Is the highest level (with Light upgrades) 30?
The story missions in two weeks are not DLC, they are following the traditional MMO structure by releasing content as weeks go by to increase longevity. It really isn't a hard concept to grasp.
Uhh, only got yourself to blame there, lol.Lol I got neither of those things when I killed the Heart (I'm still rolling my eyes so hard at "Heart of Darkness"). I went to the speaker and he gave me one mote of light.
I did the "go to orbit" thing instead of wait for the clock to tick down. Fuck everything twice if that matters. This game is dumb.
The story missions in two weeks are not DLC, they are following the traditional MMO structure by releasing content as weeks go by to increase longevity. It really isn't a hard concept to grasp. Do you think people "beat" World of Warcraft? The story is ongoing.
I really think we should stop calling that "the ending"
We're getting story missions from the Reef in two weeks...this isn't a finite game.
I bet there's 3 months worth of content on the disk that they are holding back. Full areas are locked in Russia and Mars.
Crouching similarly to Halo takes you off radar. But in this game, it's only temporary.
how is that not the ending?
dlc doesn't fucking count lol. that's a horrible defense.
you can bet whatever you want, but until they officially say 'we have more story content that continues the story' then the ending is what it is.
Has anyone else had to delete a character?
I deleted one and now I only have 2 character slots (one with a character, one empty).
Finally got a Legendary engram today. Took it to the Cryptarch.... blue cloak I already have. Fuck, I'm done for today.
nothing can prepare you for how awful that ending is. This game is fucking unfinished. This is gross incompetence.
Finally got a Legendary engram today. Took it to the Cryptarch.... blue cloak I already have. Fuck, I'm done for today.
Is the highest level (with Light upgrades) 30?
Read the thread. Upgrades to almost scout rifle range.
Yes I believe the hard cap is 30.
Does anyone have a chart of how much light you need per level?
Was wondering the same thing.How do I join the DestinyGAF Clan Chat for PS4? Is there a party I have to join for it or is that the mobile phone app chat?
Level Required amount of Light to reach
Level 21 21 Light
Level 22 32 Light
Level 23 43 Light
Level 24 54 Light
Level 25 65 Light
Level 26 76 Light
Level 27 87 Light
Level 28 98 Light
Level 29 109 Light
Level 30 120 Light
Yup, I lol'd at the "ending".It just seems unfinished. Like this is the alpha or something, story wise, and that they are planning on filling it all in with an actual story later.And then the random chick you've talked to like twice gives you a weapon because you guys had gone through so much together.
Don't know why I bother farming, must have farmed over 5 hours and I keep getting worse blues than I have and shitty greens.
Anyone else having a hard time enjoying playing Titan?
The story missions in two weeks are not DLC, they are following the traditional MMO structure by releasing content as weeks go by to increase longevity. It really isn't a hard concept to grasp. Do you think people "beat" World of Warcraft? The story is ongoing.
Yup, I lol'd at the "ending".It just seems unfinished. Like this is the alpha or something, story wise, and that they are planning on filling it all in with an actual story later.And then the random chick you've talked to like twice gives you a weapon because you guys had gone through so much together.
Does anyone have a chart of how much light you need per level?
Level 21: Requires 21 Light
Level 22: Requires 32 Light
Level 23: Requires 43 Light
Level 24: Requires 54 Light
Level 25: Requires 65 Light
Level 26: Requires 76 Light
Level 27: Requires 87 Light
Level 28: Requires 98 Light
Level 29: Requires 109 Light
Level 30: Requires 120 Light
Where's the best place to farm
if you're going to compare the game to any MMO, much less WOW, then the problems become more and more outlined. For starters, let's be clear, even vanilla WOW in the launch window (which I was playing around the clock after getting right on release day! I was like 21-22 years old at the time and all I did was sit around playing MMOs, and I was *hardcore* addicted to WOW for the first couple of years) had many, many, MANY times over more content and more stuff to do than this game has. It's funny to even compare them there was so much more stuff to do in launch WOW than in Destiny. Launch WOW had a sprawling persistent world, full of dungeons, hundreds of quests, towns, an economy, crafting, you name it.
Destiny is one small town (sectioned off between long loading screens) between 4 small zones that each have no exploration, nothing to find, and no npcs in them. You hit level 20 after a day or two (level cap in WOW, for the first time, took me weeks if I recall) and then there is absolutely nothing to do. You can't just sort of hang out in a persistent world, because there is no persistent world. Everything you do in Destiny is very deliberate due to the (IMO flawed) structure. You must pick a mission and launch it. At level 20, this means running the same handful of missions over and over with absolutely nothing else to do. If this was WOW and I somehow hit the level cap and did everything, I could still hang out and make my own fun. I could cause mischief on my PVP server by going to alliance towns. I could hang out in newbie zones and help newbies. I could craft. I could do anything.
Destiny parades as an MMO and you compared it to an MMO, but it's so, so bad at being one.
- In Destiny, you can't name your characters
- In Destiny, you can't change your hair or any other details after creation
- In Destiny, you can't trade with people
- In Destiny, you can't talk to people
- In Destiny, you can't craft anything
- In Destiny, you can't view your character from an external camera during mission context other than during emotes, which forces you to put your weapon away so you can't actually see what you really look like
- In Destiny, there's no group dynamic or class cohesion. There's no need of or ability to combine classes to create strategies. There's really no such thing as a support class, there's no healing, there's not really any tanking (you can argue that Titans can perform this task, but honestly, it's not needed, strike bosses consist of just running around managing endless adds while dropping bullets into a sponge for 10 minutes). Every boss is basically the same with a new skin. Even in vanilla WOW, bosses took some degree of teamwork and strategy.
- Did I mention you can't name your characters?
Bungie simply doesn't "Get it" when it comes to being an MMO. They checked a few things off a list (hey, let's put in a silly dance emote) but so fundamentally missed the mark it's making my head spin the more I think about it. The game is a frankenstein's monster with incredible controls and graphicss, but no identity and, most significantly, a severe, severe lack of content and depth.
Is there a way to tell in-game how much XP I need to reach the next level? I took out a bounty that rewards 2000 XP, but I'm not sure how far along that will get me to my next level. All I can see is how far along the bar is.
Is there a way to tell in-game how much XP I need to reach the next level? I took out a bounty that rewards 2000 XP, but I'm not sure how far along that will get me to my next level. All I can see is how far along the bar is.
Anyone know if any titan grenades or melee do void damage?
Move your cursor and hover over your level. A screen should pop up showing the numbers (ex- 1250/2000 XP). You can also do this to check your Vanguard/Crucible/faction progress as well.
It's only with the Legendary and Exotic gear that the stats get a boost, but they do. Easiest way to tell is to look at your Light meter before and after upgrading.
Destroying people in pvp with this hand cannon. It's like a mini sniper.
Step aside Auto Rifles there's a new sheriff in town.
if you're going to compare the game to any MMO, much less WOW, then the problems become more and more outlined. For starters, let's be clear, even vanilla WOW in the launch window (which I was playing around the clock after getting right on release day! I was like 21-22 years old at the time and all I did was sit around playing MMOs, and I was *hardcore* addicted to WOW for the first couple of years) had many, many, MANY times over more content and more stuff to do than this game has. It's funny to even compare them there was so much more stuff to do in launch WOW than in Destiny. Launch WOW had a sprawling persistent world, full of dungeons, hundreds of quests, towns, an economy, crafting, you name it.
Destiny is one small town (sectioned off between long loading screens) between 4 small zones that each have no exploration, nothing to find, and no npcs in them. You hit level 20 after a day or two (level cap in WOW, for the first time, took me weeks if I recall) and then there is absolutely nothing to do. You can't just sort of hang out in a persistent world, because there is no persistent world. Everything you do in Destiny is very deliberate due to the (IMO flawed) structure. You must pick a mission and launch it. At level 20, this means running the same handful of missions over and over with absolutely nothing else to do. If this was WOW and I somehow hit the level cap and did everything, I could still hang out and make my own fun. I could cause mischief on my PVP server by going to alliance towns. I could hang out in newbie zones and help newbies. I could craft. I could do anything.
Destiny parades as an MMO and you compared it to an MMO, but it's so, so bad at being one.
- In Destiny, you can't name your characters
- In Destiny, you can't change your hair or any other details after creation
- In Destiny, you can't trade with people
- In Destiny, you can't talk to people
- In Destiny, you can't craft anything
- In Destiny, there is no world PVP
- In Destiny, there is no world
- In Destiny, you can't view your character from an external camera during mission context other than during emotes, which forces you to put your weapon away so you can't actually see what you really look like
- In Destiny, there's no group dynamic or class cohesion. There's no need of or ability to combine classes to create strategies. There's really no such thing as a support class, there's no healing, there's not really any tanking (you can argue that Titans can perform this task, but honestly, it's not needed, strike bosses consist of just running around managing endless adds while dropping bullets into a sponge for 10 minutes). Every boss is basically the same with a new skin. Even in vanilla WOW, bosses took some degree of teamwork and strategy.
- Did I mention you can't name your characters?
Bungie simply doesn't "Get it" when it comes to being an MMO. They checked a few things off a list (hey, let's put in a silly dance emote) but so fundamentally missed the mark it's making my head spin the more I think about it. The game is a frankenstein's monster with incredible controls and graphicss, but no identity and, most significantly, a severe, severe lack of content and depth.