Der Flatulator
What are people getting from material exchange?
I gambled, got excited for a second aaaaaand... well, you know Cryptarch.
THIS IS THE EXACT SAME BULLSHIT THAT HAPPENED TO ME JUST NOW.I gambled, got excited for a second aaaaaand... well, you know Cryptarch.
What are people getting from material exchange?
So I can have one exotic armor and one exotic weapon right? Like if I bought the Gjallarhorn could I put that on with the chest?
Strange Coins
in front of the big door opposite the entrance to the speakers chambers.where the fuck is x'ur goddammit
Seriously, this is the second instance I've joined and he's not there.
Maybe this was already mentioned but just FYI:
I used Xur's material exchange for the glimmer and spirit bloom (got one strange coin for each), but then the third exchange for spinmetal disappeared. So apparently you can only get two of the three.
Oh and this is what I think of anytime I see people in Skywatch
Opposite the speaker's area. That shady rat moves around, I guess.where the fuck is x'ur goddammit
Seriously, this is the second instance I've joined and he's not there.
Gambler, tell your story.
My char update. Getting close to that full legendary suit! None of these have come from a farm spot either. No dropped legendary has produced a legendary. Nearly all my cryptarch legendary engrems have though thankfully. Chest and Cape are Vanguard.
Got tons of upgrading to do. Probably need 200 spirit blooms
I gambled, got excited for a second aaaaaand... well, you know Cryptarch.
Cryptarch is the biggest gaming troll
Which moon strike? Aren't there two?Huge thanks to whomever suggested the Moon Strike to grind out the 25 Strikes. Tested it tonight and already have three done. I might actually get all 25 done this weekend.
Edit: It was Steel that suggested it. Thanks!
Possible to make 11 Strange coins in two days?
Yep. Do the weekly heroic on the hardest diff. and you get 9 coins, then buy two coins from Xur with glimmer and one of the mats.
You only get 6 for level 28, unless there's a harder difficulty I'm not aware of.
You only get 6 for level 28, unless there's a harder difficulty I'm not aware of.
You only get 6 for level 28, unless there's a harder difficulty I'm not aware of.
When does the guy appear at the tower. Was hoping to catch him before work .
It goes 3, 6, 9. You must have done the level 22 one already. Max is 9
Didn't realize he moves 0_oin front of that big door across from the Speaker
Anyone on PS4 want to do the daily heroic story + weekly strike?
I... feel sort of strongly and differently than most people about this, I can tell.It's just unfortunate that the "intended design" of endgame progression is not clearly communicated and so many folks are going off on wild RNG goose chases.
I'm still progressing slowly, but thanks to your guide, I won't make that mistake when I hit level 20 (hopefully very soon).
You don't know the half of it.OMG there is glimmer material exchange.
OMG there is glimmer material exchange.
Cool.Option goes away once you use it per character. Use your other ALT's and get two more coins.
It looks also really nice.
edit: a pic probably would help