Neo Member
Anyone have any idea why the rollout of titles showing up as enhanced is seemingly so random? I still have just Gears 4, but own at least 10 titles with confirmed support.
Anyone have any idea why the rollout of titles showing up as enhanced is seemingly so random? I still have just Gears 4, but own at least 10 titles with confirmed support.
XB1X uses a standard two pin power cable, same as the XB1S. You should be able to use a standard 3 pin -> 2 pin adapter if you wish to plug a 3 pin into a 2 pin port.but obviously the X uses what I understand to be a proprietary figure eight power adapter like this.
Having to buy the Kinect adaptor is a pain. I wonder if if should just let it go once 1X appears. Wondering if it's worth burning more cash just to have Kinect there.
Having to buy the Kinect adaptor is a pain. I wonder if if should just let it go once 1X appears. Wondering if it's worth burning more cash just to have Kinect there.
Is it confirmed that there won't be an offer for X1X system upgraders like there was for those last year going to the X1S?
You sure the X uses a special power cable? Because Xbox One S uses PS4 (regular) radio like cable.
I only have the original Xbox One so I'm going on what I can find online.XB1X uses a standard two pin power cable, same as the XB1S. You should be able to use a standard 3 pin -> 2 pin adapter if you wish to plug a 3 pin into a 2 pin port.
Also I'm not at home so I can't check for sure but the PS4 Pro and XB1 uses this type of 2 pin power cable, which has a similar form to the 3 pin but contains only 2 pins inside.
I only have the original Xbox One so I'm going on what I can find online.
The one I own has this power connector.
Which is different to the PS4.
And the PS4 Pro.
The Xbox One version that I own uses the same type of cable as the Pro but that actually plus into the power brick rather than into the console.
As you can see from that the other end is, from what I know, A proprietary connector only used on the Xbox One.
This is the S version, which is identical to the X version of the console.
Are people saying that it's identical to the standard PS4 power connection? Because to me, it looks like it's a different shape to the standard one because
These are the ends of the power leads of the three consoles next to each other, maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm just not seeing that the Xbox One version is anything close to the other two which is why I'm hoping to get some sort of adapter so that I'd be able to use that PS4 or PS4 Pro leads that are already being used.
Walmart (Canada) just charged my credit card . I guess they received their Scorpio edition batch... but obviously will be waiting 2 weeks to ship
So my debit card at my bank got compromised, is it ok if I change the card on amazon? Or do I have to call
So my debit card at my bank got compromised, is it ok if I change the card on amazon? Or do I have to call
This is where I'm at. I consume a lot of media on my original Xbox One currently and use voice commands constantly to control that - the X1X is going to replace my current Xbox as my main media player and ideally I'd bring over headset-free voice controls to it. But paying for an adapter and introducing and extra wire and especially a power brick to the situation when the X1X is supposed to streamline that is unattractive. Unfortunately I'm not set up with a smart TV or other media player devices that can do voice controls.Having to buy the Kinect adaptor is a pain. I wonder if if should just let it go once 1X appears. Wondering if it's worth burning more cash just to have Kinect there.
Having to buy the Kinect adaptor is a pain. I wonder if if should just let it go once 1X appears. Wondering if it's worth burning more cash just to have Kinect there.
XB1S, XB1X and PS4 use the exact same connector
Wow ok
First the launch Xbox one has that proprietary big plug and external brick forget it.
Xbox one S AND X use the standard cord like the PS3 and Slim/launch PS4!
PS4 Pro uses a cord like PC power supplies use.
Brilliant, thank you. That's what I wanted as I have one of those connected already and because I hide all my leads it's a lot simpler for me not to have to unplug and plug in the extension that I use.XB1S, XB1X and PS4 use the exact same connector
In the Xbox One family only the original model uses a proprietary connector. Also the middle pin on the power connector of the PS4 Pro is not connected to the console.
Sold my slim on eBay for $300 last week, so I have no Xbox until Scorpio comes out.
im dying. I check amazon everyday to see if the estimated arrival gets updated. I neeeeeeeeeed it
Xbox One S 500G now packed up and sold all games and apps transferred, £120 toward the the wait!! I do agree though...MS..Hype Train, has it left the station?
Microsoft needs to start the hype train.
I just put in a pre-order from Best Buy because I'm feeling the hype.
I can't believe they're not going to provide a Kinect adapter though. Why?
Did Sony have a big hype train for the Pro? All I remember was the same kind of Taco Bell promotion that MS is doing with the X.
Because they stopped including Kinect with the system like 4 years ago & clearly have been slowly phasing it out since then.
Having to buy the Kinect adaptor is a pain. I wonder if if should just let it go once 1X appears. Wondering if it's worth burning more cash just to have Kinect there.
Just a shame , I guess I assumed they would since they had it for the S. I still use it for audio commands literally every day so it's essential . Can't believe the adapter is $50.Because they stopped including Kinect with the system like 4 years ago & clearly have been slowly phasing it out since then.
Just a shame , I guess I assumed they would since they had it for the S. I still use it for audio commands literally every day so it's essential . Can't believe the adapter is $50.
Sold my slim on eBay for $300 last week, so I have no Xbox until Scorpio comes out.
im dying. I check amazon everyday to see if the estimated arrival gets updated. I neeeeeeeeeed it
For a day 1 thats quite a good price, not much value in these now though Id there, guy at work offered a bit above those trade cash sites so saved mucking about.Looking at trade in cash prices for my day one console Ill get £92 towards my One X lol
Same here, scored on it at Target a while back... Sent it in a month or so ago for $165 to decluttr.Holy moly, what model was it and did you include any games? I only have a 500Gb One S, but it seems like I'll be lucky to push past $150. Not gonna complain as I only paid $190 for it, but still...
I'm just thinking...
These 'where's the hype / where's the adverts etc.' posts...
It's sold out hasn't it for release day and the next few weeks after that. So why the need to advertise?
Just a thought.
Just a shame , I guess I assumed they would since they had it for the S. I still use it for audio commands literally every day so it's essential . Can't believe the adapter is $50.
It's not my image, I just wanted one that showed a clearly defined image of the shape of the power input inside the cutout because the original Xbox One and the PS4 have very similar looking connectors even though they are in fact very different.![]()
I dont quite understand... thats not the power connector, its the HDMI IN.
19 more days...