Sibersk Esto
What a hero, tell your most dangerous enemy who you areYeah, he took the Joker card he found in one of the tunnels to him. Joker's only got eyes for Bats.
What a hero, tell your most dangerous enemy who you areYeah, he took the Joker card he found in one of the tunnels to him. Joker's only got eyes for Bats.
Yeah, he took the Joker card he found in one of the tunnels to him. Joker's only got eyes for Bats.
Why don't I remember this. I feel like the last bit was the fly in the batcave
My biggest comic travesty of the past 3 years has been ignoring Snyder's Batman. I don't even know how I want to begin catching up.
As someone who has read everything up through death in the family, I can safely say that nothing of value was lost. It ranges from average to good.
Maybe if Quitely was on art...
Maybe if Quitely was on art...
Forget Quitely (lol not really) What Cameron Stewart doing these day, only writing new Batgirl? :![]()
Forget Quitely (lol not really) What Cameron Stewart doing these day, only writing new Batgirl? :![]()
He's got another unannounced project in the works.
What's the next step for Joker? I feel like the character was written into a corner after getting his face cut off. I would be content if Death of The Family was the true end of the Joker character.
Put him on ice for a couple years. Have a strict line wide edict not to use him, don't even mention him in Harleys book. Then have him come back when you have an interesting idea and he'll be a big deal againWhat's the next step for Joker? I feel like the character was written into a corner after getting his face cut off. I would be content if Death of The Family was the true end of the Joker character.
What's the next step for Joker? I feel like the character was written into a corner after getting his face cut off. I would be content if Death of The Family was the true end of the Joker character.
I'm really hoping that's a TwoFace story.I remember hearing he was going to be in Batman: Endgame, which is the big Snyder/Capullo 75th Anniversary story (after the last chapter of Zero Year and a two-issue mini-arc).
As someone who has read everything up through death in the family, I can safely say that nothing of value was lost. It ranges from average to good.
Maybe if Quitely was on art...
I'm really hoping that's a TwoFace story.
I'm really hoping that's a TwoFace story.
He's got another unannounced project in the works.
Was going to order some new books and wondered what yout opinions of East of West are? I've decided it's definitely time to get the Saga trades as well.
I remember hearing he was going to be in Batman: Endgame, which is the big Snyder/Capullo 75th Anniversary story (after the last chapter of Zero Year and a two-issue mini-arc).
I'm really hoping that's a TwoFace story.
Yeah, about that.. I want to know too what happened after last Bat&two face issue.
This is my reply to everyone, but how do you deal with his face? He clearly has to be in extreme pain. There isn't a whole lot that can be done with the character if they stick to what he did to himself. I truly think the end game with Joker is to just kill him. If they want to re-use him once or twice, have Joker record some videos (a la Jigsaw) and have an arc revolving around that.
Ooooh, yeah! Finally got a break from everything, so I'mma go comic shopping!
Any new series or stuff I should keep an eye out for?
Not really, just some new changes to shake up Cap, Thor, and Iron Man to usher in the next wave of Marvel NOW! titles. SDCC is right around the corner so there's gonna be more news soon.Also, what the fuck is going on with Marvel? I've only skipped a momth of issues! Did crazy stuff happen? >.>
Alright, I'll check those out. It's pretty nice to have so many new issues to read. lolRocket Raccoon, Spider-Man 2099, Grayson, and Teen Titans all just launched over the past few weeks. They were all pretty good and worth checking out if you're interested in any of the characters. Seconds also came out and it was great.
Not really, just some new changes to shake up Cap, Thor, and Iron Man to usher in the next wave of Marvel NOW! titles. SDCC is right around the corner so there's gonna be more news soon.
Ignore the face thing.
I'm serious. Don't use Joker for a couple of years, then have him show up unmolested and plead ignorance. "'Joker had his face cut off'? The heck you talking about readers? He's fine, see?"
Ignore the face thing.
I'm serious. Don't use Joker for a couple of years, then have him show up unmolested and plead ignorance. "'Joker had his face cut off'? The heck you talking about readers? He's fine, see?"
Yeah but that's never gonna happen. They aren't going go put Joker on ice for years.
Yeah, about that.. I want to know too what happened after last Bat&two face issue.
I'm not caught up with B&R, now I think I should.That's going to bea problem. Might want to read the Batman and two-face arc of B&R
You're not wrong about that.dr doom and magneo fans couldn't handle my opinoin that punisher could defeat those both.
I'm not completely sure what they were trying to accomplish with that. I figured that if they were going to go as far as to remove his face, Snyder and DC had a general end-game in mind. It was actually cool for a brief moment because I figured that we were about to see a huge change in the Batman universe dealing with finality and a passing of the torch onto a new generation of psychopath. Doesn't look like it's going to happen, though.
Nah it was just Tony Daniel being Tony Daniel. Bet Korupt can't wait for that Deathstroke comic haha.
I'm not caught up with B&R, now I think I should.
I'm pretty sure the biggest misconception of the Joker is that he is used more than a glory hole at your local sex shop. The reality is that his frequency in the past 5 years has been incredibly low.
It is time for some new DC Rogues though.
dr doom and magneo fans couldn't handle my opinoin that punisher could defeat those both.
In regards to The Punisher, what are some recommended books?
Circle of Blood (Punishers debut) and Punisher MAXIn regards to The Punisher, what are some recommended books?
Welcome Back, FrankIn regards to The Punisher, what are some recommended books?
:lol He's great!
This is my favorite comic page ever
Awesome cover.
In regards to The Punisher, what are some recommended books?
I laughed waaaaay to hard about this :lol
Nah it was just Tony Daniel being Tony Daniel. Bet Korupt can't wait for that Deathstroke comic haha.