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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Don't highlight if you don't want to be tempted into repetitive farming all weekend.
  1. Create character
  2. Play up to tower
  3. Go to Xur
  4. Glimmer is account bound- buy the Coin for 2401.
  5. When you run out of glimmer, farm it on your main.
  6. Repeat.
  7. Remember fondly how much better it was to hope for the gear you needed to drop from engrams.

So do you get the coins back to your main by using the vault?


I gambled, got excited for a second aaaaaand... well, you know Cryptarch.


may I use this on my twitter feed @thecryptarch?


So, I was disappointed in the amount of planets we got, and the story is paper thin ( I actually think it's supposed to be paper thin to guide you loosely through the world towards the real game which is being a Guardian, doing bounties and events all over and generally kicking ass).

...but I love Destiny, I love how you can ignore RNG at endgame completely should you want to. I love shooting stuff and the way the weapons feel. I love the environments even if there are only 4. I might get bored of it down the line a bit but new content should come along to keep me hooked.

I also think they did have some friction along the way, I still don't see how all that dev time equals what's here at launch; and I'm really not surprised at the reviews it got - they absolutely don't tell the whole story though. I think this might be one of the most confounding games to review and I wonder if after a month or so they'll consider their judgements a little hasty.


Trying to join PVP Control last night was a drag. Took forever and when I got in, it put me into a game in progress where I was on the losing team. Bleh


Is there a website that has "all" of the known Exotic armor pieces per class, so I can see if I want to bite on this week's Titan helmet, or if I'd rather save for the next week?

I don't know enough about what Exotics have already been confirmed for each class.


Xur won't even sell me the first strange coin for glimmer x.x I keep trying and nothing happens.

Unfortunately, I also already got the Lucky Raspberry from an engram of his last week =/


since the helmet grants titans the superman move you can mix it up with area of effect or the shock wave skill, right?

because I want.

Yes. I got the helm from a drop and almost fully upgraded it. You get the superman move and the larger reach perk. It's pretty good. So you can still add the remaining spark + longer spark or just go for shockwave and put the other perk in reducing super cooldown/regain health when melee'ing. Couple that with the extended reach of your super, it makes the striker class pretty good.
Trying to join PVP Control last night was a drag. Took forever and when I got in, it put me into a game in progress where I was on the losing team. Bleh

I had problems the other night too. I hope this isn't a sign the playerbase is dropping off too fast.


I head that legendary armor goes to +27 LIGHT max, while exotic goes up to +30 max. Not sure how accurate that is, though

I nearly have all the materials needed to fully level up my Exotic Helm, all I need is spinmetal. I'll finish farming that today and I'll find out just how much light you get from a fully upgraded exotic.
Yes. I got the helm from a drop and almost fully upgraded it. You get the superman move and the larger reach perk. It's pretty good. So you can still add the remaining spark + longer spark or just go for shockwave and put the other perk in reducing super cooldown/regain health when melee'ing. Couple that with the extended reach of your super, it makes the striker class pretty good.


Right well I'd rather gamble with Xur; I have a class item I like and I'm not bothered about buying anything else from him.

I took one look at the Speaker's stuff and never returned. Gambling on exotics seems like a way better use of Motes.


So yeah it looks like they may have already taken away the strange coin exchange. This sucks considering I didn't even get to use it once -.-

Edit: To clarify, I tried, and it didn't give me anything or take my glimmer. I left the Tower and returned, now none of the exchanges are there.
In my instance Xur is no longer selling strange coins. I had 11, planned to buy one with glimmer so I went and farmed the 12th. Now no strange coin option from Xur. :(


I took one look at the Speaker's stuff and never returned. Gambling on exotics seems like a way better use of Motes.

It's useless cosmetic stuff. Only worth getting if you have a lot of Motes imo. They're not even that nice looking.


I... feel sort of strongly and differently than most people about this, I can tell.

But it's not actually a particularly complex or esoteric system. The issue is more one of expectation. If you think "Diablo," this game sort of sucks balls. It's very, very different. The core gameplay loop is much more similar to something like Phantasy Star Online or Monster Hunter, but with less RNG than those games. The major dealbreaker here is purple engrams. Bungie should not have made them purple or called them "legendary engrams." Having now attained my basic set of endgame gear, I can honestly say that's the biggest problem with Destiny's loot system. The color and name of an item.

When I, at level 22, equipped a pair of level 20 boots, which then made me level 23... I realized the progression in this game wasn't quite standard. So I started learning about it. Then I started telling other people who said they were "frustrated by horrible drops."

But that frustration ultimately stemmed from a psychological perspective, not bad game design. I didn't have any expectations about how loot would work in this game, I just sort of went in with an open mind and paid attention.

Again, Bungie is NOT blameless in the least bit. When you see a purple engram you're like "OH GOD I WANT IT I WANT IT" thinking you're getting something great. But a purple engram is a different kind of drop than that in Destiny. For example, one of the things a purple engram can be is 1-3 Strange Coins. If you're expecting a legendary that sucks. But if it happens to you on a thursday night and Xur has something badass you really want the next day then... wasn't it actually a little better?

Getting to level 26 felt... fucking awesome to me. At every new leveling plateau I had a silghtly different goal to meet in progressing. I also mostly earned the gear I specifically wanted from available choices, rather than merely lucking into something with higher numbers and equipping it.

There was more thought put into this than people realize.

I'll come out and say it now: Bungie may do something with purple engrams to quell the hysteria. They could, for example, reduce their drop rate while increasing the odds of legendary items on their loot table. However, I do not expect the overall drop rates of endgame gear to be dramatically changed or the loot system to undergo any kind of "Loot 2.0" revision.

It's different. We just need to get used to it, and we will.

You don't know the half of it.

The thing is the progression is a lot more MMO than most games. Which probably confuses people when you have so many people going "Destiny isn't an MMO you turd for brain hater!".

Destiny is pretty much an MMO apart from the mass amount of players int he field and a monthly sub (instead episodic DLC).

You have a weekly cap of a currency that you get by either doing PVE stuff (dungeons (Strikes), public events etc) or by PVP and can be used to buy gear that progresses you in iLevel (light level). There are random drops that help by are either very hard to get (Raid, Nightfall strikes) or very unlikely (engrams).

Most people assume Engrams are the way to go as it was billed as a "loot game" and likend the game more to Diablo than WoW but at it's heart it's got MMO ass MMO progression and MMO grinding to get pieces that increase you iLvl so you can run harder content for better rewards etc.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hmm, I can't buy a strange coin on my third character for some reason? None of the 3 option for getting a coin appear at Xyr
Really? yay :D

So hm. i'm reading now.

it looks like... some people were able to get 4. some got 3 and the 4th didn't work. some had this happen when trying to buy their third:
It wouldnt complete the transaction at all on my main character. Rebooted the game and now the option is gone completely.

...I think Bungie patched it server-side already. Holy shit.


Unconfirmed Member
since the helmet grants titans the superman move you can mix it up with area of effect or the shock wave skill, right?

because I want.

Yep, it provides Death From Above and Headstrong for the Fist of Havoc. Just got to choose between Shockwave and and Aftermath as well for some serious Titan godliness.


Gambled with Xur.

Exotic Chest Piece for the wrong class. Doh!

Don't know what I want though.... Weapon or armor? The chest piece is uninspiring.


How is it that Bungie could patch that so quickly, whereas every day this week it seems there was a Salvage bounty without Salvage being available? Could they not have fixed that or is the week's bounties set in stone and pre-planned (poorly)?
I'm lv. 24 now.
I'm kinda over the fact that there isn't a story and the missions are as dull as it gets.
The end game is fun, playing strikes with friends, crucible. Could be a lot better but its fun because the gameplay is great.
The thing that bother me that strikes and pvp aren't really getting you anywhere.
If you want to progress you need to shoot respawning low level enemies in a cave...
Gets you more loot than anything else.
That a mayor design flaw. Doing stuff like strikes and pvp should be rewarded more.

Even though there are countless baffeling flaws in the game, its still a lot of fun.
I hope Bungie realised that and fixes most of the stuff, maybe add more story via DLC and redesignes some missons.
Destiny could be a truly great game.

I like the multiplayer maps because right now I still like playing with the shotgun, but it feels like they're all shotgun maps, maybe have some more maps where shotguns aren't the weapons of choice.

This is fun(my first 10 kill streak): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkrJJ3j1VP8
...but for how long?
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