Greigor The Fellhand
I decided to delay buying s 4k tv until next spring, so I'm using my standard 1080 until then. Good it's going to be a good up upgrade, going from 1080 to 4k hdr Excited about the Xbox One X spots we're going to launch soon. Team has done a great job on these!
Most likely. WWE also play Xbox One ads a lot and TLC is this Sunday (Meaning more people will watch Raw on Monday) so Sunday through Tuesday will be a great time with a ton of people marketing will probably start this sunday at the nfl?
Holy moly, what model was it and did you include any games? I only have a 500Gb One S, but it seems like I'll be lucky to push past $150. Not gonna complain as I only paid $190 for it, but still...
I decided to delay buying s 4k tv until next spring, so I'm using my standard 1080 until then. Good it's going to be a good up upgrade, going from 1080 to 4k hdr
Has it posted to your card or just an authorization?
Walmart Canada is notorious for doing holds for the amount of preorders on cards. It might disappear after a few days.
I don't quite get it either. They have been doing it with the games I preordered from them.
Maybe MS will do another promo and offer free Kinect Adaptors for people switching to the X, Similar to that they did with the S model.
I think Im gonna cancel my Scorpio preorder on amazon. Despite preordering the minute it went live, Amazon chat says delivery date pending so not guaranteed for launch day. Meh. Best Buy has them in stock for launch delivery. Might do that instead.
Thinking I might keep the Scorpio now... As shit woulod have it i have to work the following 2 weekends after release, so'd be 3 weeks before i get to the shops.
That said, I've not really played anything for weeks, been saving up for special editions, i'm going to make this as much of a new console launch as i can;
Forza 7
Life is Strange BtS
Titanfall 2
Battlefront 2
Just a shame it's not around Christmas
Same for me but I couldn't resist to touch Forza 7 for some games! So many games to play I don't even know where to start ... or restart ...
Quick question abouth the XBOX One X, I have a Xbox One that my son kidnapped and now he is using it playing online with his school friends using my old account. If I get an Xbox One X, can I use my old account as a secondary account in the One X and create a brand new account for myself? I have some games that I would like to download from my digital library to play on the Xbox One.
If your son is using your old account, this is what you need to do
Create New Account
On the xbox you son is using login with the new account and set this xbox as your home xbox.
On your new XBox X...login with your old account and set this xbox as the home xbox.
That way, only one account will need to have XBox live and both machines can play online.
Both accounts will also be able to share games
Where do you put the coupon code? I can't find anywhere to do live gift card 20% off with code FLASH20
Where do you put the coupon code? I can't find anywhere to do it.
Where do you put the coupon code? I can't find anywhere to do it.
Edit: Apparently you gotta create an account with them first. Thanks!
I seen this on another site, you may need a transformer brother, although not sure how consoles work with this kind of stuff, consoles may have their own built in. I'd check with MS customer support before plugging the thing in if i were you.
"There are four differences between using US appliances in the UK : the voltage ( US = 120V, UK = 240V ), the number of watts the product draws (different for each product), the frequency ( US = 60 Hz, UK = 50 Hz ), and the plug on the power cord. In order to convert, you must use a transformer, which is a unit that you plug into the wall and then plug your American appliances into."
I think Im gonna cancel my Scorpio preorder on amazon. Despite preordering the minute it went live, Amazon chat says delivery date pending so not guaranteed for launch day. Meh. Best Buy has them in stock for launch delivery. Might do that instead.
Can someone tell me how the digital Xbox One sales and discounts in the US/UK are compared to PSN?
Because they are garbage for the most part here in Switzerland and that is gonna suck should I get the X.
PSN has region-specific sales but Xbox doesn't, they're global and percentage-based. If on XBL you have a game on sale for 25% off in Switzerland, the US and UK also have that game for 25% off their local currency.
Anyone got a ship date on their Amazon pre-order?
Me. Amazon DE.
Yes mine says November 7th on Amazon UK.
Anyone got a ship date on their Amazon pre-order?
Same. US.Nothing yet here Amazon US.
Nothing yet here Amazon US.
I managed to pre-order when it first went up but wasn't listed as Scorpio Edition yet. It says on the product page that I ordered it, but it's a weird disconnect I hope doesn't end up biting me.
US here
Was a 2TB Slim with all of its original packaging. I included Forza 5, Alien Isolation, and a sealed copy of Halo 4 I had lying around lol.
I mean after the shipping and ebay/paypal fees I only got out with $270, but still good enough for me.
All the UK Amazon orders have a date while all the US ones don't. I find it hard to believe that not a single person in US will get their console on time. I'm still not worried....