Xboxera Interviews Phillip Wesley Spencer 3: "The 70% that we make on games on other platforms is helpful to us being able to build great portfolios"


Summary by Deepseek
  1. Transparency in Multiplatform Strategy
    • Xbox has clarified its approach to releasing titles on other platforms like PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Steam. During the Developer_Direct, logos of these platforms were prominently displayed, emphasizing that "games should be playable wherever players choose."
    • Financial Benefit: 70% of revenue from sales on other platforms contributes to Xbox’s earnings, which is reinvested into developing new titles like Avowed, Doom, and Exhibition 33, as well as expanding existing IPs.
  2. Balancing Hardware and Ecosystem
    • While Xbox hardware remains important, the focus is on enabling games to thrive across devices, including PC, cloud, and handhelds. Hardware innovation, not exclusivity, is the priority.
    • Revenue from other platforms supplements Xbox’s income, ensuring sustainable game development.
  3. Addressing "Becoming Sega" Concerns
    • The community has expressed concerns about Xbox potentially shifting to a third-party publisher model like Sega. Spencer countered this by stating that the multiplatform strategy aims to reach more players and increase revenue. He explained that the 70% revenue from other platforms helps fund "larger and more diverse game portfolios."
  4. Cloud Gaming and Accessibility
    • Spencer highlighted examples like Indiana Jones being playable via cloud on Samsung TVs, arguing against restricting games to specific platforms. Cloud gaming and cross-platform accessibility are seen as essential for industry growth, especially amid rising development costs.
  5. Future Outlook and Challenges
    • Exciting titles like Avowed, Doom, and Exhibition 33 are expected in 2025. However, challenges remain, such as declining hardware sales and slower Game Pass growth. Revenue from other platforms is being reinvested into new game development and studio acquisitions.


Xbox’s multiplatform strategy is not just about expanding its market presence but also about leveraging 70% of revenue from other platforms to fund high-quality game development. This approach allows Xbox to reduce its reliance on hardware sales while strengthening its ecosystem. By prioritizing accessibility and innovation, Xbox is positioning itself as a leader in making games available to players across all devices, ensuring long-term growth and sustainability in the gaming industry.
Jon: I've seen a lot of people repeating something that you said back during the whole Activision Blizzard drama with the FTC. It was about how Sony used the 30% that they make on Xbox published games on their platform to kind of 'reduce your standing in the market'. But I saw a great point from Sam Tolbert on Windows Central. He's like, well, what about the 70% that they make? It's funding more games for all of us to play. Can't we focus on that?
Phil: It's maybe not what I was going to say on stand at the time. But yeah, I would love to make all of the money for all of the games that we ship right, like obviously we make more on our own platform. It's one of the reasons that investing in our own platform is important. But there are people, whether it's their libraries on a PlayStation or Nintendo, whether it's they like the controller better, they just like the games that are there.

And I don't want to then look at that and say, well, there's no way that we should be able to build a business there, find fans of our franchises there. I'm not trying to move them all over to Xbox anymore. People were all so invested in where our games are. Let's just allow more people to play and yes, the 70% that we make on games on other platforms is helpful to us being able to build great portfolios like we showed at the Dev Direct and I hope this will continue to show through the rest of the year.
"And I don't want to then look at that and say, well, there's no way that we should be able to build a business there, find fans of our franchises there. I'm not trying to move them all over to Xbox anymore. People were all so invested in where our games are. Let's just allow more people to play and yes, the 70% that we make on games on other platforms is helpful to us being able to build great portfolios like we showed at the Dev Direct and I hope this will continue to show through the rest of the year."

I agree, Phillip Wesley. I agree.

"the 70% that we make on games on other platforms is helpful to us being able to build great portfolios"
Like Hi-Fi Rush 2? oh, wait.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Phil really likes getting on the record to explain why there’s so much to look forward to from Xbox when all they’ve done for the last decade is disappoint with literally everything they touch. Hardware, software, Windows, DirectX, features on anything they run, buying up dozens of studios and doing fuck all with them beyond turning them into cut rate gamepass mills - there’s only so much shit you can talk your way out of at this point.
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Gold Member
  1. Addressing "Becoming Sega" Concerns
    • The community has expressed concerns about Xbox potentially shifting to a third-party publisher model like Sega. Spencer countered this by stating that the multiplatform strategy aims to reach more players and increase revenue. He explained that the 70% revenue from other platforms helps fund "larger and more diverse game portfolios."

Interviewer: We're concerned about Xbox potentially pulling a Sega and going fully third-party.

Phil: Let me put your fears to rest. That's exactly what we will be doing.
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Gold Member
That is what he was responding to in this interview

Yes, I was pointing out how things have changed at Xbox... (Phil?)
I'm not trying to move them all over to Xbox anymore.

ending season 1 GIF by ThePassageFOX

IMO, Phil Spencer has been Xbox's biggest problem. I used to think it was him reacting to Xbox in the market but I am starting to think it is the other way around. His lack of focus is what made Xbox all over the place.
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Gold Member
Yes, I was pointing out how things have changed at Xbox... (Phil?)

ending season 1 GIF by ThePassageFOX

IMO, Phil Spencer has been Xbox's biggest problem. I used to think it was him reacting to Xbox in the market but I am starting to think it is the other way around. His lack of focus is what made Xbox all over the place.

I'll put it this way the only reason Xbox is still here is because of Phil Spencer


Gold Member
Idk, go look at Xbox consoles plummeting sales and you tell me.

Xbox Consoles sells always drop off after a few years , Xbox 360 only got a boost at the end because of Kinect.

Games are not selling on Xbox & publishers will not continue to put money into projects that can't return the money so this was their best bet to release the games on more platforms.

Pretending like Xbox games going to PlayStation is the cause of Xbox Series not selling is delusional.


Gold Member
Boy perfect Line to try and sale there next Xbox.:messenger_grinning_sweat:
I do not know how any fan of Xbox can read that and not be disappointed. I am sure many will excuse it as "Xbox is a platform now" but when I read that, it saddened me. It's really over as far as the console is concerned. Sure, they are going to produce their next console and sell it for a profit to those that want to remain in the eco system but the message could not be more clear.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
This is Nadella's plan. Phil is simply running with it because he is getting a paycheck and wants to continue getting his paycheck.

They still haven't announced Gears Trilogy (or Gears E-Day) or MCC on PS5 and it is because Phil understands what goes along with that. He'll push that off until he can't keep Nadella at bay anymore. It'll be interesting to see if he can keep him at bay until GTA6 ships, because if Halo and Gears drop on PS5 before then... yeah, Xbox won't be selling any additional units this generation. Phil at least wants to ride the wave of GTA6 to the tune of a few million more units.


Gold Member
I think its time to bring Bobby Kotick to MS
It's too late. Xbox is unsalvageable with Nutella calling the shots. The only reason he kept Xbox around was because he saw huge potential with services and that didn't materialize they way they needed it to. Microsoft will continue to push their remaining audience to Game Pass and cloud-enabled devices until that inevitably fails and they go full third-party.


Gold Member
I don't see the problem with what he's saying. It makes sense to me. The 70% does help to fund their game portfolio, no doubt. It keeps game studios afloat that would sink if they had to rely only on the Xbox ecosystem.

He's a CEO, so of course he's going to put a positive spin on it. We can't expect him to respond, "No one is buying our hardware anymore, we spent way too much damn money, and Xbox gamers are cheap bastards who don't buy games. Our backs are against the wall: either we send our games to other platforms or we close up shop. Sorry, kids, but that's how it is."
We can't expect him to respond, "No one is buying our hardware anymore, we spent way too much damn money, and Xbox gamers don't buy our games because we've been telling them to just get gamepass. Our backs are against the wall: either we send our games to other platforms or we close up shop. Sorry, kids, but that's how it is."
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