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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Im not sure how the 10000 score works exactly.

They must have some hidden values assigned to kills and assists because after 1 match I have something like 1708/10000 completed.


Saint Nic
yes but understand that you can do multiple days of bounties and max out 100 Marks and not be ranked enough to actually buy anything...

Yeah, I'm thinking that will be the case. I can't stand PvP, so I imagine I won't be high enough rank to buy stuff. But I'm about to cap my Vanguard marks for the week and will be a few marks short of a second Legendary. :|
Man I was doing that treasure cave farm with people and as soon as we were about to collect our loot a bunch of thrall, exploding suicide thrall, and a wizard just fucking appeared from the room to the left of us and they killed everyone except for me.


Nah that's normal. Happens instead of a public even every now and then. Look for a little message that says something like "Enemy forces are closing in on each other". It's a lot of fun, right!? lol i've got a lot of drops from those encounters as well.... you can spam the doorway where they rush out.


Hi GAF. I rarely browse this board because it moves so quickly, it's difficult to keep up with, and it's a bit intimidating, but for some reason work filters don't find you to be a threat, so I'm trying to become more comfortable.

I have a question that I'm sure has been covered, but there have been ONE THOUSAND PAGES of Destiny discussion over the past week, so indulge me, if you would be so kind...

I hit level 20 a couple of days ago and haven't had the chance to play since. I'm wondering what I should consider my priorities when I do get back in-game.

* I'm like midway through Venus in the story - Is it really worth completing? It's pretty much balls.

* I've gotten effed up in Multiplayer enough through trying to complete a few bounties - I'm not really interested in getting back into that.

* I don't know anything about daily Strike playlists and that other stuff. What?

* I've done the other Strikes, the regular ones on Earth, Venus, and the Moon. Are they worth repeating?

* I'm a Titan who switched to the Defender class when I could at 15. I don't know if that was a good decision - It was a bit of a kick in the crotch having to re-learn how to freakin' double-jump. Opinions?

* My main question: I understand the premise that leveling becomes "Light"/loot-based once you're at level 20, but I don't know what that means. Does all equipment have a hidden Light category that becomes un-hidden when you've reached 20? Or does only rare loot provide a Light stat?

Thanks for the guidance. I'll try to keep up with the thread.

I would finish the story and Rare, legendary, and exotic gear have a light stat which increase your level.
Guys, why don't we just overthrow the Cryptarch and try our hand at decoding Engrams?
What's the worst that can happen?
Besides utter chaos of course


It's awesome that Xur happened to be selling the one piece I needed. Exotic titan helm purchased and level 27 achieved. Feels good. Now, do I want to risk buying an exotic engram from him? I don't want Rahool to spoil my good time....


Don't dismantle your chest - I am in the same boat unfortunately. Will be waiting till next week to buy an exotic. I hope to RNGesus that Bungie doesn't raise the prices and they address Cryptarch troll.

Across from the speaker - in that area.

Ah okay cheers bud. Guess it'll be a little game every weekend finding him.

Closed gate by the speaker

I'M SORRY I'M TOO BUSY DOING IMPORTANT STUFF TO READ EVERY SINGLE WHITTER IN THIS THREAD. Some people have better things to do. I mean jesus christ. The last few pages is nothing but people trying to figure out how to cheat the coin system.
Destiny |OT4| Let go your earthly Skywatch, enter the Cryptarch, empty and become Rare.

I think this wins.... not because I am bias towards Korra...



Yeah, I'm thinking that will be the case. I can't stand PvP, so I imagine I won't be high enough rank to buy stuff. But I'm about to cap my Vanguard marks for the week and will be a few marks short of a second Legendary. :|

Not a fan of PVP myself but I gotta admit, running with some friends in Control is pretty fun. Now that I have somewhat decent gear and almost maxed out Bladedancer, I'm wrecking folks. Got some serious bounties done last night, too.
Cømet;130753937 said:
Ah okay cheers bud. Guess it'll be a little game every weekend finding him.

I'M SORRY I'M TOO BUSY DOING IMPORTANT STUFF TO READ EVERY SINGLE WHITTER IN THIS THREAD. Some people have better things to do. I mean jesus christ. The last few pages is nothing but people trying to figure out how to cheat the coin system.
Not to sound condescending/pretentious(Seriously, not trying to be) but you could always Ctrl+F and search for Xur on any given page and see if anything comes up
Gaf might have the answers, but they can be buried


Cømet;130753937 said:
I'M SORRY I'M TOO BUSY DOING IMPORTANT STUFF TO READ EVERY SINGLE WHITTER IN THIS THREAD. Some people have better things to do. I mean jesus christ. The last few pages is nothing but people trying to figure out how to cheat the coin system.

The last few pages have actually just been people constantly asking where Xur is.


Saint Nic
Hi GAF. I rarely browse this board because it moves so quickly, it's difficult to keep up with, and it's a bit intimidating, but for some reason work filters don't find you to be a threat, so I'm trying to become more comfortable.

I have a question that I'm sure has been covered, but there have been ONE THOUSAND PAGES of Destiny discussion over the past week, so indulge me, if you would be so kind...

I hit level 20 a couple of days ago and haven't had the chance to play since. I'm wondering what I should consider my priorities when I do get back in-game.

* I'm like midway through Venus in the story - Is it really worth completing? It's pretty much balls.

* I've gotten effed up in Multiplayer enough through trying to complete a few bounties - I'm not really interested in getting back into that.

* I don't know anything about daily Strike playlists and that other stuff. What?

* I've done the other Strikes, the regular ones on Earth, Venus, and the Moon. Are they worth repeating?

* I'm a Titan who switched to the Defender class when I could at 15. I don't know if that was a good decision - It was a bit of a kick in the crotch having to re-learn how to freakin' double-jump. Opinions?

* My main question: I understand the premise that leveling becomes "Light"/loot-based once you're at level 20, but I don't know what that means. Does all equipment have a hidden Light category that becomes un-hidden when you've reached 20? Or does only rare loot provide a Light stat?

Thanks for the guidance. I'll try to keep up with the thread.

Short answers!

  • Yes - finish the story so you can open Mars patrol and Mars strikes.
  • Not sure what you're asking.
  • Once you hit 18, you can queue for a random strike. There's one for 18, 20, 22, 24, and 28 (Nightfall). Think WoW dungeon finder.
  • Don't worry about it now, but yes - repeat them via strike playlist for rep/marks/gear.
  • It sucks. But switch classes before you turn in bounties to get XP real fast. Switch back to the class you want to play when farming and leveling.
  • At 20, you'll start to see gear with the light stat show up. It's only on rare/legendary/exotic gear. You need a certain amount of light to jump to the next level. XP does not level you anymore. There's a chart someone will post I'm sure. But basically, at 20, you need to start running strike playlists and farming marks so you can buy gear or get gear with the light stat on it so you can level up.


Need an opinion. I'm decently close to level 26.

My hunter has a legendary chest and arms.

Do I spend the coin on the somewhat ugly exotic chest piece, replacing my legendary, potentially dismantling it for shards....

Or do I wait another week for Xur to return for a piece of armor I need more? During this week I'd rank up vanguard to 2 and hold off on buying a legendary until Xur comes back and I see what he has.

Unfortunately this likely means (assuming no lucky legendary/exotic drops which I haven't had any luck with) that I won't be 26 this week. Then again the people I'd want to raid with aren't quite ready anyway
Id keep the chest. You're probably going to want a good exotic helmet in the long run anyways. Are you sure you'd hit 26 by replacing your legendary with the exotic anyways (need 76 light)? Would suck if you bought it and were 1 light away (happened to me earlier this week).

I'd save the coins and buy something you actually want.

E92 M3

I love that Bungie can hotfix the most time consuming farming exploit right away but leaves the engrams alone


Today's weekly update will tell us all. Honestly think they will ignore matter completely. That said, if they dare fix it - I'll be furious for not being patient and saving my purples.


Xur's inventory should reset on Saturdays instead - it'd be great to have another four days to work for whatever particular item he may have that you want.


Don't dismantle your chest - I am in the same boat unfortunately. Will be waiting till next week to buy an exotic. I hope to RNGesus that Bungie doesn't raise the prices and they address Cryptarch troll.

Across from the speaker - in that area.

That's what I'm leaning to as well. Oh well. Another week another grind.

Maybe RNG will bless me this week. I've never committed the farming sin, I should be worthy!

And I heard they are gonna be addressing the Cryptarch. Don't know how though. Legendary gear should still be, you know, legendary and hard to get.


Just made the mistake of going to fuckin GameFaqs for the first time in years.

Jesus, what a cesspit that place has become. I mean, holy shit.
Just made the mistake of going to fuckin GameFaqs for the first time in years.

Jesus, what a cesspit that place has become. I mean, holy shit.

Hey not everywhere on there is bad. I have managed to find some decent people to do strikes with on there. Just keep off the main boards...
It's awesome that Xur happened to be selling the one piece I needed. Exotic titan helm purchased and level 27 achieved. Feels good. Now, do I want to risk buying an exotic engram from him? I don't want Rahool to spoil my good time....

You can only wear one exotic piece of armor at a time, so if you plan on sticking with the helmet then its kind of a waste. Unless you want it for an alt class.
The citadel area of Venus seems a bit buggy for me, currently. I came across a Vex enemy that was totally invisible except for it's red light. Another person in the area and I tried to kill it but couldn't. It was still doing damage to us, though possibly not as much as normal.

Also, both of the chests I've come across so far have been on the wall, sideways. But maybe that one is a normal but rare occurrence.
Nah that's normal. Happens instead of a public even every now and then. Look for a little message that says something like "Enemy forces are closing in on each other". It's a lot of fun, right!? lol i've got a lot of drops from those encounters as well.... you can spam the doorway where they rush out.

Yeah I was actually expecting the satellite thing to just drop on top of us and just kill all three of us. The other two guys were just randoms I found doing the exact same thing. I've been doing it for 2-3 days now for at least 10-15 minutes or do it while I listen to a podcast.

I really just needed to do it for weapon parts to upgrade some of my guns and maybe do some dailies at the same time.


I hope all bungie does to engram's is make the purples that turn blue show as blue when picked up.

Getting all purps through marks is already brain dead easy, and shouldn't be superceded by running around in circles in some shitty farming scenario.


That's what I'm leaning to as well. Oh well. Another week another grind.

Maybe RNG will bless me this week. I've never committed the farming sin, I should be worthy!

And I heard they are gonna be addressing the Cryptarch. Don't know how though. Legendary gear should still be, you know, legendary and hard to get.

It's not a sin. Peasants need to eat, too! not all of us were born into wealth or have an uncle who won the lottery.


You can only wear one exotic piece of armor at a time, so if you plan on sticking with the helmet then its kind of a waste. Unless you want it for an alt class.

Yeah, I was hoping to get a piece for my Hunter. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, though. Something tells me I'm going to buy it and Rahool will give me a blue or something.


This is the last time I'll broadcast this (i'm also about to go away for the weekend- save some Raiding for next week please!)....

For the duration of Xur's visit, if you have not used your third character slot, you can obtain infinite Strange Coins. It is confirmed working.

I do not endorse this kind of thing. The process is also boring as hell. However, I have been told that some people actually like it and/or will put themselves through anything to gear up as quickly as possible. You can also be extra prepared for his next visit.

If you haven't figured out how to do it, reply to this post. Just keep in mind that this was not intended, and while I doubt there'd be bannings (it's rather innocuous given that there's no trade economy), I do expect it to be patched somehow.

What's the dealio, homie?


Ugh. The chest piece he is selling for hunter looks lame, I want the other one. I'm two motes away from the engram. I wanted an Auto Rifle but he's selling the rocket. I missed the free strange coins. And to top it off, my buddy got two exotics from engrams this morning, one of which is the AR I really want. RNG please :/


The citadel area of Venus seems a bit buggy for me, currently. I came across a Vex enemy that was totally invisible except for it's red light. Another person in the area and I tried to kill it but couldn't. It was still doing damage to us, though possibly not as much as normal.

Also, both of the chests I've come across so far have been on the wall, sideways. But maybe that one is a normal but rare occurrence.

Haven't seen that happen yet, but I frequently see frozen enemies.


Oh, and aside from obvious leveling light level woes, my biggest conundrum in Destiny is that I ditched my sweet New Monarchy cloak for my generic ones and now my Hunter looks like poop :(

Can't wait to level Vanguard up so I can put on my NM cloak again.

All the shaders I've come across in this game are gross. The colors are way too bright for me. Half of them make me look like fucking Goku with the bright orange and blue. Really wish Factions would sell shaders for their colors. We know faction shaders exist but why are they random drops?
What's the dealio, homie?
Get off that path
Bungie has fixed the exploit apparently
Oh, and aside from obvious leveling light level woes, my biggest conundrum in Destiny is that I ditched my sweet New Monarchy cloak for my generic ones and now my Hunter looks like poop :(

Can't wait to level Vanguard up so I can put on my NM cloak again.

All the shaders I've come across in this game are gross. The colors are way too bright for me. Half of them make me look like fucking Goku with the bright orange and blue.
Step 1: Go to Gamespot
Step 2: Pre-order COD:Advanced Warfare
Step 3: Get black and gold Destiny Shader coed
Step 4: Cancel COD Pre-order
Step 5: Leave the store
Step 6 : ???
Step 7: Profit and/or new shader


The citadel area of Venus seems a bit buggy for me, currently. I came across a Vex enemy that was totally invisible except for it's red light. Another person in the area and I tried to kill it but couldn't. It was still doing damage to us, though possibly not as much as normal.

Also, both of the chests I've come across so far have been on the wall, sideways. But maybe that one is a normal but rare occurrence.

Second one is normal, Venus has chests glued sideways to walls and even ceilings. Tis a silly place.


love on your sleeve
Picked up 58 marks already this week just casually playing Public Events. Really wish the cap was a little higher than 100.


Not to sound condescending/pretentious(Seriously, not trying to be) but you could always Ctrl+F and search for Xur on any given page and see if anything comes up
Gaf might have the answers, but they can be buried

Or, y'know, instead of wasting time just do what any regular person does and ASK. Far more moronic things have been asked in this thread. All you've done is make me think you're a jerk, so congrats.

Can't believe Xur has both the titan helmet and the launcher this weekend. nnng. I need 13 more strange coins stat! Got on from a blue a second ago which is good (the exotic engram I bought gave me a hunter chest armour, which is good since I'll be making one once I've finished with the titan).

Need two level 25/26/27/28s to do the weekly heroic with asap. I NEED that launcher.
I am now fully exotic and legendary. Still only 25. Time to do some upgrading to push myself to 26 and then try my hand at Nightfall and the Vault. Can't wait.
I hope all bungie does to engram's is make the purples that turn blue show as blue when picked up.

Getting all purps through marks is already brain dead easy, and shouldn't be superceded by running around in circles in some shitty farming scenario.

I wouldn't mind the drop rate for purples change to make their drops more rare if they make they weigh heavily towards actually being legendary. That way it's less of a tease.
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