Tornado Condor
I reached 10 prestige a couple of days ago :/Stabby McSter said:Holy shit, and I thought prestiging for the first time was hard. :lol
I reached 10 prestige a couple of days ago :/Stabby McSter said:Holy shit, and I thought prestiging for the first time was hard. :lol
snack said:Grenade launchers are fine. But when you can OMA spam the grenade launchers, that's just fail.
if grenade launchers were to be removed, so would be secondary launchers.Neverender said:serious question... why would they leave grenade launchers in the game? i mean they have to be the most annoying fucking part of the game for me and i assume many others, i have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to make the same mistake twice
Patrick Bateman said:Saw two guys with the same clan on scrapyard yesterday just firing Javelins the whole time left and right. They didn't get a kill at all if remember correctly, but well..:lol
Ladyboy101 said:if grenade launchers were to be removed, so would be secondary launchers.
salva said:I reached 10 prestige a couple of days ago :/
Ladyboy101 said:if grenade launchers were to be removed, so would be secondary launchers.
JustHadToJoin said:I dunno what you guys are seeing about the grenade launchers. The only person I ever see using grenade launchers the entire match for games on end is myself and thats with scavenger. I've never seen this one man army grenade launcher combo.
I don't have a problem with grenade launchers, it's OMA that I have a problem with (and IW is apparently looking into). HBS isn't a problem, just use ninja. Commando I wouldn't have a problem with if they somehow removed the invincibility frames (not likely).Bumblebeetuna said:Much like everything else in this game, OMA whoring is a small problem blown way out of proportion on the Internet.
As for grenade launchers, why would you get rid of them? They are great for busting up campers. Why risk run around the entrance where I know people are camping, risking death by C4, claymore, gunfire etc when I can just shoot an M203 in there and kill everyone? Wouldn't their time be better spent removing Commando, and HBS?
So grenade launchers are okay, but HBS should be removed, despite there being a clear counter for one and none for the other? Okay, dude. :lolBumblebeetuna said:Much like everything else in this game, OMA whoring is a small problem blown way out of proportion on the Internet.
As for grenade launchers, why would you get rid of them? They are great for busting up campers. Why risk run around the entrance where I know people are camping, risking death by C4, claymore, gunfire etc when I can just shoot an M203 in there and kill everyone? Wouldn't their time be better spent removing Commando, and HBS?
Bumblebeetuna said:Much like everything else in this game, OMA whoring is a small problem blown way out of proportion on the Internet.
You can also do this on Rundown, or Salvage... bomb A from C. Hell, you can probably do it on most maps, those two are just the ones I'm most aware of (i.e., getting killed by them in that situation). Normally, they'd be out of grenades so it'd be okay afterwards, but with OMA they don't even have to scavenge for loot to resupply.divisionbyzorro said:The problem is that when it happens, it can totally break a game.
I wish I could find the video that was posted here a while back showing some douchebag playing Domination on Derail, bombing Charlie from Alpha and getting a massive killstreak without ever moving or exposing himself.
What'd your time played?salva said:I reached 10 prestige a couple of days ago :/
This is why they should do like in cod4 and make a grenade launcher take up the perk 1 slot. Then they can't scavenge or OMA switch to get more ammo without dying. Still isn't going to fix the problem but might stem the worst of it. Danger Close however, that's just IW catering directly to noob-tubers (and/or rpg-whores)Dresden said:You can also do this on Rundown, or Salvage... bomb A from C. Hell, you can probably do it on most maps, those two are just the ones I'm most aware of (i.e., getting killed by them in that situation). Normally, they'd be out of grenades so it'd be okay afterwards, but with OMA they don't even have to scavenge for loot to resupply.
Just out of interest how much have you played mw2 online? Time played/level etc? Cause it sounds like you are talking about a completely different game. I run into OMA/Scavenger + Danger Close noob-tubers at least every third game.Bumblebeetuna said:Much like everything else in this game, OMA whoring is a small problem blown way out of proportion on the Internet.
As for grenade launchers, why would you get rid of them? They are great for busting up campers. Why risk run around the entrance where I know people are camping, risking death by C4, claymore, gunfire etc when I can just shoot an M203 in there and kill everyone? Wouldn't their time be better spent removing Commando, and HBS?
zam said:Just out of interest how much have you played mw2 online? Time played/level etc? Cause it sounds like you are talking about a completely different game. I run into OMA/Scavenger + Danger Close noob-tubers at least every third game.
Weird, I feel like HQ Pro is the worst offender for OMA tubers.foomfoom415 said:I almost never see OMA noobtubers anymore. I ran into one the other day on Scrapyard and then Terminal. Must have been the first time in months. I switched up my class to the ol' Witchblade and meh, problem solved?
I play mTDM, Domination, HQ Pro, and Team Tactical.
Accidentus said:Weird, I feel like HQ Pro is the worst offender for OMA tubers.
Accidentus said:Weird, I feel like HQ Pro is the worst offender for OMA tubers.
jedimike said:I really don't understand how or why you would boost cold blooded... I mean, boosting would only be marginally faster than just oh you know... playing the game.
Play some FFA, there's plenty of aircraft coming in for you to shoot down.
scavenger danger close RPG, AT4, Thumper?bobs99 ... said:Whats your reason for thinking this? Luanchers are not as effective against infantry so arent as 'bad' - they are required for use against kill streaks. I just dont understand the design decision behind the Noob Tube.
Ladyboy101 said:scavenger danger close RPG, AT4, Thumper?
Well, you can practically snipe with the AT4, and clear out entire rooms with them as well--and the thumpers ARE just grenade launchers, so that's that. By themselves, they're actually just as or more powerful than a regular noob tube.bobs99 ... said:Yeah but those weapons take a while to actually use, are harder to use and leave you pretty vulnerable, I would say these weapons are almost balanced compared to how bad the Noob Tubes are.
Couple reasons.seattle6418 said:Modern Warfare 2 is the first shooter i play online. Spent a lot of time playing racing and sports games, and decided to give MW2 a try.
So far i'm loving it, but there are a couple of questions about why i suck so much on this game.
I'm at level 48, and i have played 2 days on the game count. I have about 2.400 kills and 4.700 deaths. Playing mostly team death match and free for all.
Found this game to be more arcadey than i expected.
Now, what bothers me is this. The reason why i got so many deaths is because in many ocasions whenever i spot someone and vice versa, i'm too slow to aim and start shooting. It doesn't matter what i try, i always end up shooting later and dying.
I live in Brazil and i know ping is a huge factor, but still, how can people aim so fast?
Is there any trick to fast aim?
Do you guys not use the L1 button? (aiming down the sight). because i use everytime i see someone.
What am i doing wrong on those scenarios?
I'm running FAL with holographic, thumper, stun grenades, C4, claymore or tactical insertion (whatever works best on the scenario), marathon pro, hardline pro and commando pro.
My carrear best is 28 kills, streak is 12 and half of my kills are with the knife because i run around a lot.
Any comments?
Nah, the AT4 curves like the RPG does. Less so, yeah, but sniping with it practically impossible (without luck).Dresden said:Well, you can practically snipe with the AT4, and clear out entire rooms with them as well--and the thumpers ARE just grenade launchers, so that's that. By themselves, they're actually just as or more powerful than a regular noob tube.
Accidentus said:Couple reasons.
1. Sleight of hand pro decreases the ADS (aim down sight) time for all weapons.
2. Most players know the maps by now. Just knowing where to look at all times is 50% of this game. Chances are they either see you first or to automatically look down the sight when rounding this corner/going down this hallway/etc.
3. Obviously the latency of living in Brazil is going to be a factor when playing a game of mostly North American players.
also, why's your name seattle and you live in Brazil?
aku:jiki said:Nah, the AT4 curves like the RPG does. Less so, yeah, but sniping with it practically impossible (without luck).
The Thumper is vastly different from a regular tube:
1) It takes three times as long to fire (forced ADS like all launchers).
2) The grenade travels a little faster.
3) The grenade curves Slightly differently.
All in all, a Thumper is MUCH harder to use than a noobtube and getting consistent kills with it takes at least some skill. I am nowhere near as bothered by it as I am by the noobtube.
Oh, and the Javelin just rules for fun. I went like 50-3 almost exvlusively using it today... Three Chopper Gunners!![]()
Damn. D:salva said:I reached 10 prestige a couple of days ago :/
Stabby McSter said:Damn. D:
What do you get for the 10th prestige?
I would also stop using the FAL and start using the ACR. Lag can cause a big problem with the FAL (since every bullet is important) and the ACR is imo the best gun for newcomers to fps (I hope you don't take offensive to thatseattle6418 said:Thanks for the imput, i will try the sleight of hand perk to see if it helps... i just have to get used to not having unlimited sprint.
After a month or so, i know some of the maps pretty well, but some of them i'm still learning. I guess i have to look out for corners.
As for the name, i started using it because i'm a huge Seattle Sonics fan. The team does not exist anymore, but the name still stands.
Yes, you do. It goes into auto-ADS as you fire it, like all launchers do.Aselith said:You don't have to ADS with the Thumper. In fact, I found it's much easier to use if you don't. It also doesn't do what feels like a weird curve if you don't ADS.
seattle6418 said:Thanks for the imput, i will try the sleight of hand perk to see if it helps... i just have to get used to not having unlimited sprint.
After a month or so, i know some of the maps pretty well, but some of them i'm still learning. I guess i have to look out for corners.
As for the name, i started using it because i'm a huge Seattle Sonics fan. The team does not exist anymore, but the name still stands.
A shitty title and emblem. The emblem doesn't spin like I thought it would =\Stabby McSter said:Damn. D:
What do you get for the 10th prestige?
zam said:Just out of interest how much have you played mw2 online? Time played/level etc? Cause it sounds like you are talking about a completely different game. I run into OMA/Scavenger + Danger Close noob-tubers at least every third game.
Mo0 said:Running at warp speed and knifing people from 10 feet away is SO FUN when you do it, though. I think that's what keeps Marathon/Lightweight/Commando relatively prevalent, it's a great stress reliever.
Mo0 said:Running at warp speed and knifing people from 10 feet away is SO FUN when you do it, though. I think that's what keeps Marathon/Lightweight/Commando relatively prevalent, it's a great stress reliever.
Ladyboy101 said:if grenade launchers were to be removed, so would be secondary launchers.