The best way to read The Wicked + The Divine #2 is immediately AFTER 100th Anniversary X-Men. The level of craft on display is leaps and bounds above that POS, not to mention an infinitely more interesting world/plot.
I can summarize The Last Will And Testament of Charles Xavier for those who are curious:
This isn't the most traditional approach, but I personally like to introduce people to Hellboy with the third TPB, Hellboy: The Chained Coffin and Others. It's a collection of short stories that contains every aspect of what I think makes the series so magical, and isn't burdened with his origin story, etc. It doesn't spoil anything from Vol 1 or 2, and I'd say actually enhances those two trades when read prior to them. Anyone else agree?
Because comics.
It's not like Marvel chronology hasn't tripped over itself before. Besides, if they need a new Wolverine, they can just yank one from another dimension. Or get Hank on it, he can just pull Logan out of the past right before he died.
Oh, guys, I totally ordered a drawing tablet today. So get ready.
We created a monster.
I definitely don't disagree. That makes total sense. The only downside to that is he wouldn't really be able to get the Library Edition, since it contains Right Hand of Doom, which does kind of need the previous stuff to make sense (IIRC). So if he likes it and wanted to start from the beginning with the Library Editions, he'd be in a bit of a pickle.
Again, I don't disagree at all with your suggestion, but my personal suggestion would be to get the Library Edition vol 1 if you are okay with spending more money and really want the oversized format and intend to continue with more Hellboy volumes afterwards (assuming you like it), but if you want to dip your toes in and just see what Hellboy is all about, go with Hellboy: The Chained Coffin and Others TPB.
The Chained Coffin and Others TPB is definitely a smorgasbord of what makes Hellboy great though and would definitely work well as an introduction.
Edit: Just saw your edit. So basically I agree with you 100%.![]()
We created a monster.
We helped find the comic book industry's next big artist
I can summarize The Last Will And Testament of Charles Xavier for those who are curious:
Guys, is the new Teen Titans worth reading? I want to buy it, but I've been afraid.
Guys, is the new Teen Titans worth reading? I want to buy it, but I've been afraid.
If I remember correctly, you can bare-bones it and ignore everything that's not titled Hellboy or BPRD and be just fine at least until Hell on Earth (if not longer). When you get to Hollow Earth, just PM me and we'll figure out how deep you want to get (aka, how much money you want to shell out) and tailor a list to your liking.
We found Rafa's guy.
Dont forget us when you make it, guys.
Guys, is the new Teen Titans worth reading? I want to buy it, but I've been afraid.
I'm somehow not reassured.It isn't awful!
Also surprised the Marvel announcement hasn't leaked on twitter
Oh, guys, I totally ordered a drawing tablet today. So get ready.
never forget
never forget
never forget
I liked Teen Titans. First time I have read them in the n52. The biggest thing I look for in a team book is the writers ability to add a characters personality to their dialog. I don't want to read it and every character sound the same. Happy to say Pfeifer's did this well.
You should read Superior Foes or New Warriors if you're ever looking for a Marvel team book!
Also: we need to get Kipp's art in next month's OT
So it's an appropriate time to get into Hellboy as it's the 20th Anniversary. Just ordered Vol 1. Mignola's art looks too good, I could live off that alone; the bonus is it actually being a highly rated series.
never forget
Humble beginnings
Humble beginnings indeed
Wait, what the fuck is his other hand doing in that picture??? XD
Also: we need to get Kipp's art in next month's OT
I read Superior Foes for the first 8 issues. I dropped most of my Marvel stuff. Going to buy it in trades. Marvel puts out good stuff but my wallet can't afford it all.
Wait, what the fuck is his other hand doing in that picture??? XD
Reading Batman Eternal after Teen Titans. Wonder if we will see Harper on the Titans one day. Who the hell knows who is going to be Batmans next sidekick.
I read Superior Foes for the first 8 issues. I dropped most of my Marvel stuff. Going to buy it in trades. Marvel puts out good stuff but my wallet can't afford it all.
I thought it would be self contained, but nope, it continues in Batman & Robin...
Rei, did you like the Scooby-Doo team-up with Wonder Woman?
Just finished Seconds. Love it
It was going somewhere? After the end of that issue, I mean.Not Rei, but I read.
Not sure what I expected.
curious to see where it goes
It was going somewhere? After the end of that issue, I mean.
Marvel's Captain Falcon announced on Colbert Report