Well I guess I am keeping my motes of light...
Seriously whats the point of having Exotic Gear if you can only wear one piece?
I seriously doubt Ill get any sleep this weekend.
I cant even believe Ive been active at work all week and not falling asleep at my desk. It's those everlasting thoughts about what your plan will be when you get home and how you're gonna tackle stuff. It's like a second job that's fucking awesome.
Wait... you can only wear one exotic at a time?
Im down tooCool, thanks! I'll add you later.
That's the gun I use!
It's powerful as hell, but it really shines with hip firing.
Thats been my situation every single night this week. Im playing with two buddies and every time I look at my clock its the same ol "Alright well lets see what I can do in an hour and then Ill bounce out." Thats never the case as we're always doing strikes and I cant bail in the middle of a boss fight because I want those damn spoils. Ive gone to bed every night after 2AM. The game seriously has my balls in such a tight vice grip. This is also my first MMO so I really get it now how this brand of game can suck you in and never let you go.
If Destiny was heroin, I wouldve OD'ed Monday night.
Thats been my situation every single night this week. Im playing with two buddies and every time I look at my clock its the same ol "Alright well lets see what I can do in an hour and then Ill bounce out." Thats never the case as we're always doing strikes and I cant bail in the middle of a boss fight because I want those damn spoils. Ive gone to bed every night after 2AM. The game seriously has my balls in such a tight vice grip. This is also my first MMO so I really get it now how this brand of game can suck you in and never let you go.
If Destiny was heroin, I wouldve OD'ed Monday night.
Well I guess I am keeping my motes of light...
Seriously whats the point of having Exotic Gear if you can only wear one piece?
Got your name. I know Rugioh and I wanted to do the weekly raid, at least one, tonight as well, but we love the PvP.
So for the exotic engram, it's only chest right? Can't be anything else? I don't want to get a chest piece for my hunter so I should buy it with my level 20 titan.
Because they're badass and awesome and give you cool abilities.
So I'm guessing it's just in my game that Xur decided to take a vacation? Le sigh
Finally, something that appears to be for Voidwalker (which I still prefer). Dish on the bonuses my Warlock in arms!
Well I guess I am keeping my motes of light...
Seriously whats the point of having Exotic Gear if you can only wear one piece?
He's in a different location now. By the big closed gates near the Speaker.
Gambled with the exotic engram and got the Alpha Lupi chest piece...for Titans
My character is a Hunter
Great job, Bungie
Thats been my situation every single night this week. Im playing with two buddies and every time I look at my clock its the same ol "Alright well lets see what I can do in an hour and then Ill bounce out." Thats never the case as we're always doing strikes and I cant bail in the middle of a boss fight because I want those damn spoils. Ive gone to bed every night after 2AM. The game seriously has my balls in such a tight vice grip. This is also my first MMO so I really get it now how this brand of game can suck you in and never let you go.
If Destiny was heroin, I wouldve OD'ed Monday night.
Feel kinda burned out on Destiny. Doing the dailies and bounties everyday and feel like I haven't progressed at all since last week. Hmm.
When is the first expansion releasing? At the end of this year?
Not showing up for me eitherSo I'm guessing it's just in my game that Xur decided to take a vacation? Le sigh
I seriously doubt Ill get any sleep this weekend.
I cant even believe Ive been active at work all week and not falling asleep at my desk. It's those everlasting thoughts about what your plan will be when you get home and how you're gonna tackle stuff. It's like a second job that's fucking awesome.
Expansion 1 hits in December, Expansion 2 in March
Just completed a full set of legendary and exotic armor. :]
That is exactly what I wanted. Instead I got the Raspberry armor for Hunters. We should trade.
Oh wait, right. Bungie.
Not showing up for me either![]()
Not showing up for me either![]()
Not showing up for me either![]()
Is there a list of his stuff this week? Ain't on the app.
Not that it matters I'm at 5 strange coins lol.
Last night, goodness gracious.
I hit 24, let's get that out of the way first. I started playing at like 11 PM EST, figuring I'd just work on my Cruce bounties. Then I realized I could up my defense on my Legendary leggings with just a bit of Spinmetal and Plasteen. So I picked up some Cosmo bounties and went rolling.
I went to sleep at 4. Because I figured, "Oh maybe just a strike now that I'm 24. Oh and there's a side mission I can do. Oh is this a farm spot, why is everyone shooting into that cave. Oh my god finally a Public Event with people in it. Well jeez I should at least try this stuff out in a PVP match or three."
I defy anyone to try and stop playing this game. Ever.
See, it's stuff like this that makes me wonder if what Bungie did was intentional with endgame.
In a regular MMO, it would take a 2 weeks or more to get to where we're currently at in Destiny. That is, we started the game sometime last week and hit level 20, and now we're getting light levels and gunning for legendary gear.
In MMOs, the endgame is what retains players since folks want to get decked out with the best possible gear and take on the biggest challenges. Right now, we're all aiming for taking on the Raid and its difficulties.
I almost thing Bungie is genius for making the early game piss easy to get through. They've essentially gotten rid of the biggest hangup of starting a MMO.
When is the first expansion releasing? At the end of this year?
He is by the Speaker....
Bungie really needs to announce where he is, people seem confused.
Wait, you could BUY strange coins?!?
Maaaaaaaan I have 21 MoL and I need 23 for an exotic engram.
Feel kinda burned out on Destiny. Doing the dailies and bounties everyday and feel like I haven't progressed at all since last week. Hmm.
I have two level 20's and have been losing sleep since 9/9. This game is something else. Like others have said its a miracle I am functioning at work at all.
I am SO dumb. I was wondering why I still couldn't buy armour after playing for so long... Turns out New Monarchy all require Crucible Marks, and it was stopping me from levelling up. I made it almost LV3 New Monarchy before realising =(