I've given my opinion across the duration of this thread.
However, when you have the last standing members of the Xbox defence force attempting to make this about:
a) Xbox
Who is making this about xbox? Can't find someone else on first page before you came in. Your little imaginary war GHG.
b) me (which I will never stop finding funny)
Yea because you made one of the most nonsense post of 2025 so far. Youtube like / dislike. Amazing. One of the all time greats.
Then hey, I'm going to show them that it's actually the majority of people who care enough about this topic that don't share their opinion.
If Avowed did indeed offer the level of combat (and freedom of creativity/thought) that Dark Messiah did, then considering the marketing budget it's had behind it along with the amount of online discourse then it would probably be doing a lot better than it has done.
You think Dark messiah was a success? Cute.
Oh yea, flock mentality of youtubers and grifters salivating for more blood money after Veilguard for sure is very telling about the quality of the game.
I'm not saying its a masterpiece, but its been dog pilled on by a shitload of peoples at day -1, peoples who have not even tried it. Because you know, who doesn't love drama and "woke" scary stories. Even Asmongold who liked the game, when he found the twitch chat brainlets jumping up and down that he should not like the game he reverted back to the status quo for farming content.
You're lost my dude. You're recommending cohh of all people when he's pretty much made it clear to the world that he's a paid shill who will do anything to stay in the good books of every single major publisher in existence
A man who plays everything can't like everything, yet somehow, he likes everything.
Plays everything? Looking at his list its very narrowed down. Not even close. Of course its not dramatic when you get through a game and say "its fine..." over "OMG WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT STAIN DID I PLAY?"
Or you know, you're just fucking lying
Oh, one very fresh impression
"This is not a black flag, this feels like another entry.", "I don't really plan on finishing the game"
Imagine dragging up my switch prediction from 2017 as some kind of equivalence when this is the result:
I guess we just have to wait for Avowed to suddenly become some huge success. Any day now.
What does sales have to do with this whole thread? What kind of cheap "gotcha" is this? PoE or a fucking shitload of good games don't have good CCUs EVEN without gamepass.
I certainly hope you don't skip on Prey 2017 because of CCUs or metacritic score. Or, PoE / Tyranny / Alpha protocol / KOTOR 2 which are commercially nothing, or Yakuza pirate's similar CCU but without gamepass/battle.net. What a pathetic sad little post.
You not only follow youtube flocks but also CCU flocks. You'll feel part of a group someday GHG, someday. You should become a Swiftie I guess. Its popular I hear.
Buggy, once again mate, you're one of the biggest hypocrites on NeoGAF.
Oh you again
The famous clown with such wisdom as "You dON'T geT To dEcIde WHAT oTheR peoplE think, SPEAk oR wRiTe, i'll Decide whAT OtHEr peoPLE think, sPeAK oR WRITe"
"Both sides are equally bad" my arse (wink*),
Seriously? You still think about that? I still live rent free in your head with that post that was widely approved? Both
extreme sides are stupid fucks. You keep getting it wrong and if you feel triggered by that well its pretty telling where you position yourself in all this.
you surely fall on a very specific side and your behavior in trying to find the proverbial Boogeymen, not only comes off as pathetic but actually unhinge
Give it a rest, you've been saying the same thing over and over again for the past couple of pages, not only you're extremely boring in your repetion but you've also become annoying.
You're typing a lot of repeated shit like a copy pasta but you don't say anything.
Using youtube like/dislike is a fucking joke. You gonna defend that? I can't call out how fucking delusional it is for someone to validate an opinion on a game he's not played because there's 91 dislikes on a video?
3 posts about GHG's most brainlet moment I've seen in years out of 3 pages with >120 posts. "saying the same thing over and over", again, is this friday night where you're high?
Calm the fuck down, he's an adult and can argue without you white knighting.
Get off that high horse ASAP
