Ogs said:Stimulus package PC available for pre-order on Steam (10% discount)
No thanks.
zam said:Or shoot down a helicopter (any kind) with anything, and as it is spinning out going down, whip out a gun and keep shooting it (lmg is great for this). Each bullet hit as it is spinning out will count as 1 for your cold-blooded.
Tiger uppercut said:taking the easy way out here.. would anybody care to help me boost for cold blooded pro?
jiien said:In order to make it spin out like that, you have to take out the helicopter with a gun (which is why LMG is good), not with a launcher. If you use a launcher, the helicopter just blows into pieces. If I recall correctly.
jiien said:In order to make it spin out like that, you have to take out the helicopter with a gun (which is why LMG is good), not with a launcher. If you use a launcher, the helicopter just blows into pieces. If I recall correctly.
When there's an enemy cobra I shoot it with the at4, kill myself and shoot it again. Then it spins and shoot it with the lmgStrider2K99 said:You can use one shot from an AT4 right when the chopper comes out to deal significant damage to it without destroying it, then use an LMG to finish it off. Stingers/Javelin are the ones to avoid using because they will outright destroy everything.
celestial body said:More from El pres, dealing with campers on Invasion:
Good use of the RPG![]()
celestial body said:More from El pres, dealing with campers on Invasion:
Good use of the RPG![]()
This is why I hate this game.MDavis360 said:I got mad simply watching that video. Fucking campers.
Strider2K99 said:You can use one shot from an AT4 right when the chopper comes out to deal significant damage to it without destroying it, then use an LMG to finish it off. Stingers/Javelin are the ones to avoid using because they will outright destroy everything.
jiien said:Ah. I've never really used the AT4 (what a shitty launcher), so I assumed it behaved like the other launchers.
-viper- said:But they need to get rid of OMA nube tubing cunts.
Maby its just me but that was terrible playing on his account. He knows that they are campers, so don't rush into things.celestial body said:More from El pres, dealing with campers on Invasion:
Good use of the RPG![]()
??? I've seen plenty of 7+ prestiges on the PS3. Is this a reference to something I'm not aware of ???DuckRacer said:7th prestige on PS3?! Holy shit dude
TheOddOne said:Maby its just me but that was terrible playing on his account. He knows that they are campers, so don't rush into things.
Brian Fellows said:Just got some more hate mail from someone whining about me "camping". :lol
Yet I managed to move around enough the loser could never find me in the same spot twice. Camping and camper have to be the most overused and misused words in the MW2 vocab.
:lolcelestial body said:More from El pres, dealing with campers on Invasion:
Good use of the RPG![]()
bobs99 ... said:Well in my opinion, if you simply moved from spot to spot after every kill, you were camping. If you were moving around the map slowly and carefully you werent.
Dabanton said:Camping is such a catch all term if i was defending an area on the map and none of the opposing team bothered to come and deal with me i would be accused of 'camping'.
Which is silly imo.
When used properly shutting down a map to the enemy is a great tactic just push them into one area while your team moves in is awesome.
Problems and frustration come when people get killed by someone in an area then run straight back there to kill them only to get owned again.
bobs99 ... said:If your sitting in a low traffic area of the map, you really are preying on people who dont expect it. Even if thats not technically camping its frustrating to die to (and cant be much fun to do). With randoms you cant exactly rally a group to attack that one guy so in most servers he gets away with it. Personally if I get killed in that manner once I flat out avoid that area of the map. but yeah I do think its fair to generalize this type of dirty play as camping.
Today, I was consistently (as in between every single round in S&D) berated for...using my ears. :lolBrian Fellows said:Just got some more hate mail from someone whining about me "camping". :lol
That's what I like to call "involuntary camping!" When you're trying to move on, but they keep coming back for revenge which forces you to camp to not get killed. My camping is your own fault, fool! :lolBrian Fellows said:I pretty much held down the area behind the sniper perch in Afghan all by myself for an entire game against a horde shitty players who can't shoot for shit. I just don't see that as camping. More like holding a strong point on the map.
dude stop being such an eyewhore. using your eyes to spot and kill people, that's so cheapaku:jiki said:Today, I was consistently (as in between every single round in S&D) berated for...using my ears. :lol
They yelled that I was "such a soundwhore" and kept complaining on and on about me having SitRep Pro. Seriously, complaining about the fact that I have functional ears? What's next, complaining that I aimed down sight to kill them? :lol
That's what I like to call "involuntary camping!" When you're trying to move on, but they keep coming back for revenge which forces you to camp to not get killed. My camping is your own fault, fool! :lol
Mojo said:Flanking > Camping
J2d said:I survived a nuke today by bringing up the laptop to launch a predator just as the blast came.
snack said:How do you mod your gamertag and can you get banned for doing it?
I file a complaint against everyone I see. Even though I don't know if MS actually does anything about it (I see one almost every time I play).itsgreen said:Dunno and yes. You will be banned very hard. As in, goodbye sir. It was fun.
You need to have a modded console for those nice colors and stuff, atleast access to one, and MS doesnt like that.
itsgreen said:Dunno and yes. You will be banned very hard. As in, goodbye sir. It was fun.
You need to have a modded console for those nice colors and stuff, atleast access to one, and MS doesnt like that.
That's when you bust out the akimbo rafficas because 95% of players don't expect you to have a secondary. Either that or Riot Shield and C4 with scavenger and danger close. Throw the c4, double-tap reload and boom!celcius said:I started using the riot shield today and it's tons of fun to use. It's always funny to see people's reaction when they run into you and don't know what to do. :lol I also got some cool emblems/titles using it. I've got the option to prestige or not but I think I'll stay lv 70.
ultim8p00 said:So I prestiged today. Man oh man is it painful.
Neverender said:serious question... why would they leave grenade launchers in the game? i mean they have to be the most annoying fucking part of the game for me and i assume many others, i have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to make the same mistake twice
celestial body said:More from El pres, dealing with campers on Invasion:
Good use of the RPG![]()
Holy shit, and I thought prestiging for the first time was hard. :lolDarknessTear said:Yeah I stopped at 8. No reason to prestige again unless I get super bored.