phil Spencer a liar.
Why would they start now? He's already proven this isn't a true statement.
They are saying what they believes gives them the smoothest route to getting the Activision deal done. Yes, he is lying. But, it's hard to blame him when there is a near 70 billion dollar deal in the works.
It isn't really because "beyond the agreement and into the future" isn't specific and so saying they have commited to releasing on PS at the very least for some period of time is accurate. It could be forever, 30yrs, 10yrs, however many years after the agreement."At least for some period of time" and "beyond the agreement and into the future" are very different tho.
War? Seriously? I didn't attack anyone or attack any platforms. I was merely asking why Phil couldn't have been talking about cross platform games like CoD and Minecraft, which makes way more sense than anyone talking about Starfield, a single player game that was never announced for any platforms other than Xbox. If you took my post as a war against you feel free to report me.No. You are looking for a war where there is not one. I was mearly pointing out that it was not unreasonable for someone that had commented to think that Phil was talking about consoles since he used consoles as the example. I'm covered no matter where they put Starfield.
No everlasting power? Their least selling home console has sold more than MS best selling console.He’s absolutely right. PlayStation as a brand hasn’t been able to achieve the everlasting staying power Nintendo has. Sony has to account for Microsoft’s ability to stay relevant in the console race with less viable franchises at their disposal. People scoff at what’s happening with Gamepass as if it’s not an important feat. They’ve eliminated the need for a strong library of exclusive games.
Because in context "Phil Spencer Believes There Will Be Fewer Exclusives In The Future." CoD and Minecraft are in the here and now.War? Seriously? I didn't attack anyone or attack any platforms. I was merely asking why Phil couldn't have been talking about cross platform games like CoD and Minecraft, which makes way more sense than anyone talking about Starfield, a single player game that was never announced for any platforms other than Xbox. If you took my post as a war against you feel free to report me.
So what do you think he means? Xbox is going to start putting stuff like Halo, Forza, etc on PS5? Or will they backtrack and start putting Bethesda games back on PS5?Then you, andnominedomine who laughed at me for saying Phil Spencer has more integrity than this, can call me out.
And then I'll be happy to say I was wrong. But I hope I'm right.
Nintendo will never change, but Sony has already proven Phil Spencer right with their new initiatives in the past 2 years. You can already play some of the biggest PlayStation studio games without owning a PlayStation console and Sony continues to integrate studios into their portfolio who are experts at porting games to the PC platform. It wont be long before games franchises like Uncharted, SpiderMan, TLoU, God of War, etc release day and date on PlayStation consoles and PC...probably once Sony's PC storefront is fully functional and online.
I think we very well may be seeing the beginning of the end of console exclusives.
Exactly.People will disagree, but not me. The best games are often exclusives and there are reasons for that.
As someone who owns everything anyway, I like my consoles to have their own unique identities.
Im struggling to understand it though, why would a platform reduce its USP's? Reducing the selling points to just hardware, OS and services is going to make things harder for themselves.
And why would MS buy $billions worth of studios?
I guess it would work if gamepass was everywhere, because gamepass being on PS5 would ultimately provide more installbase for gamepass, but if gamepass is on playstation and ps+ extra/premium is on Xbox whats even the point in making a console? Ms might want there to be PCs under peoples TV's but sony probably wont even though it could potentially increase installbase.
Starfield is going to be available via xbox cloud gaming on iphones, android phones, android tablets, ios tablets, televisions and pc web browsers. Starfield will also be natively available on PC and Xbox Series X|S. Starfield is going to be playable on many more types of devices than Call of Duty currently. Think about that one.
He means CoD only. They can't be lying about that. Other than that I think everybody knows Phil is playing this nice guy I want what's best for the industry stick mostly for regulatory approval and will still keep Halo, Forza, Redfall, Starfield etc exclusive. He just means he can't just throw out what he said about CoD and be a complete liar instead of just somewhat of a hypocrite. he has more integrity than that.So what do you think he means? Xbox is going to start putting stuff like Halo, Forza, etc on PS5? Or will they backtrack and start putting Bethesda games back on PS5?
I just need to know the rules, so I know when to say, "I told you so".
Well, Starfield isn't an IP already published on PS, and as I remember they never announced it for PS. Even if there were rumors that MS bought them when they were in talks to make it a PS timed exclusive.Except they're doing exactly that. Starfield was being made for PS4/PS5 previously.
If he's saying that they won't do that, it's just to help get the Activision deal approved. Just like Sony says Call of Duty is the end-all videogame and Microsoft says Call of Duty is just another game.
Quit listening to what these companies say and start watching what they do.
Jim already did that this year.
The platform that makes more money to most of the big multiplatform games we know is PS. So they MS will keep publishing games because bought these companies to get the money they make, plus to secure their content for having it on GP at launch.Exactly. What he is saying is not matching what Microsoft is doing. If games would end up being multiplat then there wouldn't be any point buying studios.... Except games make money too meaning they are not necessarily betting on making money as platform holder but as publishers too.
Future CoD games? Won't people just fall back on, "oh he meant they won't take away the CoD games that were already on PlayStation before the deal went through"?He means CoD only. They can't be lying about that. Other than that I think everybody knows Phil is playing this nice guy I want what's best for the industry stick mostly for regulatory approval and will still keep Halo, Forza, Redfall, Starfield etc exclusive. He just means he can't just throw out what he said about CoD and be a complete liar instead of just somewhat of a hypocrite. he has more integrity than that.
They’re literally purchasing the direction they want the industry to head to.As always, it's funny how the guy in last place feels he can dictate how the competition should act.
Pretty much the equivalent of a rich kid using daddy's money to succeed. Lord knows the money to buy Activision didn't come from xbox.They’re literally purchasing the direction they want the industry to head to.
You're now linking quality with exclusivity, but quality and exclusivity aren't necessarily the same thing. Just look at the state that the last two halo products have released in for evidence of that, or the last couple of Nintendo "Sports" games that released with half of their content removed and added later as DLC.Man, fuck them kids. Who cares if they cant play together. Go play catch or tag outside if you cant kill each other in CoD all day.
Exclusives are good for the industry. You cant tell me that Bethesda wouldve delayed the game from 2022 if they were still owned by Zenimax. First party MS and Sony can afford to delay these games because they are still making billions in revenues from console sales, third party sales and online subs.
EA, Activision, Ubisoft and dozens of smaller publishers continue to release broken games at launch. We need exclusives because it not only forces publishers to release a quality product but also it drives competition. I really dont like to hear this commie bullshit from capitalist corporations. Competition is good. If Halo was on PS, Sony would not have greenlit KZ. If Uncharted, GOW and Horizon were on Xbox, Phil would not have felt compelled to buy all those studios. Competition is what moves this industry forward. Any industry for that matter.
Be thankful it is only 3 manufacturers and not 5 plus like the old days. Also there's a lot less exclusives now days. Buying a gensis, snes, turbo graphix 16, game boy, Game gear, lynx, neo geo not to mention CD add ons for 2 of them lol.You're now linking quality with exclusivity, but quality and exclusivity aren't necessarily the same thing. Just look at the state that the last two halo products have released in for evidence of that, or the last couple of Nintendo "Sports" games that released with half of their content removed and added later as DLC.
These games would have been greenlit regardless because they are popular and very profitable. Not every game is meant as a "Counter" to some other games. If FPS are popular, it makes sense to launch one of your own. Same for Open World games or Third Person cover shooters.
Exclusives makes perfect sense from a business perspective, but that doesn't take away that we, the consumers, lose out. It's the reason why we need to purchase 3 different hardware systems to play the games we want. It's annoying that I have to spend another 500$ on another console just to play Starfield or Horizon:Forbidden West when I already own a system that is perfectly capable of running it. It's a waste of money, It's a waste of resources, and it fucking sucks in a time during massive console scarcity that there's people with 2 different next gen systems while people are still looking to buy just one of them.
I'd love to be able to pick which system I want to buy depending on other factors, like which controller I like best or which services I prefer, instead of picking one based on which games it can or cannot run.
Those were the best times tho!Be thankful it is only 3 manufacturers and not 5 plus like the old days. Also there's a lot less exclusives now days. Buying a gensis, snes, turbo graphix 16, game boy, Game gear, lynx, neo geo not to mention CD add ons for 2 of them lol.
There are several games even Sony is releasing that aren't exclusive anymore. He could just as easily be talking the industry as a whole not just MS. People laughed at the idea of MS releasing their games on PC. Now both platform holders do so.Because in context "Phil Spencer Believes There Will Be Fewer Exclusives In The Future." CoD and Minecraft are in the here and now.
Yeah he's right this good guy Phil, why locking a content to one piece of hardware ? They wouldn't do that, like Starfiel... oh shit