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COMICS! |OT| July 2014. Lots of stores on the way to San Diego sell deodorant.

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It's here! Again!

Ain't no second issue letdown here, folks. The mortal world's favorite pop-god comic delivers again! Hype Train tickets are still available. Hop on and get your ticket punched before it's optioned for TV and you're left in its divine dust.

A digital copy Issue #1 just price dropped to $1.99.
Get it in the format of your choice directly from Image or from Comixology (rated 17+, in glorious HD)

You want diversity? It's got it.
What about witty dialogue? Check.
You want mystery, intrigue, and suspense? Check, check, check.
Okay, but how about unique monologue lettering? Check  again.
What? You want a custom playlist to go with it? You better believe that's a check: http://bit.ly/WicDivPlaylist

Oh, you didn't pick it up?

We are very disappoint.

Issue #3 descends from the heavens/rises from the pits of hell August 20!
it was alright


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Bleh, you guys are getting me all interested in Hellboy. The main series looks easy enough, and it seems like it could be handled with just the six library editions and an extra trade. But then BPRD is also crucial/good? Which seems to have like 14 trades plus some bonus ones, then another run of 8? And there are omnibuses but they don't cover everything? And then there's some spinoff solo series?

The BPRD hardcovers do cover everything, I believe (well, except for the 1946, 1947, and 1948 stories which I'm going to assume are offshoots and aren't crucial to the main story, but I have no idea). It's sort of confusing, since they're all titled "Plague of Frogs," but they contain all the stories that are in the titles of the smaller TPBs.

*Wicked+Divine review*

Was not disappointed. Birdie-level hype remains.

Steranko Shield Artists Edition has that hot 0 percent discount on IST right now. 140 dollars.

Does anyone know how long this sale is going to run for? I gotta get on that.


You guys sure post a lot when I'm asleep here in Poland ;)

Seeing Hellboy/BPRD discussed here always brings a smile to my face. It's just such a wonderful, meticulously crafted universe. And I still have so much to read since I've only read the first three Plague of Frogs hardcovers and the first five Hellboy volumes (plus The Midnight Circus). I think my highlights so far are "The Universal Machine" - a BPRD storyline that deals with a death of a character and how other members of the team are trying to deal with it - and the epilogue to "Wake the Devil", the second Hellboy trade. The Universal Machine is filled with heartbreaking moments and features a terrific artist cameo, while the final scene of Wake the Devil shines a new light on the character of Rasputin and is beautifully worded.

I'm absolutely OK with Falcon becoming the new Cap, though my only knowledge of the character comes from the latest movie and Brubaker's Winter Soldier.

I caved in and bought Wicked + Divine #1 on Comixology. I was going to wait for the trade, but now I'm gonna read this one issue and then wait for the collection to come out, just to get a taste. The Hype is just too powerful for me, some of you guys are almost Birdie/Cyclops-tier when it comes to this comic. But after Three I trust Gillen so what the heck!
That's honestly why I tend to avoid those particular threads. That manga vs comics one was especially bad.

Those threads should be avoided at all costs. This thread is one of the best, most sensible places I've found to discuss comics. Too many forums devolve into the standard forum fanboying.


Those threads should be avoided at all costs. This thread is one of the best, most sensible places I've found to discuss comics. Too many forums devolve into the standard forum fanboying.

I SMH in real life when I read those threads, including the non-news threads people create to bring attention to themselves for a story which would be a one and done conversation here in maybe a single page. I am all for discussion about this hobby by anyone, but typically the dedicated threads break down to "lol comics" or "I don't read books but I'll let you know how stupid I think they are."

It's really the equivalent of the real life "lol YOU play Pokemon?" Situation.


dcbs shipment coming tomorrow.....originally said today. Time to read more random comics Xo

I don't like the Falcon, never really have, in all the books i've read with him he's usually a random guy that's hanging out and then has a bird land on him from time to time.


Let be real guys, any hobby that gonna cost you 50+$ per week is stupid :(
Triple stupid if you buying statue.



Let be real guys, any hobby that gonna cost you 50+$ per week is stupid :(
Triple stupid if you buying statue.


Eh, the way I explain it to folks is "It's a hobby that puts a roof over my heads, food in my stomach and beer in my belly.".
Oh I totally get it too. I used to be like that. I got out of it when I realized I just wanted to read some cool stories about Batgirl or whatever. lol

But how will I be a true fan if I don't read every Batgirl story ever?

You're fighting a losing battle. Over in wrassle-gaf this has been an ongoing thing for like the last 2 years

Is this why there's no thread for monthly WWE PPVs any more?
I could be a smoker...

I tried doing both, couldn't do it. Gave up the smokes. Actually, this hobby has made me a much healthier person. I gave up smoking and junk food in Feburary and I have also lost 28 lbs in that time. I gave those up so I could buy all the stuff that I have.
Caught up on the last three issues of Future's End.

First appearance of Voodoo since the end of her series? Man, she looks messed up. Not sure which version of her, it is, though; The original or the clone. Still, a cool thing to see.
Samnee seems like such a nice guy and his art's great.

I follow him on tumblr and he was more excited about a European comic (Corto Maltese I believe) getting localized than getting nominated for a Harvey award

I met him on Free Comic Book day and you are right, he is a complete class act. He is very humble.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Can't wait to see Rafa's reaction to Tom Taylor writing Superior Iron Man.

I quite like Injustice, and quite literally anything is better than Gillen's run. Its like he went in to deliberately try and fuck the entire Tony Stark character. The current TONY STARK DRUNKENLY FUTZED THE GAMMA BOMB sin shit right now is just... fire everyone involved. EVERYONE.

I am beginning to drift further and further way from Marvel with all the stupid shit they're pulling. Amazing X-Men, Superior Foes and New Warriors are like the only pulls I enjoy fully, who knows whats going to happen to Wolverine & the X-Men and I guess Thor. The new Rocket Racoon was pretty cool, but like... all this other stupid shit about to pour in is a real bummer. Hickmans Avengers is an unending disaster too.

I came back to Marvel after leaving due to OMD as it seemed like they were beginning to focus a bit more on good stories building forward again. Then the last few years have just piled on the total shock shlock bullshit across the board, often getting in the way of the few books that were trying to build something good.
Holy crap, why such a big wait?

My comic book shop is in a town about 50ish miles away. I go to them because they offer 25% off, versus the 10% anything local will do. Normally, my roommate will go and pick them up when he goes to his VA appointments on Wednesday which he gets travel pay for so it doesn't cost us anything as far as the distance and gas is concerned. But the previous two weeks, he elected not to go, much to my consternation. So I could have just gone myself and spent the gas money but I choose to wait instead.


"What we’re doing here is a little different — it’s Tony Stark, the one and only Tony Stark — and in the aftermath of the Axis event, he will surrender to his id and his legendary ego," Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso told Mashable.

"You’ll see Tony in a new place spiritually and intellectually."

Alonso went on to confirm this isn't alternate timeline/universe/dimension Tony Stark, and he isn't being replaced or mind-controlled like Spider-Man was...

"Yes, this is Tony," Alonso said. "What you're seeing in Superior Iron Man is a Tony Stark who’s seen both his worst and best impulses all let loose. It is Tony, but he’s going to be in a zone now where he’s never been. He's more ambitious, cunning, egotistical ... all of those quantities are unharnessed. He has a vision for the world. I like to think his position is defensible — controversial, but defensible."
I think

All New X-Men
Uncanny X-Men
Wolverine & The X-Men

Occasionally Great, Depending:
Savage Wolverine

Probably Good:
All-New X-Factor

Amazing X-Men
In the latest Batman Eternal there is a code in Riddlers cell at Arkham. Let's crack it. Should I make a new thread?

The Riddler’s code, in full, from Batman : Eternal #15. Do you think you can crack it before Batwing does?
PS: Of course it’s not easy. But it’s not impossible.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Ranking Amazing X-Men alongside Wolverine is a crime against the medium.

Peoples hate boner for Yost will never go down. You will doom my beloved New Warriors/Scarlet Spider ongoing. I'll soon pack all your favourites on to a bus, just you wait.
Ranking Amazing X-Men alongside Wolverine is a crime against the medium.

Peoples hate boner for Yost will never go down. You will doom my beloved New Warriors/Scarlet Spider ongoing. I'll soon pack all your favourites on to a bus, just you wait.

I don't have a hate boner for Yost, just boring comics.

To be fair, though, their issue had the poor luck of having Ed McG's art really trashed by the inks. I can see myself Wish Listing it moving forward (like I do with Wolverine, just to see what's happening in that book).

I also have a ticket into CMX because it looked like the art was all weirdly messed up in the source files. Ed McG's lines need to be smooth, and they were all like jagged and shit. I could barely get through the issue.
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