Nah, exotic bounties are just like 4-5 bounties in one. After that, you'll need to spend a mote of light to 'cleanse' the weapon, then beat Xyon in the Summoning Pits lvl 26 epic mode... Good luckGot an exotic bounty. Did the bounty but instead of a reward it's a challenge to kill 500 hive. So I'm doing that and it resets to kill 500 in the crucible with void damage. What the hell? The progress completely reset as far as I can tell.
I'm not following...?
I'm not following...?
I'm not following...?
Oh my gawd how's the shotgun? What are the stats like? Special abilities?
Oh my gawd how's the shotgun? What are the stats like? Special abilities?
It's underwhelming with its base but the skill tree will improve it significantly. Since it fires the 4 rounds super fast it's almost a guaranteed kill in PVP (just slow to reload)
- This weapon regenerates ammo over time
- The last round in a magazine deals bonus damage
Just looked at my playtime - 2d 23h, damn...
Better troll, just stand behind them with your trigger held down while you watch football.Best troll ever: go to the entrance of the cave, wave, sit down, and enjoy. breaks the spawn cycle of the hive and therefor the farming.
yo i need peeps to run with me for the weekly heroic strike, who wants in?
Hey all, I need one more for a weekly heroic strike. Any takers?
Message me!
PSN: audioandy
Just tried to do the weekly heroic strike by myself at level 21.
Got all the way up to the chained giant but couldn't win. It took too much damage.
I need a group or some people on my friends list I can play with.
25k son, spend that cash!There's a fucking GLIMMER CAP?
Wow, guess I need to start balling out when I get back to the Tower. Buy two ships and some Sparrows. Get some new Emblems...
Ps4 or xbo?
Ahhh yisss dat 0.2%.
Get on my lvl Gaf
I can go. Only 24 though, if that's ok. What's your id?im on ps4, i got 6 legendaries, 5 of em equipped
God I fucking hate the net code in this game. Minutes away from beating the strike boss and I get disconnected. This has happened three strikes in a row now. Fuck bees
I have not recieved a single legendary drop or engram yet. I am light lvl 23...Hunter.
What am I doing wrong?
I can go. Only 24 though, if that's ok. What's your id?
You are Depending on the RNG lottery. You could have 200 Vanguard and Crucible Marks at this point which would have bought you full Legendary Gear. Any dropped Legendary is a bonus. You buy Legendary from what you earn doing Events, Strikes, Daily Missions etc.
I've bought myself some Legendary Gear now. I need Relic Iron and Ascendant Shards to upgrade. Reilc Iron is easy. Buried City. Quite a few spots of chests and ore. Events and missions around.
But Shards. I need a lot of them now. Is Events the best chance to get them?
Do the moon stike on the easiest lvl. You can run it in less than 10 minutes with a full group. I did it 25 times in a row last night.My exotic bounty is having me do 25 strikes. Just spent the past few hours on it...11 down, 14 to go. -_-
12 strange coins.
Already did the Normal difficulty Weekly.
Xur arrives tomorrow. Woe is me. How the hell to get an extra coin?![]()
its straymblaster, im ready to roll out
Anyone on who can help me and a friend with the weekly heroic?
Fonz72 PSN
Just tried to do the weekly heroic strike by myself at level 21.
Got all the way up to the chained giant but couldn't win. It took too much damage.
I need a group or some people on my friends list I can play with.
anyone on 360 mind helping me do the heroic weekly?
yo i need peeps to run with me for the weekly heroic strike, who wants in?