Day 18
Hulk smash? No! Shulk smash!
Day 18
Hulk smash? No! Shulk smash!
The mines, Satorl Marsh, Sword Valley, the fallen arm/hand, Agniratha, prison island, bionis inside - these are all lengthy areas where nothing much happens for the story until reaching their respective end point. Instead you spend hours fighting the same monsters. And if you didn't need to grind for some of the bosses, your playstyle is probably not representative for those who don't like grinding.
I like Xenoblade 1 a lot, but saying it's not grindy is massively deceptive. It could be said, however, that the game is so good that the grind doesn't feel like one most of the time.
Like I said what I consider a grind in this game is the Gems system.
It is an opinion not a deception if that is what you feel when you play, it is what it is to you, someone else might feel differently. Saying a JRPG does not have grind would be deceptive I did not say it had no grind I said it is not grindy.
A large game does not equal grindy, since when did having lots of large areas to explore mean nothing is happening? If grindy means you have to fight a lot then yes you are correct I guess it is grindy. I think of grindy as you reached an area where you can no longer progress without spending hours grinding your levels to a needed point to progress. A level is required to advance forward so you must go fight monsters until you can progress. When you have to do this it is not a bad thing but a very grindy game is a game that is very stingy with levels it puts a massive number of EXP requirements between levels so it feels tedious and time wasting.
A game is not a JRPG without some level of grind but the game I call grindy are those stingy games where leveling up is very slow and difficult. This game is not that at all. But I guess I play with guides anyway and I know I should seek out EXP Up Gems if I want to use my time wisely. I'm going to be trying to wear an EXP UP Gem as early as I can. I remember looking for EXP UP VI gems late game. If you pretend these don't exist or never heard of them it is not the end of the world you'll get less EXP for your time fighting but I rather get everything I can out of a fight. My playstyle is go prepared, I hoard the best items that cap my Attributes.
It would be more reasonalble to say you'll hit some very hard boss fights that you'll lose and die to often without grinding your levels. Still I think those difficult bosses require Gems more than levels.
I consider chasing down gems and resources more grindy than fighting in Xendoblade. In X2 or XCX I felt the grind more than X1. Like I said many times before it has been many years since I played X1 I could be misremembering the experience differently. I do tend to complain about grind even though I still go out and max out my levels. I like to be overpowered rather than having difficult bosses ahead of me.
More VI Gems please. I complain about Gem slots not the grind.
I apologize if my use of 'deceptive' came off as an attack. Not my intention. I just think from the perspective of someone who doesn't know the game, has no special feelings, and reaches.Agniratha
Indeed, my definition of grind involves more than 'you have to level up by fighting monsters to overcome a situation'.
Being forced to fight lots of sameenemies for several hours at a time without any story events is a grind, too, imo. That's where the game can feel feel like a cheap mmorpg, because you just keep repeating the same and same and same battle commands, which due to the very simple combat system can get tired soon.
None of which is much of an issue if you love the game, of course! :]
Yeah! It's Reyn time!
Anybody? No, just me?
Same here - I finished Final Fantasy VIIR and Trials of Mana, clearing my slate for Xenoblade. Wondering what I should try to tackle in the remaining 2.5 weeks. Tentatively thinking of finishing up Dragon Quest XI S.NOA has been slow on hype in recent months, I know we live in strange times but it has been weird without Reggie hype in Directs.
Without knowing this game is coming soon I would be looking into what my PS4 has coming.
I don't really need hype for this game, nothing will un-glue me from it once they launch (unlock my digital copy)
Same here - I finished Final Fantasy VIIR and Trials of Mana, clearing my slate for Xenoblade. Wondering what I should try to tackle in the remaining 2.5 weeks. Tentatively thinking of finishing up Dragon Quest XI S.
Now we are coming closer to release date, I'm dreading if Amazon can deliver my copy in time.
I wish this game would hurry go on sale, I'm playing through the demo and its great but I paid 60 dollars already on PC can't do that again.Good stuff
DQXIS was so good I still could go back and try to 100% it but I think I'm satisfied.
I wish this game would hurry go on sale, I'm playing through the demo and its great but I paid 60 dollars already on PC can't do that again.
Now we are coming closer to release date, I'm dreading if Amazon can deliver my copy in time.
SUCK ON THIS!Yeah! It's Reyn time!
Anybody? No, just me?
In the dark corners of your placeI am so close can Wii U share the same HDMI cable as Switch?
EDIT: YES the Wii U is on!
but I where is my sensor bar?
People got me thirsty for XCX
look at this poor guy took a 2 year old story about an X port and made a video about it today
Touch fuzZy. get BizZay gorgeous picture!!
That’s okay, I just love seeing this type of picture for the countdown.Thanks Danjin...Want me to post the much higher resolution version? I shrunk and cropped it for optimal forum browsing.
Yes pleaseI'm thirsty for that XCX port too, but I'm not gonna boot up the wiiu cause I just played through XCX last year and we got a great Xenoblade game coming out in 17 days. Watching the video does make me wonder about how realistic that hope is. The online features and general hugeness of the game probably do make it harder to port than some other forgotten gems that get their moment to shine on the switch. The wiiu gamepad integration could pose problems too, but games get around that. He says it sold poorly on wiiu but didn't everything? I wonder how different XCX's 380,000 lifetime sales are to Wonderful 101, Tropical Freeze, Tokyo Mirage Sessions and similar titles. Maybe good sales of XCDE will make a XCX port seem like a good move.
Thanks Danjin...Want me to post the much higher resolution version? I shrunk and cropped it for optimal forum browsing.
I wonder if I turn on the lights how many hours it would take me to look for all of my Wii U components and wires to see what still works.
People got me thirsty for XCX
look at this poor guy took a 2 year old story about an X port and made a video about it today
but not as thirsty of S Saint Boot wanting Gears and Saga on the Switch
Xenoblade DE isn't being done by the main team, although hopefully they helped with the epilogue. We could see this team head over to X next while the main team works on the sequel.chronicle x is wii u game.
plz don't remaster it this soon and do a 2 !
17 days? Pah! Let's be more optimistic:
It's 1+16 days, basically tomorrow!
(Using the good ol' Evangelion Rebuild method)
Xenoblade DE isn't being done by the main team, although hopefully they helped with the epilogue. We could see this team head over to X next while the main team works on the sequel.
I have hope.
practice makes perfect. Give them more work!
I wish Monolith did not have a Zelda team as bad as that sounds I love me some Breath of the Wild but I'm still jealous of the time spent
Mind you, I wrote that article before corona hit the world, but I'm confident that Monolith Soft is more efficient than many give them credit.
Monolith Soft Megaton 2020 – Why their New IP is Ready
Disclaimer from May 12th: This article was written before the Corona breakout. Corona might have caused delays. But let’s stay positive – and healthy. (A couple of words before I go int…outrageousfacts.wordpress.com
Corona might have caused delays, but I don't think supporting BotW2 impacts their other releases too much.
^ how did you feel when KOS MOS became a Blade?
My advice is equip accessory that increases your luck and use justice booster, I actually unlocked her on common Crystal Core.Devastated, because I still have not unlocked her yet...![]()
Going into my 3rd playthrough I still didn't have her, so I used cloud saves to save scum my cores. Ended up getting T-elos and KOS-MOS after a few tries.Devastated, because I still have not unlocked her yet...![]()
Going into my 3rd playthrough I still didn't have her, so I used cloud saves to save scum my cores. Ended up getting T-elos and KOS-MOS after a few tries.
Not a fan of cheating but I play enough gacha games to know I can't trust rng. Although, I have been pretty lucky with them lately...
Well it's one option then.Meh. I dont' consider it cheating if it's a offline single player game. I miss the days of gameshark.