Its crazy to me how much PS has steamrolled Xbox this gen. I think.MS has so much against them they could and never will be successful in hardware.
They're a company that no one likes and those that do...well look at the photos and Jizz.
Ive always enjoyed the platform and for me personally, have seen the benefits from programs such as play anywhere and cross buy etc. They've pushed free cloud saves for years. Great (compared to the competition) refund policies but none of this cool stuff can cut through how fucking useless they are at the day to day running of the business.
I think they could have really made some cool changes to policies happen within console gaming if they could have only just figured the basics out. I'm not saying running business is easy, far from it. Im jist saying you gotta deliver on the core principles or you end up where they are now.
Money is not the answer to good business. Strong individuals with good ideas that they execute is what matters. And MS have failed at every step on that front.
Third party will save them and make them a monster in the publishing of software world but ultimately I think we will lose out.
PS will absolutely destroy the xbox now as you would have to know exactly what you are signing up for to buy an Xbox this gen.
I perosnally don't feel Sony deserve the sales they are receiving this gen and I think their fans are far too soft on them as a business. Sony fans should be demanding free cloud saves and other benefits but that's another convo. The ps5 has clearly done what ever it needed to do to kill off Xbox but I dont think it's going to be sunshine and roses from here on out, unfortunately. But, maybe I'm just bitter and old