I've almost got enough Strange Coins.
pls Xur have Hawkmoon
pls Xur have Hawkmoon
You get Motes of Light for "levelling" up, hover your pointer over your Level 20 in the menu, and it'll tell you how far away from your next Mote you are.Damm I need 2 motes of light and 2 strange coins. Gnna have to play heroic strike lvl 26 tomorrow for the coins and pray for motes of light.
I swear the app/website makes the guardians look so ugly.
You can always try to get Vanguard to Rank 2. It's all PVE stuff, which may be less annoying than Crucible.
I respectfully disagree. The problem is people perceive the dropped engrams as easier than grinding for rank. I don't think it is, but that appears to be the perception people have. Meanwhile some of us are sitting on 200 crucible and 200 Vanguard marks waiting for the vendor to appear tomorrow so that we can make informed purchasing decisions.I'm preeeeetty bummed about the cave turning the game into a trivial skinner box. That said, the loot system is totally busted, so I don't blame folks.
what level are you?seriously, I'm at a loss. I have only 2 crucible bounties I can do. I'm still at level 0 in the ranking. The game refuses to drop me anything over rare. I haven't seen a rare bounty at all. So it seems like I just have to grind crucible until I'm rank 2 to buy legendary stuff. This is shit Bungie. I'm locked out of doing content in my game because of bullshit randomness and not having the time to sit around all day and grind rep points to buy the armor that would let me participate in all the content. Its a complete crock of shit.
I only got my first Legendary a day or two ago (Rocket Launcher) from an Engram, so my others are still Rare. an Exotic AR would make me very happy indeed, especially since my group's on the final boss of the Raid.Hmm, I already have an Exotic weapon (Thorn), but if Xur sells an Exotic Scout Rifle tomorrow, I might just buy that. I only have 15 Coins at the moment, though.
what level are you?
I don't really like Crucible either. Played 5 games because I accidentally picked up a Bounty before I understood what it was. Fastest way to earn rank and marks is to do Events and Patrol on earth.
Note. The picture in this thread says Blind Steppes. It is just Steppes. He who made the picture got it wrong. Blind Steppes is where you spawn when you start a new character. You can't get there.
Your main rotation should be
XX:00 be at Mothyards
XX:10 be at Divide
after done wait around Steppes and see if there is an event around until about XX:25
XX:30 be at Mothyards
XX:40 be at Divide
after done wait around Steppes and see if there is an event around until about XX:55
The exact same fucking thing just happened to me. We probably needed about 5 minutes max to complete. Fucking heart breaking and infuriating.Fuck Bungie and always online.
I doing the Weekly Heroic Strike on Impossible Difficulty. I was on the final sliver of boss health with my fire team, literally probably two minutes left, and we all got kicked from the game. All progress lost, we'd have to start from the beginning again.
Fuck Bungie.
Fuck always online.
Anyone 26+ want to help us try to get into the Vault right now on PSN? Add hawkian
Just messing around, don't want to really get any further than opening it up but DAMN i want to open it up.
edit: nevermind, fell apart.
We were RATHER close for a 5-man group with only one 26.
Raid seems fantastic.
I respectfully disagree. The problem is people perceive the dropped engrams as easier than grinding for rank. I don't think it is, but that appears to be the perception people have. Meanwhile some of us are sitting on 200 crucible and 200 Vanguard marks waiting for the vendor to appear tomorrow so that we can make informed purchasing decisions.
You get Motes of Light for "levelling" up, hover your pointer over your Level 20 in the menu, and it'll tell you how far away from your next Mote you are.
Xur Xur Xur
So if you are in a faction, does your vanguard rank not go up?
So if you are in a faction, does your vanguard rank not go up?
So if you are in a faction, does your vanguard rank not go up?
I ran the earth strike on easy about 20 times today for my exotic bounty
Ended up getting 2 legendary engrams for a purple mg and a purple chest
Fuck Bungie and always online.
I doing the Weekly Heroic Strike on Impossible Difficulty. I was on the final sliver of boss health with my fire team, literally probably two minutes left, and we all got kicked from the game. All progress lost, we'd have to start from the beginning again.
Fuck Bungie.
Fuck always online.
Agreed. whichever developer decided that it would be a good idea that purples could turn out to be blues or even greens needs to be... Re educated.I purchased faction gear earlier today. I understand the intended method of leveling and the efficiencies associated with it. I just think finding loot in-game is a heck of a lot more fun than buying it. And the drop rates are abysmal.
Supposed to be Ascendent Shards, but Bungie missed it. DeeJ is already aware and they're going to sort it.
Anyone up for a heroic strike shot right now - I'm level 23 on PS4.
PSN - djblackice
(PS - to the various people I played with tonight already, thanks for joining up!)
Anyone heard if Xur will have new items or the same from last week? I really want that exotic helm for my hunter and those arms for my titan, but I'm guessing its on some sort of rotation.
Yeah, because always online screwed up your splitscreen session with your fireteam, right?
I have 1, You sure?
You may be thinking of mote of light, there are no ascendent motes
What takes ascendent mote, I have all the warlock fwc gear except the helmet, so I assume its that?
What? You can't do split screen. And yes the always online aspect of the game will be what screwed it up. If you lose connection you get thrown back to the main menu.
If that'd happened as we were about to kill the last boss in the raid I'd have gone madddddd.
Is the weekly strike doable at lvl24?
Xur, speaker
Edit: asendent mote isn't in the game. I read this as mote of light
Anyone up for some heroic strikes on PS3? I'm 23 on my Titan, still no legendary or exotics.
PSN: Baconmonk