Ranking Amazing X-Men alongside Wolverine is a crime against the medium.
Peoples hate boner for Yost will never go down. You will doom my beloved New Warriors/Scarlet Spider ongoing. I'll soon pack all your favourites on to a bus, just you wait.
I think this is your supervillain origin.
But really, man, do I miss Scarlet Spider. Seriously, what a fun book when it first started, before the Pham-ine.
I gave Birdie the digital codes for New Warriors 1-6 and he enjoyed it! He's not a Yost hater by any meansRanking Amazing X-Men alongside Wolverine is a crime against the medium.
Peoples hate boner for Yost will never go down. You will doom my beloved New Warriors/Scarlet Spider ongoing. I'll soon pack all your favourites on to a bus, just you wait.
Pretty muchI dropped all dem X-Books months ago
Its Uncanny Avengers or bust at this point
You will read Superior Foes, Birdie. You will. All things in time.
Off the topic of cape-oo since I've been MIA:
- Southern Bastards is swoll as fook.
- Trees is intriguing but I feel it needs to go somewhere sort of quicker to pay off the concept.
- IDW TMNT continues to be the best franchise comic every month.
You guys dropped Brian Woods X-Men? But Jubilee was just about to ZZZzzzzzz and that baby was actually revealed to be ZZzZzzzzzzzz and Brian Wood just wants to touch you.
In the heart.
TMNT, I could just nOT get into the first issue. Does it get better? (I mean I guess it must.)
I gave Birdie the digital codes for New Warriors 1-6 and he enjoyed it! He's not a Yost hater by any means
TMNT, I could just nOT get into the first issue. Does it get better? (I mean I guess it must.)
Good. Goooooood. You have done the lords work.
Tomasi is the best Bat writer currently.If there's one thing that I didn't like in Robin Rises is they will indulge to the mess that's Earth-2.
I believe in Tomasi da gawd tho.
Tomasi is the best Bat writer currently.
Tomasi is the best Bat writer currently.
WOW. Such athletics. Very claws. Much amaze. Glad I started to read these, because Kamala is lovely. Her geeking out when teaming-up withMs. Marvel #6: The art is so gooooddddd...
WOW. Such athletics. Very claws. Much amaze.
Bleh, you guys are getting me all interested in Hellboy. The main series looks easy enough, and it seems like it could be handled with just the six library editions and an extra trade. But then BPRD is also crucial/good? Which seems to have like 14 trades plus some bonus ones, then another run of 8? And there are omnibuses but they don't cover everything? And then there's some spinoff solo series?
Robin Rises #1
Too good
Any of my comic friends want a Destiny Beta Code? For PS4. Americas.
Robin Rises #1
Too good
You get one. I have one more. I'm at work now and I'm gonna redeem mine before I give them out. Make sure it works.
... Wait...
... Something else...
... Damian...
... Saves us all...
The bar's that low, eh?Tomasi is the best Bat writer currently.
I've been out of comics regularly for awhile now. I pick up trades when I hear good things about them, but I haven't had the time and money to go pick up series as they come out. So I decided to try out digital and bought Robin Rises on comixology. Really great intro, just a straight 5 pages telling you everything you needed to know, and the rest was some great action. I look forward to reading more of it.
Pls don't tell me that's reference to Earth-2 event![]()
No, that is what Batman says after touching theis after in Robin Rises. It's, seemingly, a vision of the future.crystal that Glorious Godfrey
The bar's that low, eh?
If there's one thing that I didn't like in Robin Rises is they will indulge to the mess that's Earth-2.
I believe in Tomasi da gawd tho.
Well, if JLU takes place after red daughter then Supergirl will be the first that I've heard ofI need some Lantern Loremasters to answer a question for me: Has anyone ever survived the transition of removing a Red Lantern ring, outside of a Blue Lantern doing so? Are there any cases of this at all?
Well, if JLU takes place after red daughter then Supergirl will be the first that I've heard of
Always a bit intimidating jumping into a new "universe", but I've found Hellboy to be fairly accessible. I've never really had any problem with the trades and minis I've tried. When I see BPRD Hell on Earth is well over 100 issues now, that's where I'm reluctant to just jump on. Sometimes is still hard to get over that "must start at the beginning" feeling.
That's the numbering for the overall BPRD series. Quick glance at the wiki shows Hell on Earth started with #69 in August 2010. So not quite 100 issues but it's halfway there.
Recently finished reading Hickman's Fantastic Four run and House of M/Son of M/Silent War (thank you Pai Pai Master) on MU after I came around looking for suggestions.
Absolutely loved the Fantastic Four stuff. Last time I came in craving more cosmic marvel stories and that fit the bill perfectly. I was hooked at the council reveal and it didn't let up 'til the end. Would have loved to have seen more of that Universe built in Dooms image. That last issue was pretty amazing. One of the things I love about cosmic marvel is the way it plays with grand concepts like multi-universal maintenance, shaping, celestial beings and the like all while maintaining that light-hearted adventure feeling. Reading through it, I also realized Venture Bros. draws a lot more direct inspiration from FF than I ever realized. If there's more must read FF, I'd be happy for suggestions.
Silent war was cool too, but didn't leave me totally satisfied. I tried to google what would follow after that, but from what I can tell, the ending with Maximus doesn't get resolved in other comics, and when the inhumans are introduced again around the War of Kings stuff (which I've already read) Black Bolt is king again with no real explanation. If that's wrong I would be interested in reading what comes next.
So does anyone have any more suggestions of things to read on Marvel Unlimited? Their cosmic stuff has been really fun and I'd love more, but I'm open to suggestions on any all time greats.
Supreme Blue Rose #1 is next week!