Going to close out tonight with a Warren Ellis post about Batman
Y'know, that's a pretty interesting theory, i hadn't thought of that. He's 100% correct, too.
Going to close out tonight with a Warren Ellis post about Batman
Locke & Key volume 1
Criminal volume 1
Among some other things. Did I do good gaf?
Going to close out tonight with a Warren Ellis post about Batman
Original Sin #6: This is the point where it no longer matters what issue 7 and 8 do, this event is garbage. We have Strange talking about saving the world without ever having to kill anyone, which they would never do. Steve and Iron Man are working together while Steve is whining to Fury about no more secrets. Fury doing stuff no one cares about...this is as bad as it could be without Cap sitting down more frequently. I now look at Forever Evil, which i hated, and give it new respect. Another sub-par stretched-out Marvel event. Is this what gave Aaron the idea of someone no longer being worthy? Not so random 3/10, pathetic.
Y'know, that's a pretty interesting theory, i hadn't thought of that. He's 100% correct, too.
Red Circle was a complete bore that went ansolutely nowhere. Don't think I can give Archie the benefitof the doibt this time....I just read that the Archie people are relaunching their superhero line and rebranding it Dark Circle Comics...
You know what, I'm actually kinda interested. The Fox looks fun. I'm hyped for The Black Hood simply cause I love Duane Swierczynski's crime novels more than his comics. I don't have a strong opinion on the Shield though. Apparently she existed before Captain America, but I'm interested to see how they pull her off. I like her design though, get a Captain Marvel x Captain America feeling. Given how awesome Afterlife with Archie is, and how hyped I am for Sabrina, they have my attention. Right now they seem like pastiches of Captain America, Punisher, and Spider-Man. But I'm still interested.
Has anyone read the first Fox: Freak Hunt mini series by Mark Waid? Any good?
Bunch of info here:
I assume this stuff was posted before, but I just came across it now.
Issue 23 is done. This was a fantastic issue with lots of symbolism. First we have the leader of the Red Hood Gang(Joker?) telling Bruce that what inspired his criminal behavior was the pure senselessness of his parents death. He saw how chaos was the ultimate agent of fear.
Next, even a young Bruce, you get to see why he is considered a "super hero" for how resilient he is. He took a brutal beating and fought to survive. This issue has one of my favorite backup stories in any comic I have ever read that really reinforces this idea.
Then we have the recreation of most iconic moments in Batmans history. This is where I think Snyder and Capullo are geniuses, they never set out to create a new origin, but simply to show different angles. They always pay homage to the source material. "Yes father, I shall become a bat."
Poor Sif
Poor Sif![]()
OH wow. Just as a followup to some of the baltimore stuff I was writing about yesterday, I read through volume 4 today and oh boy, what a game changer. I really hope people don't sleep on this series. Ironically, I wrote a lot yesterday about the general premise and set-up and how the basic structure of a baltimore story goes. Well, everything changes as of this volume. Every where the premise has been leading, all plot threads come together between the two stories, and much like the first few original Hellboy mini-series, suddenly you realise it was all going somewhere bigger, and everything you thought you knew and where this series would end was just a glimpse at the full picture. Between the infernal train and chapel of bones, there is some fantastic twists and turns and it really feels like the series is about to launch into its next phase, with pretty much everything that came before bookended here, and plenty of new stuff teased ahead, and new characters introduced. I would really recommend anyone who's thought about the series to check the book out.
I'm sorry, who?
It's the one gap in my Mignola ouvre. Gotta get on it.
Speaking of Goden, you ever read The Lost Army? The Hellboy books are so weird and uneven and this is no exception.
I don't know if you're being serious or just joking but Lady Sif from Asgard
I'm just really sad that we're getting this new female Thor after Journey Into Mystery got cancelled. Sif was boss.
Zombine, you ever read Batman The Black Mirror? It was my first exposure to Snyder's Batman and it was dope. Highly recommend it.
I don't know if you're being serious or just joking but Lady Sif from Asgard
I'm just really sad that we're getting this new female Thor after Journey Into Mystery got cancelled. Sif was boss.
My biggest comic travesty of the past 3 years has been ignoring Snyder's Batman. I don't even know how I want to begin catching up.
So when did Original Sin go wrong? I thought I remember seeing people saying that it was a great story for the first few issues, and now all of a sudden I'm seeing "This event is total garbage."
Events have a habit ofdoing that last spoilered sentenced....I was somewhat enjoying it right up untilOriginal Sin was sold as the secrets of the Marvel Universe being revealed, and if that's the case, Marvel should have done a one shot featuring the orb and the watcher eyeballs and then had the secrets exposed stuff take place in the individual books, but that wouldn't get them 8 issues of event money and that's all that matters.The Orb made the eyeball secrets explode in issue 3 or 4 i think, and then in Avengers 29 Steve remembered that Tony and the Illumanti mind wiped him and i was on board. Then in Avengers 30 they go to the future due to the time gem and abandon that plot flow entirely and Aaron ignores everything Hickman is doing with New Avengers and Avengers and throws Original Sin ENTIRELY behind Nick Fury's one man army past both in issue #5 that is devoted entirely to this and then in issue #6 which brings the Avengers into the mix as well with a tease of #7 being more Fury. The book has been narrowed so heavily to only be about Fury that it chopped off anything interesting that could have happened with this series, and instead solely focuses on the least interesting aspect
Zombine, you ever read Batman The Black Mirror? It was my first exposure to Snyder's Batman and it was dope. Highly recommend it.
I'm teasing. Trust me, I know what it's like to be fond of something niche.
You are history's greatest monster.
Get the trades for the Talons and Zero Year.
Zombine, just read all of Snyders Batman. It's quality reading.
Never and I admit that openly. I have also never read any of Morrison's run. Pre-New 52 I was up on my Batman, but when I got back into reading back in 2011 I leaned heavily toward Marvel Now and missed out on a whole lot.
Edit: I hopped back on for Death Of The Family, lol'd a bit, read up to Zero Year Issue 2, lol'd a bit, and gave up. Worst decision I've made.
The only Bat Book I currently pull is Detective Comics and I started Robin Rises Omega.
Forget Snyder's then, get Tomasi's instead![]()
Never and I admit that openly. I have also never read any of Morrison's run.
I cannot wait for Absolute Batman Inc.
The Detective Comics 27 cover.
The Dark Knight Returns TV panels.
The Animated Series Batman
Wait...that's The Joker?
Lots of signs pointing to yes. Remember the Death of the Family story where he dresses up Harley as a Red Hood? At Ace Chemical. Where it all began.
Wait...that's The Joker?
Yeah but I just figured that was a nod to Red Hood. How odd. I just assumed Joker came from nowhere. He seems slightly more sane as Red Hood.
Yeah but I just figured that was a nod to Red Hood. How odd. I just assumed Joker came from nowhere. He seems slightly more sane as Red Hood.
Yeah but I just figured that was a nod to Red Hood. How odd. I just assumed Joker came from nowhere. He seems slightly more sane as Red Hood.
Haha, that's awesome. You're gonna have fun rereading those now, if you didn't read it from that angle before.
That's the point. In this issue, he figures out Batman was the vigilante in the earlier issues. That he transformed. Soon he falls in the acid and he is transformed into his more dynamic character. The Joker.
Wasn't Jokers origin always Red Hood?
Then how the hell doesn't Joker know Batman is Bruce Wayne after the blimp incident. He clearly sees his face. Is that just down to comics lol?
I always thought we didn't know his origin. Or he always lies about his origin.
I always thought we didn't know his origin. Or he always lies about his origin.
Isn't that explained in Death of the Family?Then how the hell doesn't Joker know Batman is Bruce Wayne after the blimp incident. He clearly sees his face. Is that just down to comics lol?
Wasn't Jokers origin always Red Hood?
I always thought we didn't know his origin. Or he always lies about his origin.
Didn't death of the family end with a flashbacks of Bruce telling joker who he is and joker didn't give a shit?Then how the hell doesn't Joker know Batman is Bruce Wayne after the blimp incident. He clearly sees his face. Is that just down to comics lol?
I always thought we didn't know his origin. Or he always lies about his origin.
Didn't death of the family end with a flashbacks of Bruce telling joker who he is and joker didn't give a shit?
Why don't I remember this. I feel like the last bit was the fly in the batcave
Didn't death of the family end with a flashbacks of Bruce telling joker who he is and joker didn't give a shit?