I love this game. Don't understand the hate. It gets shitted on because it's repetitive, but other traditional MMOs get a free pass from this? Why? Atleast you can choose to play it differently since it's an fps.
PVP is great too. Playing Control is my new addiction. <3
edit: Also, is the hand cannons viable in PvP? I use them in PvE, but have a Shingen-E in PvP.
have you hit level 20 yet? because you may not be able to understand just how repetitive this game is until you get to the end.
I'm level 20. here's what I can do:
A) run the same strike missions over and over and over and over, slowly getting better gear so that I can run the same strike missions, perhaps with a higher level modifier, over and over and over
B) PVP in the crucible
PVP can be fun, sure, but cmon. The game has great gameplay fundamentals but as a game parading as an MMO, and as a game without a real story or single player experience like you'd expect from a typical action game, the lack of content and lack of scope and lack of substance is really extreme, especially when contrasted against the high expectations they set with their bullshit prior to the game's release.