Had only 47 motes of light and first one I got was a Titan Exotic chest piece gambled on the next one and got this!
must be many doing it wrong because there is alwsys a crowd of level 23ish outside tgat cave mindlessly shooting. i hought "here comes the hive" would be less boring.
I'm looking at Xut but I don't see the option to buy strange coins. Am I blind?
....I hope I get that lucky when I get on later today!
How many motes for the gamble again?
Had only 47 motes of light and first one I got was a Titan Exotic chest piece gambled on the next one and got this!
I'm looking at Xut but I don't see the option to buy strange coins. Am I blind?
My card says 11 Strikes, but my Legend page says 31.Anyone elses Strike Grimoire card seemingly stuck/not updating?
Where is xur and how much do I need for an exotic?
Is there any reason to not dismantle armor and weapons other than to vault them for other characters?
Ok, so did ?? level mobs in the game ever serve any purpose? I have returned and killed the ones I discovered while I was low, and found literally nothing... they were just standing in a room that lead nowhere and had no loot.
So what's the verdict on Xur - does he have an all-new set of items this week or same as last week?
Had only 47 motes of light and first one I got was a Titan Exotic chest piece gambled on the next one and got this!
Had only 47 motes of light and first one I got was a Titan Exotic chest piece gambled on the next one and got this!
I'm looking at Xut but I don't see the option to buy strange coins. Am I blind?
Left of Tower drop point across from the speaker. 13 coins for armor, 23 for weapon.
Can anyone level 26+ help me complete an Epic level 26 strike, please (PS4)?
Add/message: Vashetti
As much as I love my Hunter, most of the armor looks like crap compared to what Titans and Warlocks get
Is there any way to get marks if you've hit your 100 limit for the week? Its killing my ability to level up at this point.
Is there any way to get marks if you've hit your 100 limit for the week? Its killing my ability to level up at this point.
Can anyone level 26+ help me complete an Epic level 26 strike, please (PS4)?
Add/message: Vashetti
Had only 47 motes of light and first one I got was a Titan Exotic chest piece gambled on the next one and got this!
What are the perks of leveling that up?
I'm looking at Xut but I don't see the option to buy strange coins. Am I blind?
Had only 47 motes of light and first one I got was a Titan Exotic chest piece gambled on the next one and got this!
Feel kinda burned out on Destiny. Doing the dailies and bounties everyday and feel like I haven't progressed at all since last week. Hmm.
Purchased the exotic body engram from Xur and also the item needed for the exotic bounty. Cryptarch did me right! I have the sunbreakers too, but can't equip the both, oh well.
Purchased the exotic body engram from Xur and also the item needed for the exotic bounty. Cryptarch did me right! I have the sunbreakers too, but can't equip the both, oh well.
Feel kinda burned out on Destiny. Doing the dailies and bounties everyday and feel like I haven't progressed at all since last week. Hmm.
Last night, goodness gracious.
I hit 24, let's get that out of the way first. I started playing at like 11 PM EST, figuring I'd just work on my Cruce bounties. Then I realized I could up my defense on my Legendary leggings with just a bit of Spinmetal and Plasteen. So I picked up some Cosmo bounties and went rolling.
I went to sleep at 4. Because I figured, "Oh maybe just a strike now that I'm 24. Oh and there's a side mission I can do. Oh is this a farm spot, why is everyone shooting into that cave. Oh my god finally a Public Event with people in it. Well jeez I should at least try this stuff out in a PVP match or three."
I defy anyone to try and stop playing this game. Ever.
So if it isn't feasible for me to raid due to the limitations of gathering6 people, what reason do I have to shoot for legendaries and exotics?
So if it isn't feasible for me to raid due to the limitations of gathering6 people, what reason do I have to shoot for legendaries and exotics?
Feel kinda burned out on Destiny. Doing the dailies and bounties everyday and feel like I haven't progressed at all since last week. Hmm.
Wait... you can only wear one exotic at a time?
Cømet;130760015 said:If you're still in need in a few hours I'll be happy to jump in with you, level 27 titan defender. Got a few real life commitments to attend to right now. My PSN's ScrewAttack_.
I need some pvp buddies to play with as well, I usually average at least 1.5 kd. I'll be on this afternoon. Add me on PS4 = hydruxxo
Cømet;130755350 said:This titan helm is so OP. death from above and headstrong for fist of havoc. So now I can have both my favourite foh perks as well as shockwave and transfusion. PvP just got a whole lot worse for everyone not a titan striker.
Played 6 games in the hour, not one was Bungie. Feels bad man
Yup :/