Assassin's Creed Shadows - At least it's not two dudes...


You sure?
By the way the left guy is They/Them .
Ubisoft really want to FUCK the japanese!


Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN

Which of these two characters do you even think is being "rapey", exactly?

They sauntered up to each other, talked about kissing, and then kissed with mutual enthusiasm.

Did you want them to whip out and sign a consent form first?
Mate this was scripted and acted like one of those pornos that try to have a story.

if this is how your romantic encounters have gone for you then yeesh, must be tough out there.


Gold Member
On technical side I'm impress with what they did with the base Ps5 and very impressive upgrade on Ps5 pro, but I do stick to my principles, conscience and values. I think I'll pass on this one. That is my personal choice.
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So you are 1% gay? 😜
%1 is that I cave in and buy it nonetheless :messenger_sunglasses: Contrary to the most people here I love AC series. Loved them since the first game.

I'm very simple man: I really love games because they put me in different worlds, different stories, different situations. I'm maybe among one the most soft hearted person when it comes to games here in this forum. I don't have anything against LTBG people as well. I played lots of games which had lots of LTBG characters in it, no problem.

But I hate forceful, political woke, DEI agenda in games.
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So, watched few hours of the beginning gameplay... and my god is the dialogue so bad xD The game looks actually WORSE than I thought it'd be.

Not to mention the pacing is omg so much start and go, start and go. So many scenes just cut to black cuz they dont know how to transition. I dunno all of it seems like a mess.

Least the visuals are nice! Got something.


The most outrageous and disrespectful part is seeing the depiction of Japanese girls kissing so passionately. Ubisoft should be ashamed for setting such high expectations. Don't believe their lies, guys.


These morons make it incredibly obvious that they're here just for the shit-posting and haven't actually played any of the recent AC games.

Anyone whose played Odyssey or Valhalla knows it has multiple romance options for either sex.

It's also entirely optional.

I just finished Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I made my Kassandra a complete Lesbian. So yeah, can confirmed it had this shit for a while and it's not even close.

These people are just as annoying as the people who want the inclusion. Just let the devs make what they want and you: if you don't like, you don't buy it. Pretty simple.


Gold Member
They almost got me with that last preview and the gameplay looked kinda fun to be honest. However I am sick of this completely awkward romance BS with what is apparently is a caricature of a historical figure.

There's is no respect for the culture and even less respect for who Yasuke was. Ubisoft can go down in flames. Not getting another dime from me. Ruined yet another beloved franchise with this slop.
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What's funny about all of this is that Naoe's "finale" for male romance isn't even spicy. They've spent all the mocap budget on the lesbian one. ;)


Gold Member
Just play the damn game man. Or wait for a sale because you can't afford full price. I'm black and all this stuff is just cringe.

I have no interest in this tripe whatsoever.

I was being genuine with my question btw....ubi made this out to be the epitome of accuracy and nothing outrageous and the end result is anything but


If thats the case then I dont see the issue here, this was same case with game like Cyberpunk and Mass Effect, was it not?
Its the same with literally countless games... Hundreds even....and has been for decades. Multiple romance options for all characters.
Ppl just shit posting for the sake of it.

As someone else said, in Mass Effect I romanced a blue alien.

Glad I just game for fun and don't consider it some form of political statement.
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