Ivory Samoan
Gold Member
Anyone else having a hard time enjoying playing Titan?
If it makes you feel better, I reckon Titan is the dopest looking of all the Guardians at 20+.
Anyone else having a hard time enjoying playing Titan?
I have never noticed that all week, thought it just upgraded defence stat as my other stats never seem to move.Yes it does, as well as the other stats too.
I just hit level 20. What should I be doing now?
im getting a beaver error.
Has this been posted? Farming technique on Mars. I've been doing it for about half an hour and it seems decent.
I always do them in strikes personally. It always gives me the bounty for hive majors/ultras and the strike on the moon gers me eight in a run.
Thank you guys.Spawn on the earth patrol, heading left into the underground subway, kill the enemies down there, leave and repeat and you will be done in ten minutes.
If it makes you feel better, I reckon Titan is the dopest looking of all the Guardians at 20+.
Destroying people in pvp with this hand cannon. It's like a mini sniper.
Step aside Auto Rifles there's a new sheriff in town.
I also did this mission for the first time on hard last night. Towards the end I was wondering if there was a flag I need to trigger to get the waves to stop. Almost died a few time but I managed to run away and got some sweet loot for my troubles. Good times.Holy crap I solo'd the first Venus mission on hard and there were so many waves it's ridiculous. I mean come on, why so many freakin waves THIS AINT NO OCEAN
Not at all. Defender is the shit.
How and when do I unlock all of the available crucible playlists? I only see the first 3?
titans more or less have a halo reach jet packAs a none Titan player I'm really not looking forward to making one. The lack of agility totally ruins what makes the game fun to me. I like teleporting or triple jumping my way around the levels. What does the titan get? Can he even double jump?
GAF are Raids and crucible the only way to get ascendant energy? If not what's the best way? Need to upgrade my Legendary scout rifle soon.
On the wiki it says 10 motes of light. I wish
First legendary![]()
Edit: lol. I'm actually sure it does.
GAF are Raids and crucible the only way to get ascendant energy? If not what's the best way? Need to upgrade my Legendary scout rifle soon.
For fuck sake, I have everything I want except for a good main weapon. I've gotten everything but.
First legendary
I'm so confused now. WHO DO I BELIEVE!?
I've played both Hunter classes and the Titan Defender, and the only one I don't find much fun is the Blade Dancer.Anyone else having a hard time enjoying playing Titan?
The source of my pain for the past hour or two:
"The last sounds to reach their ears were the creak of tank tread and the battle-cry of Ta'aurc."
From his armored seat of power, Valus Ta'aurc has claimed more ground on Mars than any known Cabal commander. His name is feared throughout Meridian Bay, and the tread-marks left by his tank have come to signify the expansion of the Cabal's ever-widening Exclusion Zone.
Got one for completing the current Daily Heroic Mission on hard level 24.
Just found how you get them. You can apparently earn one per day by getting gold on a public event and the rest come from high level strikes. Not heard of them coming from the crucible yet.
Yep. Just picked up my second Legendary Engram. That's two more in the last half an hour than in the ten hours of playing before that.
You got a speech and you also got the unique rifle as a prize. Actually a very cool weapon. Best if you beat the game at 20 so the wep matches your level so it's pretty potent with some nice upgrades.
I just hit level 20. What should I be doing now?
Anyone else having a hard time enjoying playing Titan?
Stay on the upper levels. Dude's a lot less effective from there.
Lol I got neither of those things when I killed the Heart (I'm still rolling my eyes so hard at "Heart of Darkness"). I went to the speaker and he gave me one mote of light.
I did the "go to orbit" thing instead of wait for the clock to tick down. Fuck everything twice if that matters. This game is dumb.
Does anyone want to do the weekly heroic strike with me?
I love this game. Don't understand the hate. It gets shitted on because it's repetitive, but other traditional MMOs get a free pass from this? Why? Atleast you can choose to play it differently since it's an fps.
PVP is great too. Playing Control is my new addiction. <3
edit: Also, is the hand cannons viable in PvP? I use them in PvE, but have a Shingen-E in PvP.